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Anyways, sorry for hijacking the thread. I just wanted to share my excellent experiences with the iPhone and it turned into a feature comparision.

The 770 and N800 are fairly sweet. Its unfortunate that after 2 years the ease of use on the IT's hasn't improved. On something portable, install packages should be available instead of links to repositories. Its confusing for a lot of people, sure there is .install files but they are fairly rare.

I think what I'm getting at is, "sweet we got a gecko browser now, modest email is coming, and ohh there is a wimax version coming", but after 2 years we're still getting "technology upgrades / demos". Not too much has been done to sweeten the experience, or make it feel refined. Thats why I keep blabbing my mouth about "the phone that shall not be named". It feels refined, as if it was built for me to enjoy, instead of spending hours tweaking and adjusting.

Remember all those SDHC kernels? The hell took so long for an official one (thats slow btw)? Why did serge and co have to spend so much time trying to resolve tearing and weak video performance? These are things that Nokia should have brought to the table, giving us a nice baseline to work with. I don't see this ever evolving until some drastic changes are made.
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Originally Posted by sherifnix View Post
Anyways, sorry for hijacking the thread. I just wanted to share my excellent experiences with the iPhone and it turned into a feature comparision.

The 770 and N800 are fairly sweet. Its unfortunate that after 2 years the ease of use on the IT's hasn't improved. On something portable, install packages should be available instead of links to repositories. Its confusing for a lot of people, sure there is .install files but they are fairly rare.

I think what I'm getting at is, "sweet we got a gecko browser now, modest email is coming, and ohh there is a wimax version coming", but after 2 years we're still getting "technology upgrades / demos". Not too much has been done to sweeten the experience, or make it feel refined. Thats why I keep blabbing my mouth about "the phone that shall not be named". It feels refined, as if it was built for me to enjoy, instead of spending hours tweaking and adjusting.
You have really summed up the whole sad experience well. The N770 is a good device, but it just isn't cutting it on so many levels. I really think (the eternal optimist) that if they had opened the OS up more things would have been different. if user's could have removed the software that they didn't need and developed right on the tablet I think it would have been golden.

Needless to say I will not be getting a N800 or anything else with an N for that matter. There was an article in the latest issue of Fortune magazine as to how Samsung is getting poised to clean Nokia's clock and I say good for them.
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I too am not rushing out to buy an N800 either. I really wanted to like and use this device for the internet functions, but continue to be left wanting. Maybe my excpectations are a bit high though.

The web browser still leaves me wanting. A true tabbed experience would be great. Opera still crashes and disappears without warning. (I'm running the latest 2006 os, but recently decided to try the 2007HE.)

A feature that would have been great for me is an easier way to save web pages for offline reading. To often I'd try to save one in Opera to find it only saved a bit of the page. A print to PDF function would have been wonderful.

Minimo is *ok* but takes a long time to load. Maybe the continued development of it will help out. Are there suggestions out there for either items?

I'm hoping the updated HE will improve things, but we shall see. I still really want to like this device more than I do. Here's hoping that I will.
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Originally Posted by Linear2202 View Post
.... I still really want to like this device more than I do. Here's hoping that I will.
I feel your pain. I was very much enthralled with the 770 when it came out. I like the concept, the layout and the features. Read my earlier posts on this board for defenses against people attacking it. Now, I am tired of the BS from Nokia and sorry that my 770 is just a great potential but not much of anything realized.
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about the browser crashing. as it seems the gecko one also does so, maybe even more often, im starting to suspect the ui wrapper (osso-brower or something). or maybe that its not a crash at all.

i have been told that there is a monitoring daemon in there that will reboot the device if a program does not respond in time. could this daemon try to kill programs that "overload" the cpu?
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I have no illusions that this updated HE edition will suddenly solve my issues, but I'm hoping it's improved in some respects. We shall see.
It's odd that we at least don't get browser improvements. I'd be hard pressed to believe the browser is tied into the OS (cough cough).
I remember seeing your posts Odin before. I spent alot of time in forums here, but never posted much. The IT spent a bunch of time on my shelf before I decided to see if I could use it more. I really don't want it to an expensive paperweight.
Again, here's hoping to a nicely improved HE when it's released to the public.
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i suspect that if nokia where to turn over development to the community fully, things would be more interesting. but i find it unlikely to happen.

the problem with HE is the number of closed source parts. those are black boxes that if fail, cant be fixed

btw, i more and more suspect that the microB issues are ram issues.

basically its classical *nix behavior to shut down programs that eat to much ram, is it not? so i suspect that when microB or similar try to grab more ram then can be freed up, its basically killed, no ifs, buts or anything like that.

and as every browser window runs as part of the same "task", we get a effect similar to old style IE.

yes, being able to save the url that was last opened would help greatly. but there needs to be a dialog about that as sometimes autoloading the last page may just send the browser over the ram limit again as the page is to graphically intensive or similar.

also, microB seems to take longer and longer to load for some reason. but then its on a 770 so im not really that surprised that its slow. but its become more noticeable or something. its as if the browser window just sits there doing nothing. i even see "not responding" messages now and then.

Last edited by tso; 2007-09-03 at 11:43.

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