
Poll: Does the "generate" button cause the app to crash?
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Does the "generate" button cause the app to crash?

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Posts: 309 | Thanked: 519 times | Joined on Oct 2010
definitely! That never even crossed my mind!

As for the password, I thought you'd prefer that it was remembered... but I suppose you only need to send to the desktop pc once, so I should change that.

The scp part is just user@address:~/Desktop/
And I've been meaning to get rid of those warnings..

I haven't done much with this app lately mostly because I'm having problems with QtSDK1.1 (ahhh 1.0, how I miss thee)...but stay tuned for an update sometime later this week. I'll be sure to include suggestions!
Posts: 309 | Thanked: 519 times | Joined on Oct 2010
I would like to announce the following:

Gnome3 all the way, baby!
*Puts on fedora hat and drives into the sunset*
Posts: 29 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I would like to announce the following:
Gnome3 all the way, baby!
*Puts on fedora hat and drives into the sunset*
+ 1
Posts: 1,378 | Thanked: 1,604 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Göteborg, Sweden

The Following User Says Thank You to handaxe For This Useful Post:
Posts: 309 | Thanked: 519 times | Joined on Oct 2010
The audio to Xout feature was actually included in one of my earlier releases, but I had to drop it because it messed up my menu system and VLC seemed the easier cross-platform option.

The Desktop -> Phonecall feature is interesting though and is something I want to implement, so I'll add that to the todo list.

Other than that, thanks for waiting guys - I haven't been working on it much recently (I bricked my phone for 2 weeks and lost motivation), but I should release a maintenance update sometime VERY soon.

Don't expect any new features just yet, all I've done is tidied up a few scripts and got rid of the horrific "Calibrate Camera" screen. I've also stuck an option to NOT remember password if you don't want it to.

The Following User Says Thank You to tetris11_ For This Useful Post:
Posts: 173 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ London, UK
If this could listen on a port accept GET /anything and return a mime type and large content length coupled with compatible mpeg4 video then many more apps and devices such as a playstation3 or browser could just fetch the video from the phone.

I've managed to faff about to collect the udp stream via vlc but it isn's user friendly and kludging making this easier by having it scp files around? Really?

What I've been hoping to work out, is what gst-launch params you use (vi the binary) and replicating this on the cmdline in the hopes to use netcat to simulate what I suggest. My hope is that with the gstreamer filtering, the video that is output will be compatible with my playstation as there is something incompatible with stock video recorded .mp4s and I don't know what.
Posts: 309 | Thanked: 519 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Dude you're talking to a kiddie scripter here; I don't have a clue what you just said. Are you saying that you want some kind of webend access to the phone so that you can get the stream directly through a browser, instead of faffing around with the scp'ed gstreamer scripts?

If so - then that's the end plan matey, but I just don't know how to setup a basic apache server yet, and every attempt to broadcast to http has failed so far (I've tried mplayer, ffmpeg, ffserver but no working solution yet).

As for your last paragraph, I've got my gstreamer params straight from the maemo wiki and from helpful suggestions from users on the forum like handaxe. Tell me which gstreamer params you want (vlc,x,webcam) and I'll send you the line.

Also you seem to be pretty on the ball, so if you have some pointers on how to get this end solution up and running, then I'm all ears.
Posts: 173 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ London, UK
Amazingly I got it working!

You only need gstreamer and socat

socat TCP4-LISTEN:8080,reuseaddr,fork exec:/home/user/httph263

httph263 contains:

#socat TCP4-LISTEN:8080,fork,reuseaddr,exec:/home/user/httph263
read throwaway
sleep 7
echo HTTP/1.0 200 Ok
echo Server: socat kludge
echo -n Date:
echo Content-Type: video/x-msvideo
echo Content-Length: 10000000
echo Last-Modified: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 22:53:20 GMT
echo Connection: close

and gsttest contains:

rm -f /home/user/catter 2>/dev/null
mkfifo /home/user/catter
gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! videoscale ! \
video/x-raw-yuv,width=320,height=240 ! dsph263enc ! \
filesink location=/home/user/catter >/dev/null &
cat /home/user/catter

I can then use vlc

and it only bloody works! is the IP the phone has on my wifi network, if I'm on 3G I'd use an ssh tunnel to a box with apache and use a ProxyPass config. However my main objective is still unmet.

The blooming PS3 doesn't like dsph264enc, dsph263enc or dspjpegenc and I don't see alternatives available with this compile of gstreamer.

The above scripts are kludgy poor work in progress. I don't know what you mean script kiddie, large complex C based code compiled to a working n900 arm binary providing a GUI is a massive achievement IMO (albeit unneccesary for geeks like me).

Last edited by damion; 2011-06-20 at 01:12.

The Following User Says Thank You to damion For This Useful Post:
Posts: 309 | Thanked: 519 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Holy **** I woke up this morning and almost crapped myself upon reading your post.

Do you mind if I steal your code and implement it as the default VLC/browser option? I can't believe you got it up and running in such a short time!

As for the encoding problem, have you tried:

gst-launch-0.10 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! videoscale !\
video/x-raw-yuv,width=320,height=240 !\
ffmpegcolorspace ! jpegenc 100 !\
filesink location=/home/user/catter.avi

where the 100 is just the quality of the jpeg encoding (0-100) <credit to handaxe>
I dont know if this will conflict with your httph263 script.

Edit: Okay I just tried out your method, and I seem to be getting some kind of output of the right dimensions, but just a black screen. Are you getting an actual picture?

Edit2: Oops, delete the avimux part in the code I gave you. My method seems to give the same black box output as your method, but maybe it will work for you?

Last edited by tetris11_; 2011-06-20 at 10:44.
Posts: 173 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ London, UK
This obviously should be done using a socket reusing clean http daemon, even if self implemented in C. I used socat as it was all I had available. The reason I was able to do it so quickly is because I prototyped it in shell script cmdline utils! This is why I asked about why your initial release was such a fancy GUI overkill entire C compiled arm binary I hadn't realised how easy gstreamer could be used to generate a stream of workable video data from /dev/video. I've only played a bit with mencoder, ffmpeg, vlc and other tools on desktop systems in the past and didn't want to face compiling those. So I was glad to see gstreamer did the job.

However I'm not sold on the idea. You can see I had to kludge away the stdout it spews using a fifo, I'd toyed over the idea of tail -n +5 or some perl to pull in the 1st five lines and throw them away. Basically gst-launch is being a bit crap here. I think the fancier shell magic is to use alternate standard file descriptor numbers and use /proc/self/fd/N after redirecting output accordingly. Also it dawns on me that there is no need for two scripts, I was just working on one and then the other. Initially doing an ssh "./gsttest" |mplayer -
Could even do the socat in the same script with some clever semaphore with an environment variable or something. Anyway...

I'm keen to try ffmpegcolorspace ! jpegenc 100, but I'm not 100% sure the PS3 will accept a streamed mjpeg stream. It definitely should accept a 640x480 h263 video, I wonder if a lack of fourCC tag or lack of audio track are upsetting it. I might need to add audio and/or find an ffmpeg and switch to encoding with that from /dev/video as I know in ffmpeg I can add -tag XVID

As for black video, I got that often when I forgot to open the camera, I don't mean to imply you forgot, just just in case! I say this as it hit me multiple times My encoding lines are pretty much copied from what I got simply binary editing your application and searching for "gst-l" and replacing the nulls (^@) with values.

The reason I made it 320x240 was because for some reason 640x480 wasn't making it over my ~1MB wifi network without added buffering in vlc, mplayer was bombing out. I probably should use h264 which will encode to lower bitrate.

gstreamer, lets rock, video stream

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