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Posts: 152 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Shanghai, China
On N900, after I add the source, I can download almost all the apps for mameo 5.

But on N9, many good apps cannot be found on Ovi store, such as AccuWeather.

It is now very confusable on N9, too many sources to download the software.

Do you think so ?
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Originally Posted by lanwellon View Post
after I add the source, I can download almost all the apps for mameo 5.
What do you mean by this?
- that you uploaded something, that you added the Ovi repository to your application manager or something else?

The N9 has only been out for a couple of months so porting old s/w and creating new programmes is still underway. Also, some developers (companies) have been put off by being orphaned pre-release and not being released to markets where people buy software; as a result the N9 may have less software than its predecessor(s), even if it's a more capable device.
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There will be two main sources:

OVI/Nokia Store (this is still being finalized/tested but there are a few apps there already now)

1st is the main commercial source, later is the FOSS/community source.
The latter is the same idea as what was in-place for Fremantle.
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^ Yup, is gradually building-up it's listings too, & is a bit slicker.
There is of course countless other sources, but these 4x are the main ones.
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
^ Yup, is gradually building-up it's listings too, & is a bit slicker.
Well, it depends on what you mean by 'slicker' - functionality and content, or just the design. Please note that offers a range of features not available on n9-apps, including (but not limited to):

- browsable software categories (e.g. if you're interested in just games or financial software, why be forced to see everything else, mixed up)
- searching by app name, developer name, any text in description
- filtering apps by free / commercial / all
- filtering search results by free / commercial / all
- separate Downloads section for quick browsing and downloading with one click, without having to open each application page separately
- in both the Software catalog and Downloads possibility to list software from a selected developer
- Top rated / Most commented / Latest (chronological) lists
- MeeGo and Maemo discussion forums
- FAQ/Tips section (not too big but to be enhanced soon)
- Maemo/MeeGo reviews (N800, N810, N900, WeTab, etc., N9/N950 review coming soon when I find time to finish it)
- home page with daily news, not only regarding new software but also everything else about MeeGo

- .... and first of all, over 730 Harmattan applications listed and downloadable, compared to less than 70 on, i.e. by an order of magnitude more. Probably almost all there is, and surely the most of all existing Harmattan software directories.

Yes, I am aware that the design of my website looks considerably worse than n9-apps (well, I am not a graphically gifted person and despite many requests no one ever offered his help in this regard) but my goal has always been (also on My-Symbian and My-Maemo) to focus on content and functionality, not mainly the look. Hence I preferred to spend the last 3 months on adding over 730 apps and this way creating the biggest existing Harmattan software directory, rather than playing with the design....

Best regards,
Michal Jerz

Last edited by; 2011-11-29 at 07:51.

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Posts: 152 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Shanghai, China
so many different sites, is there a united site that I can find all the apps at once ?
Posts: 35 | Thanked: 85 times | Joined on Sep 2011
Our aim is just to be the easiest way to find the hottest apps. No need to browse categories etc. In this regard it's not really meant to be a index or search engine, it's just for checking if there's some cool new apps available, and participating by commenting and voting.

Most of the apps are submitted by the developers, which means you can usually get responses to feedback if you have issues. This is good, but also limits the number of apps available.

The promotion system is also designed in the way that all bad quality or spam apps are weeded out early on. Although no one has been submitting those RSS apps yet.

As far as the functionality goes, I have put a lot of effort in simple design and usability, not feature-bloat. I'll gradually add new features too when there's need. However, specific discussion&news area is coming soon to get more activity on the site.

The biggest problem indeed is the number of apps currently. Developers are submitting a few every day, but it's too slow, and not all developers know about the site. It kind of beats the purpose of the site when just few apps are added. This is also the problem which I'd hope to solve before anything else.

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Our aim is just to be the easiest way to find the hottest apps. No need to browse categories etc. In this regard it's not really meant to be a index or search engine, it's just for checking if there's some cool new apps available, and participating by commenting and voting.
First of all, please let me note that I wasn't complaining about your site, just mentioning the additional features (IMHO useful) offered by mine, while at the same time stressing that your site indeed looks much nicer. So please don't take it personal.

Regarding your post, I wouldn't say that availability of functions like searching, filtering by application type (free/paid), software categories, etc., make a site a "search engine" or a "feature-bloat" as you said. They're additional, useful features one may use or not, in addition to just browsing the software catalog. And that we list nearly 740 apps (I guess all there is) rather than 70 is surely an advantage, not a drawback... That's simply its PURPOSE.

I guess that over time you will also find functions like searching, filtering or categories INDISPENSABLE for this kind of content. Maybe now, with just 60-70 apps listed, simply browsing one long list seems easier and quicker, but when you reach many hundred or thousand of applications (like in case of our MeeGo and Maemo catalogs) then you'll surely realize that such a huge database becomes almost unusable without categorisation, filtering or search function.

I also guess that My-MeeGo does not make it harder than n9-apps to quickly find out if there are some new hot apps. The default view of the Software Catalog is the "Latest" view showing all apps in chronological order (from newest to oldest), so just taking a look at its first page gives information about all new software released lately (usually on the same day). And as we instantly list EVERY new app, I guess it does the job pretty well.

To make it possible to quickly get apps, I take a different approach. Cross-linked, but also accessible individually, are separate "Software catalog" and "Downloads" sections. If one wants to get familiar with existing apps in more detail, then the Software catalog is the place to start, providing screenshots, descriptions, people's comments. From each application page, one may go to a download page. On the contrary, if one just wants to just quickly download software, the "Downloads" section provides direct access to download links, as it lists all apps with shortened descriptions and direct download links. But if one wants to check the full description and screenshots then link to a corresponding page in the Software catalog is also provided.

I guess the site structure simply takes a bit of getting familiar with, and then it's quite simple and straightforward to use.

Just like your site, my catalog also makes it possible to vote and comment on apps. We've got nearly 1000 comments and 1500 ratings in total at the moment. And even though the apps are added by ourselves rather than developers (as this is IMHO the only way to assure that all apps are listed instantly), the developers have already realized that the catalog is very popular (Google PR4 in just two months, over 4000 unique visits daily, ~ 56.000 downloads) and many of them participate in discussions and answer people's comments, too.

Developers are submitting a few every day, but it's too slow. It kind of beats the purpose of the site
That's why I chose to do it myself, rather than waiting for developers to do it. Manually adding all apps myself takes a lot of time and effort (much more than just approving developers' submissions), but the result is a complete database of all existing apps (except for those RSS-based which I do not intend to list) updated daily.

Anyway, my opinion is that there's plenty of space for many different websites covering the Harmattan platform. And IMHO, the more of them exist the better for this niche platform/product that badly needs support. Different flavors, designs and functionality gives people a choice so that everyone can choose what suits him the most. I guess there is no need to compete, especially in the bad sense of the word.


so many different sites, is there a united site that I can find all the apps at once ?
As I mentioned, on we list all apps, and it is currently the biggest Harmattan (N9) software directory on the Internet with nearly 740 apps listed, both Ovi store apps and individual projects.

The only exceptions, which we do not intend to list, are all those hundreds of RSS-based so called "apps" filling up the Ovi store, which are not true software but "Ovi Store Wizard Apps" basically displaying an RSS feed.

So if you want to see all available N9 apps then I guess that My-MeeGo Software Catalog is the most complete resource ATM.

Best regards,
Michal Jerz
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Originally Posted by View Post
Well, it depends on what you mean by 'slicker' - functionality and content, or just the design. Please note that offers a range of features not available on n9-apps, including (but not limited to):
Mate chill......
The minute someone mentions what you perceive to be the slightest affront to my-meego, you're there to counter.
Your work is appreciated, both sites are excellent, and have a place.
It'd be great it you guys could just collaborate, it was discussed earlier on, but I think it was agreed it isn't feasible.

Last edited by jalyst; 2011-11-29 at 20:45.

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