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Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
Again what are you going on about? The fact is this hadn't even hit development repos yet.
At the time I posted, .47 had been in my devel repo for a minimum of 5 hours, maybe more.

Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
If you lack even the most rudimentary of problem solving skills/understanding STAY AWAY!
Agreed. This is what I said you should have done, not what you did. What you did is you took it upon yourself to administer a punishment which is, in your opinion, fitting to the high crime of asking.

Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
Cool false analogy bro, however allow me to take it a step further. What kind of dumbas$ would drink random cups of liquid, then expect sympathy when it was found out they drank a lab sample of herpes?
You expect doctors to run a test screening at the entrance to determine if you did all the right things before giving you the antidote? Does anyone /deserve/ anti-venom, since they have obviously been stupid enough to be around a snake?

By that measure, if someone falls in a well, we should p*ss on top because whatever he gets he deserves for being around a well? Do you even know how his English is? His age?

Don't help if you don't want, lecture if it makes you feel better. You shouldn't be lecturing if you don't help, make way for those who do want to help. Just don't throw stuff in, that's low.

Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
No, this is more like the dog that steals food from the table. No matter how many times you explain to the dog 'Don't steal food from the table, it is people food not dog food!' The damn critter just doesn't understand.
a) Every time it's a different dog. It's not the same person asking, it's another user. The fact that you tally them together means nothing to nobody. By that standard, you're whatever-i-want because I had to deal with 5 whatever-i-wants today. The dog in your story is a different dog every time, can't remember from dog to dog and your chilli is just cruel and pointless.

b) By the time you apply dog training techniques to humans you should already have a slight feeling you're over what is socially acceptable.

Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
student: What is 2+2?
vi: 4
student: What is 2+2?
vi: 4
student: What is 2+2?
vi: 4!
student: What is 2+2?
vi: 4!
student: What is 2+2?
vi: 4!
student: What is 2+2?
vi: stand on the motorway with your eyes shut, the answer will hit you in a minute.
There are so many things wrong with that. Like being under the impression that they were asking YOU. When you are a teacher, like in the above scenario, maybe. Not in real life. Also,

a) If it were obvious like that, it would have been cool. It was not. You told the user to close his eyes and take 2 steps forwards, after which you pushed him into the tracks. Your justification being "he was stupid enough to listen to me". Which kinds of tells me things about you.

b) If you were a teacher and that student (again with the same person thing, really, TMO is quite large) got hit by a train, you'd go to jail for abusing a position of power and trust to trick a student to his death. Medical personnel, police, teachers of all ranks (including university) have special laws in place, making what they do to their students, patients, etc way worse.

You should not mistake gullibility or ignorance with stupidity and malevolence.

And frankly, even if they were asking you, and even if they did simply tl;rd the thread, and even if they thought to themselves "you know what, I'll be a d*ck today. I will NOT read the thread, I will NOT document, I'll just skip and ask vi_ personally what to do", even then, they're holes and you'd be lowering yourself to their level.

I guess that's a wakeup call for me, as well. We all have bad days.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

Keep the forums clean: use "Thanks" button instead of the thank you post.

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Originally Posted by crash16 View Post
did anyone managed to run joikuspot with the new kernel??....As I read on the forums the joiku_bounce problem should be fixed but when i run joikuspot the phone restarts after a few seconds...
no reboot here but I do get an error 6-45--15.
Mailed Joikuspot support for it .

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Originally Posted by Alfred View Post
Guys, if i install bleeding edge wifi drivers(46-wl1) over v47 will v47 save all his new features, or should i rather create a new multiboot entry?
What is there to install? The wifi drivers don't get installed, they're just modules. Files. You stick them in a folder (or anywhere on device really), and then you insmod them.

46-wl1 was just power kernel compiled a tiny bit differently (cfg80211 compiled as a module - something you can load/unload, instead of "statically linked" - i.e. a part of the kernel itself).

47 does exactly what 46-wl1 did. Basically, imagine injection driver "kernel compatibility" as a patch (I wouldn't call it that, but it makes it easier to get what I'm saying) - said "patch" was introduced in 46-wl, and was merged into the main power-kernel in 47. Now if you do get that, then don't think of it as a patch from now on - it's just a different compilation option for the kernel. Up to power46, kernel was compiled one way. When lxp made the injection driver patches, they needed the kernel to be compiled slightly differently, hence 46-wl. But now pali has made 47 compile the same way, so there's no need for a separate kernel.

So, @all not comprehending: there's nothing to install for injection drivers - you know this. Think back to how you install 46-wl - you install/flash the kernel - but the modules just sit in a folder, and then you run scripts to load them. Just take that folder with the modules and the load/unload scripts, and use stuff from it.

But now power47 has what power46-wl had, so you already take care of all the installing you need to do. (Though if you want the osso-wlan fix lxp packaged/made [which should just go in the CSSU instead], that's a kernel-independent package, so you still have to install that - but it's also irrelevant to injection driver use.)

So just install power47, forget about 46-wl - it's no longer necessary to have a seperate power kernel for injection - and just load/unload the injection driver as you did before.

Originally Posted by vi_
No, this is more like the dog that steals food from the table. No matter how many times you explain to the dog 'Don't steal food from the table, it is people food not dog food!' The damn critter just doesn't understand. So you leave a chilli and mustard sandwich on the table. The dog eats it and freaks out. Dog stops stealing from the table.
Oh, right, comparing non-sentient life conditioning to the best way to teach human beings is much more accurate of an analogy than his hospital thing. His hospital one is actually pretty close, and for what it's worth, your randomly-drinking-medical-samples is inaccurate too - it's not like he went online, saw a shell script, and went "**** that looks badass let me go run that".

If you want a closer analogy, it's like being at a party where you aren't close to most people but know of them, and have reason to think that the place is actually civil. Then when you ask for a drink someone hands you a spiked one - one that was spiked in plain view for the lolz of it by someone as a joke, not in true malice per se - and you happened to be occupied by something else at the time this *****ic joking was going on, so you don't actually know what it has in it.

But even that doesn't fully get it right, because if you're seeing your temperature reporting a really high temperature and don't in advance know the module in question is reporting things different, you're probably getting worried - even if you can rationally say - there's no way it's THAT hot or it would be frying my hand.

Now, it's still f'ing stupid to not even THINK that "hey, maybe this is mentioned in this thread, I should actually read the entire thing". But the situation is not helped by doing what you did. At least, it's not helped as much as it could be with other solutions. Now some guy who's only fault was thinking it's okay to casually ask instead of diligently search has to go reflash, spending anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days, and only a portion of people would psychologically react to that kind of "punishment/lesson" as a lesson to understand the code they run before they use it. Most will just become either less trusting, or get put off from trying to understand things they don't currently understand in general.

Learning isn't eating. You don't want them to avoid using code, you want them to understand the code before using it. The kind of learning that happens from such basal conditioning is not the kind of learning that fosters a concept that abstract.

Furthermore, in your student analogy - it's not the same student, it's multiple students. And then one guy gets screwed just because you got annoyed by the ones before him. The guys before him, and the guys after him, don't learn either way.

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XiliX's Avatar
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i really like the new update. Thats what this tread was about, wasnt it?
I like it. hmmm!
Thanks kernel-making-dude!

Btw, if all of you dudes could help this guy instead of fighting about nothing, it would be deeply appreciated:

Last edited by XiliX; 2011-05-04 at 23:17.

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Posts: 7 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ Mexico
Awesome!!!! the transition Potrait-landescape is more fast
but one problem
U-boot is not working anymore, =C
i see that the maintainer of U-boot for kernel-power v46 is Mohammad
Any chance of U boot for kernel-power v47 MaG?????? >.< C=
anyway thanks a lot
Dark_Angel85's Avatar
Posts: 519 | Thanked: 123 times | Joined on Oct 2010 @ Malaysia
just asking,

does this have any effect on the IM accounts cause recently after the update, the IM accounts just doesn't seem to connect properly... or this has nothing to do with it?

1000min 1000max @ ulv
PR1.3 with CSSU latest update
Malaysian N900 user!!!
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And our winner of the "gratuitous use of cat*" award for today is...
Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
echo $(cat /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/temp) | awk '{ print $1/10}'
Put that in your | and smoke it. Now shut up and let the man code.
*Also, echo. And output substitution.
Or was this meant as an entry to the obfuscated code competition?

Anyway, congrats on the Russian roulette script, had me lmao for a good 5 minutes.

For the critics regarding "it's different people each time" -- no, it's a bunch of people all doing it this time, and you can bet they all did it last time they saw a long thread about non-production software, and chances are quite good they'll all do it next time.

Not that I really think getting them to wipe their filesystems will change that, though.

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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
For the critics regarding "it's different people each time" -- no, it's a bunch of people all doing it this time, and you can bet they all did it last time they saw a long thread about non-production software, and chances are quite good they'll all do it next time.
Depends on how you read the "it's different people each time" line, as language is ambiguous.

The point is, the SAME person won't ask the SAME question in the SAME thread... well, I ran into someone like that on this forum, when I actually diligently tried to explain to someone how to get some basic stuff done from X-Terminal. But that's still not what was going on here.

My point (and I think ndi's too) was that hitting ONE of those "all" will not make anyone else behave better, and it's also not the best way to make the one person who gets hit behave better... amusing though it may be for some of us who actually get what's going on.

It's like someone asks some question about a symptom they have, that five minutes on Google would answer, who has never seen seen a tazer nor knows what it is, and then you give them the tazer and say - "here, touch the two metal pins to the spot that's bothering you and press that switch, it'll make it better". They'll learn to be distrustful and paranoid a lot sooner, then they will learn to take the tazer, and then research what it does, before proceeding to do the advised step or not.

Meanwhile the other people asking the same stupid question, at best, learn a similar lesson - if they learn anything. We're dealing with people who can't read a single post in the threads they ask their questions, or can't retain/comprehend anything that they read. And we expect them of all people to learn from the experience of one other person - experience that is documented in a couple of scattered posts in a thread.

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# SHINY_DEB='{extras-devel,extras-testing}

Okay. First off, I'm backtracking my post way back there.
This kernel has serious potential, and with all the new/backported modules and fixed the community needs, this'll go well with a modified uAB USB connector and H-E-N. It's good to see that the wl1 patch is being compiled into it, as I don't need to reboot from power46 anymore.

Second, search is difficult to use on any forum. It's easy to read though 5 pages of discussion on $SHINY_DEBS. It is /not/ easy to wade through 528 pages of lengthy discussion. Sometimes, it's just easier to punch in "searchterms" into Google.

I think it would be best if we could just send users to the first post, instead of endlessly rambling again and again about the same thing. (Oh wait, that doesn't work. See the NITDroid threads.)
N9 PR 1.3 Open Mode + kernel-plus for Harmattan
@kenweknot, working on Glacier for Nemo.
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Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
And we expect them of all people to learn from the experience of one other person - experience that is documented in a couple of scattered posts in a thread.
ok, ok, suggesting a command that kills a device isn't the nicest thing (although the original version actually doesn't work) but I can't be 100% with you on that one. If someone can't read one post above, then that's more than sad. The same question was answered mutiple times in a single page, how much more delicate attention do you want?

Maybe we all should rant on this is a separate thread?

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battery-status, bq27x00_battery, kernel, kernel-power, misiak4king, noobs-cant-read, pali4president, patches, readdirections, revolverspinyou

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