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pantera1989's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Such a show off. My S_Note eats N950's for breakfast !
How does it achieve that? I'm genuinely curious. What are its strong points?

I don't like Android much. The N900 still functions well and I love it, but 1GB of RAM is much needed. Meego seems the best upgrade right now, but I don't want to buy an abandoned phone. Not again.

So to go back to my original question: how does Note/Android beat N950/Meego?

I've been searching comparisons for days now. I can only find reviews of meach model, but a side by side comparison is much better.

And specs mean nothing. A dual core CPU is useless if not needed. People always think bigger is better. But it might be massive overkill too.

Just think about this: a 1300cc Suzuki Hayabusa will leave an 8400 cc Dodge Viper in the dust. Bigger is NOT always better.. You have to keep the use cases in mind.

Last edited by pantera1989; 2011-10-16 at 20:22.

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Originally Posted by electroaudio View Post
Good thinking!

But after reading so many of these useless threads:

Why bother about support!? updates!? and a lot of other such useless stuff!?
-Get what you want and like as it is today...
... And dont buy something that doesnt work for you, and probably never will work tomorrow either, regardless of how many updates it gets...

Is there really anyone who buys a car for daily use, without wheels? even if the engine is really powerfull?
And then is happy just if they get a promise by some support saying that wheels *maybe* will be included in the future...
-Probably noone, unless they are really stupid would do that.

But it seems like everyone wants a phone without wheels as long as it has a powerful engine, and dont even bother whether wheels has been promised in the future or not, as long as they get promises about new uppgrades for the engine....

Get a car with wheels, that you can use today!
And dont bother about future uppgrades,
when you can have something thats works now!
but you wouldn't buy a car if you knew in 6 time that your neighbours car would be upgraded and could now run twice as quick and use less fuel, particularly if the firm who made your car could be the same but hadn't. Plus that child seat you wanted would only fit your neighbours car!

I am amazed Nokia are still selling the N9 as I can loads of disgruntled owners in 6 months time when support disappears and the promised apps etc never arrive.
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Originally Posted by droitwichgas View Post
Plus that child seat you wanted would only fit your neighbours car!
Then buy the same car as the neighbour, so what is the problem?
-If the neighbours car does what you want it to do and fits your usage the best, then that car is the best for you.
-However, it may be a bad buy for your neighbour, that has a completely different chair that wont fit...

I am amazed Nokia are still selling the N9 as I can loads of disgruntled owners in 6 months time when support disappears and the promised apps etc never arrive.
Again, Dont depend on support that may never come...
The N9 or whatever may still be the best unit for your personal usages, but a bad choice for someone else that use it differently.
Use the best one for you today, and forget about that stupid idea that it should be "better" in the future... when you probably dont even own it anymore.

I did not buy a n900 until it got a good office-package that i liked, before that i stuck to my old N9500 which worked perfectly for what i wanted it to do.
It would just be madness for me to buy it earlier and then have a uselees phone for a long time, and just hope that a officepackage that i liked would come in the future to make the phone useful, that would have been a complete and extremely stupid waste!

...And there were never any talks about support, uppgrades or anything like that on the N9500 forums, noone needed it and noone cared about it. The N9500 was a finished product from the factory, and everyone treated it as a finished product.
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Kangal's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pantera1989 View Post
How does it achieve that? I'm genuinely curious. What are its strong points?

I don't like Android much. The N900 still functions well and I love it, but 1GB of RAM is much needed. Meego seems the best upgrade right now, but I don't want to buy an abandoned phone. Not again.

So to go back to my original question: how does Note/Android beat N950/Meego?

I've been searching comparisons for days now. I can only find reviews of meach model, but a side by side comparison is much better.

And specs mean nothing. A dual core CPU is useless if not needed. People always think bigger is better. But it might be massive overkill too.

Just think about this: a 1300cc Suzuki Hayabusa will leave an 8400 cc Dodge Viper in the dust. Bigger is NOT always better.. You have to keep the use cases in mind.
Here you go:

BTW your analogy of the motorbike to the car is FLAWED. Comparing those two is symmetrical to comparing an ARM SoC to an x86 CPU. Obviously the x86 has more grunt but the ARM would win due to definite design advantages i.e. SoC

I would say the analogy your looking for is more like comparing two cars one with sports tyres (lots of grip) and one that is stock (and slightly deflated). The first car needs less power to overtake the second car, but how much is the difference in tyre effeciency compared to the power (SoC) compensation?

Last edited by Kangal; 2011-10-17 at 05:08.

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pantera1989's Avatar
Posts: 577 | Thanked: 699 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Malta
Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Here you go:

BTW your analogy of the motorbike to the car is FLAWED. Comparing those two is symmetrical to comparing an ARM SoC to an x86 CPU. Obviously the x86 has more grunt but the ARM would win due to definite design advantages i.e. SoC

I would say the analogy your looking for is more like comparing two cars one with sports tyres (lots of grip) and one that is stock (and slightly deflated). The first car needs less power to overtake the second car, but how much is the difference in tyre effeciency compared to the power (SoC) compensation?
A spec sheet really? I told you. Specs mean nothing. What I want is specific fields where the Samsung Note will beat the N950. Eg: The N950 takes x seconds to open a webpage, Samsung note takes x seconds. The N950 can last x hours, Samsung Note can last X hours. But more importantly, I want to compare how android fares against meego.

And my analogy is not flawed. Both are vehicles that roam the roads. One is faster straight and the other at cornering. YOUR analogy is wrong. You can't fit an X86 on a mobile, as they are intended for desktops. Different use case. You can however fit a Viper engine on a bike (Dodge Tomahawk). But I don't care about analogies. How does the Samsung Note beat the N950?

I am talking mainly about:
Browsing - Speed, Rendering, Supported Content etc..
Video Playing - eg: 720p mkv with audio stream switching would be nice
Multitasking - Eg: can I open webpages and until they load do something else?
IM handling - Can I log into multiple accounts (fb, skype, gtalk)? How are they handled?
Ease of use - General feel of the system. But this one I would have to evaluate myself.
Typing speed - Which one is more comfortable to type with and faster?
Music - Which has the better player and sound?
Mail - Which one is handled better?

These are the main things I want in my phone. The N900 does nearly all of them, I would be happy if the new model does exactly the same as the N900, just faster. To reiterate..I wish it had more RAM. But the reality is I have to switch soon. So how do both devices fare at the previous points?

There are other advantages like terminal, camera etc, but those are minor needs.

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x61's Avatar
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Well, I am probably the only one who will not be getting any NOkia phones anytime soon. I arrived at such a decision after nokia officially decided to not release their meago phones in bothe the us & gb. Well, they are not interested in my business and I am not interested in their product.
Till the specifications of the Nexus Prime is clear ( no speculations), I'm sticking to my N900. By the way, it will clock 2yrs 22nd of next month and it is still going strong.
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NOTE this is based on my use of the SGS2, which is like Note only... slightly worse specced... So may or may very well not be useful.

SGS2 is better to type with since it has Swiftkey X from Market. I assume Note will be the same as it also has Swiftkey X.

Browsing on SGS2 was much better, both stock browser and Dolphin HD from Market. Note cant do this worse than the SGS2. It also supports flash, etc. I used my SGS2 to do things the N9 cant even consider doing. Unlike the N9, the Samsung phone browser and Dolphin HD lets you interact with the text within textboxes (replying to forums like I am now for instance), scrollable pop-up lists, etc. on websites. It also, IIRC, loaded webpages faster than the N9. This was probably due to the HSDPA+ connection though.

IM was... allright, iirc. Never used it much. Its easier to use on the N9, as its just integrated smoothly with your contacts and messages.

Mail... Not sure, not a heavy mail user. For me, who only uses a hotmail account and a gmail account, the N9 does a great job. Simple to use, very easy to add several recipients and several attatchments.

Video playing on the SGS2 was very very good. As good a screen as the N9 for sure, if not slightly better. Bigger screen too. Especially on the Note.

Multitasking on Android in general is horribly difficult imo. You could probably do something to access running programs faster, but heres how Ive always done it on SGS2:

Youre in an app. You want to close it completely and move to another app you have running. You longpress the Main key, press "task switcher", click "exit" on your current app, and click on the app you want to enter.

On the N9 you swipe from the top of the device and click on the app you want to enter.

This is insanely different. It makes multitasking so easy its not even compareable. I used to stick to completing a single task on Android because the multitasking was horrible. Id finish what i was doing, then go do what else i wanted to do. On the N9 I just fire up something, then while it loads i go start up something else, change back and diddle, etc.

Music... meh I really dont know. Not a huge fan of blocking one of my sense when Im outside walking. But Android has tons of music players and apps concerning audio. N9 doesnt.

As for general ease of use... Id have to go with N9, really.

Sorry if none of this was any help.

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Software matters.

You can buy a machine with 16 cpu cores and load MS DOS 6 on it.

But most of us will probably still prefer a clunky atom machine running Ubuntu to the aforementioned overspec-ed machine.
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Originally Posted by pantera1989 View Post
A spec sheet really? I told you. Specs mean nothing. What I want is specific fields where the Samsung Note will beat the N950. Eg: The N950 takes x seconds to open a webpage, Samsung note takes x seconds. The N950 can last x hours, Samsung Note can last X hours. But more importantly, I want to compare how android fares against meego.

And my analogy is not flawed. Both are vehicles that roam the roads. One is faster straight and the other at cornering. YOUR analogy is wrong. You can't fit an X86 on a mobile, as they are intended for desktops. Different use case. You can however fit a Viper engine on a bike (Dodge Tomahawk). But I don't care about analogies. How does the Samsung Note beat the N950?

These are the main things I want in my phone. The N900 does nearly all of them, I would be happy if the new model does exactly the same as the N900, just faster. To reiterate..I wish it had more RAM. But the reality is I have to switch soon. So how do both devices fare at the previous points?

There are other advantages like terminal, camera etc, but those are minor needs.
Man I want what you are smoking!
If a spec sheet means nothing, then you are ordered to send me your phone, you do not qualify for technology. I will exchange it for my Nokia 1616 just to make you happy.

And still you say specs mean nothing and then you say "I wish my N900 had more RAM".... hypocrite much?

And your "new" analogy is worse than the first, just re-read it (cmon man pass me what your smoking).

Anyways I'm not here to feed or cause flame-war, I want to help answer your questions.
+Browsing= The SGSII those this much better than the N9. When it comes to speed, rendering and quality of flash support.

+Video Playing= The N9's player is much better than Samsung's but there are alternate ones in the Market which are just as good as N9's. It can playback 1080p@30fps no problem from my experience, but the N9 only handles 720p. The SGSII looks so much better than N9 (picture quality) and the Note will only be a leap better.

+Multitasking= Android's current implementation is that the last four/five (compatible) apps run in the background. If it gets too intensive it pauses the apps. I find myself loading a webpage, then shifting to the calculator, doing a few calculations, going back to the browser to see it fully loaded but it doesn't work for flash content or the youtube app. N9's implementation in imba

+IM handling= I dont do any IM, but Facebooks works flawless. I didn't try this on the N9.

+Ease of use= Very debatable. There's somethings I like from the N9 but after putting custom roms and highly tweekable apps, I prefer Google's way.

+Typing speed= I would say the N9 felt faster and more comfortable but that might be a placebo effect. The SGSII is pretty good. Swype and SwiftKeyX make them very decent. I see this getting only better with a higher resolution display and larger touchscreen on the SGNote.

+Music= Both suck. But with root you can tweek the eq of the SGSII which makes the sound quality better on headsets. I don't think this will (unofficially) make to the N9.
I actually like the stock video player on the Samsung the controls are nicely laid out, the N9 feels "alien". But there might be some Qt Apps for the N9 for a better player, who knows?

+Mail= SGSII is decent, never had any issues. The Note is introducing swipable interface for the mail in landscape mode so you see the folders on the left, the list in the middle, and the mail on the right. I haven't tried it on the N9.

So basically the SGSII is a great smartphone. The SGNote brings all of the good stuff and makes it better (like resolution, screen, pen, better software etc), it is going to be a powerhouse of a phone. The N9 has several advantages, and I'm not denying them, but they're too little and most of its advantages are cancelled out because of Android's large volume of applications and support.

The Verdict: Samsung Galaxy Note is not for everybody, but those who appreciate its lineage wont be disappointed, the same cannot be said about the Nokia N9.

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afaq's Avatar
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We need to be honest about the positives and negatives about each platform. N900/Maemo was ahead of its competition (best web browser on the market, video calling) and almost every body in TMO recognised this. With the N9 we now have to accept it is no longer the market leading in some areas but innovative and different in others (swipe, multi tasking).

Android is soon becoming a viable solution for some whilst others are hanging to Maemo6/Harmattan for an OS they can make their own. Nothing wrong with either option.
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