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Having just gone through the odyssey of getting mrxvt, an alternate terminal, running on my N810, I thought I'd put all the disparate information in one thread. I'm also hoping that others will chime in with hints and tips on how to set it up, especially the keyboard shortcuts.

Note... some commands require root privs. I use sudo but there are other ways. Also, I'm writing these commands out from memory and I'm, well, getting old and senile. Be careful.

(mostly from: t_moyashi

1) download the deb from here:

Note that I modified the link as it's b2 instead of b1 now.

2) extract it via:
dpkg-deb -X mrxvt_0.5.4-1+b2_armel.deb destdir

3) move the binary:
sudo mv destdir/usr/bin/mrxvt-full /usr/bin/

4) make the binary executable
sudo chmod o+x /usr/bin/mrxvt-full

5) write a .desktop file:
sudo touch /usr/share/applications/hildon/mrxvt.desktop

Honestly, I'm still trying to figure this file out. Any hints welcome.

6) edit your config file:
vi ~/.mrxvtrc

Of course, running the app (mrxvt-full) throws a dependency error on libxpm4. Your results may vary if you have something it likes installed.

I picked up the deb for that from:
and then went through the above steps to unpack, copy, and make executable - though it goes in the lib folder not bin. If you can't figure out the syntax for that, well then you probably don't need a new terminal program. It still throws an error on libjpeg not having the right version info, but it loads and I'm not looking for background images anyway.

Then I grabbed an example of the config file, something like:
but that wasn't it. Anyway, I ripped most of it out and set the font to Monospace with a size of 20 (I said I was getting old).

So... that got it working on my system, so now when I start it via personal launcher, it loads up my little Perl script that rips through my quick-clips and give my my to-do list in fullscreen. Lot of work just for that. But, I'm liking this mrxvt and I'm thinking if I can figure out the keyboard shortcut thing it might just replace osso_xterm.

Any hints? Anyone want to share their config file? Desktop file? Notes on a better way to get mrxvt installed? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time I went the long way round to get somewhere.
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For a desktop config, just find an app that you don't use, like Gizmo, and simply edit that.

Honestly though, the best way to go is to install Roxterm.

It's by far my favorite.
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Also, look into installing a hacked libvte4 that will remove a single, invisible border in your terminal window.

It will allow for a better screen resolution. 800x480 instead of 798x478.

You can find the .deb file in this thread.

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