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Meeting held 2014-09-30 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Attending: Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme), Philippe Coval (rZr), Niel Nielsen (nieldk), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen)

Partial: Gido Griese (Win7Mac), Paul Healey (sixwheeledbeast)

Absent: Joerg Reisenweber (DocScrutinizer05)

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

  • DocScrutinizer/joerg_rw stepped down from Council?
  • Transition to Maemo e.V., referendum
  • Open points, karma

Topic (DocScrutinizer/joerg_rw stepped down from Council?):

  • A longer discussion about whether DocScrutinizer/joerg_rw stepped down from council, or not?
    At least he said so on TMO a few times, but did not yet announce something to Council or on mailing list. Also he did not yet answer to a mail sent by juiceme (in private). Neither did he appear for the last 4 weeks meetings.
    Therefore the Council sees him fully absent. And will try to get an official statement from him once more.
Topic (Transition to Maemo e.V., referendum):

  • Juiceme's post request-for-comments on TMO about the relationship of the Council the e.V. started to get some user comments.
    This discussion should continue on TMO and be the basis for the referendum text.
  • Juiceme asked chem|st about creation of web pages (sub pages on for the e.V.: techstaff should be asked for arrangement and giving rights to board members (i.e. juiceme, nieldk).
Topic (Open points, karma):

  • Short discussion abut open points. Especially the karma system.
  • Karma recalculation is okay, only wiki edits (according to Doc) should not work correctly.
  • Another point is/was the CSS bug on

Action Items:
  • -- old items:
  • Check if karma calculation/evaluation is fixed. - Karma calculation should work, only wiki entries (according to Doc) not considered. To be cross-checked ...
  • NielDK to prepare a draft for letter to Jolla. - Obsolete
  • Sixwheeledbeast to clarify the CSS issue on with techstaff. - Done
  • juiceme to create a wording draft for the referendum (to be counterchecked by council members). - See
  • Everybody to make up their own minds about referendum and give feedback.
  • -- new items:
  • Juiceme to send mail to DocScrutinizer/joerg_rw asking on behalf of council for a statement about his councilor status.
  • Peterleinchen to check CSS bug and inform techstaff.

Link: Original article.

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