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Originally Posted by shady View Post
why do i get a grey screen?
Can you provide some more information how you got the the gray screen in modRana ? Also, did you run modRana or modRana QML ?
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)
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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
Oh and by the way...

modRana V0.33.1 has been released !


I have an issue with recording a track: as I understood it, modrana should record a point every single second and save the file all 10 seconds per default, that's right?
That does not work for me, it only records points when I switch on the display.
When I lock the device and continue traveling, the next time I unlock the device, it shows me my current position and a straight line from the last point to the current one without having recorded any points in between.

There were some issues concerning recording in the past years and as I told you it is a clean reinstall, could anyone try to reproduce this to verify it is a bug?

CU & HANW Michael

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Originally Posted by magic_doc View Post

I have an issue with recording a track: as I understood it, modrana should record a point every single second and save the file all 10 seconds per default, that's right?
That does not work for me, it only records points when I switch on the display.
When I lock the device and continue traveling, the next time I unlock the device, it shows me my current position and a straight line from the last point to the current one without having recorded any points in between.

There were some issues concerning recording in the past years and as I told you it is a clean reinstall, could anyone try to reproduce this to verify it is a bug?

CU & HANW Michael
There seems to be a regression in track-logging at the moment & I'm working on fixing it.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to MartinK For This Useful Post:
Posts: 284 | Thanked: 161 times | Joined on Dec 2009
thanks for the reply martink i appreciate it. is there a log for when the application starts up? either way the location indicator stays in the top left, no tiles load but the gps gets a lock. im not sure what to do.

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Originally Posted by shady View Post
thanks for the reply martink i appreciate it. is there a log for when the application starts up? either way the location indicator stays in the top left, no tiles load but the gps gets a lock. im not sure what to do.

Just start modRana in xterm by typing this:
And post the output.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)
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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
Automatic rerouting
ModRana now automatically reroutes if you leave the from the route.

How does it work ?
While following a route, modRana checks every 5 seconds the distance from all line segments that the route consists of and remembers the minimum distance. If the minimum distance is more than a given threshold (30 meters by default, can be changed in options->Navigation->Rerouting),
Thanks for adding automatic rerouting. Rather than using a fixed distance to trigger rerouting, would it not make sense to adjust the trigger radius based on the Horizontal Dilution Of Precision (HDOP)? If the trigger were, for example, 3 x HDOP then the program would automatically increase its tolerance for being off-route when the quality of the location information degraded. That seems to me to be the right behavior.

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/home/user # modrana
== modRana Starting ==
modRana: loading options
process 8740: arguments to dbus_connection_get_data() were incorrect, assertion "connection != NULL" failed in file dbus-connection.c line 5757.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.
process 8740: arguments to dbus_connection_set_data() were incorrect, assertion "connection != NULL" failed in file dbus-connection.c line 5721.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.

heres the output, thanks

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Originally Posted by Ken-Young View Post
Thanks for adding automatic rerouting. Rather than using a fixed distance to trigger rerouting, would it not make sense to adjust the trigger radius based on the Horizontal Dilution Of Precision (HDOP)? If the trigger were, for example, 3 x HDOP then the program would automatically increase its tolerance for being off-route when the quality of the location information degraded. That seems to me to be the right behavior.
Thats a good point and I really do want to integrate HDOP in the rerouting-check calculation. But as there might be another causes for false-alerts, namely routes that were mapped with a slight offset or routes that were mapped correctly, but then reduced in point count to reduce storage space (eq. you might get a straight line for a slightly curved route in the routing result), I would still like to let the user to set the rerouting distance to some arbitrary number manually, to get rid of excessive reroutes in some cases.

IMHO, just using a HDOP multiple won't work - if you have a very good HDOP (say <1 m), the real route differing just 3 meters from the computed one would trigger rerouting. A very bad HDOP (>100m) would result in a 300+ m corridor.

I made a simple image, illustrating all the different terms:

The corridor around the route has the width of 2 rerouting thresholds and the real world route slightly differs from the computed one.

Possible algorithms that take HDOP into account:

Algorithm nr. 1
  • just add the current HDOP to the rerouting threshold
Good HDOP (3 m)
Threshold is increased only slightly.
EXAMPLE: 30 + 3
Bad HDOP (100 m)
Threshold increase should compensate for big HDOP.
EXAMPLE: 30 + 100

Algorithm nr. 2
  • if HDOP > 1/3*threshold, add HDOP to threshold
Good HDOP (3 m)
Threshold is not increased.
Bad HDOP (100 m)
HDOP is added to the threshold.
EXAMPLE: 30 + 100

Algorithm nr. 3:
  • check if HDOP < (1/2)*rerouting_threshold (in meters)
  • if its larger, them rerouting threshold = 2*HDOP
Good HDOP (3 m)
Threshold is not increased.
Bad HDOP(3 m)
Threshold is 2*HDOP.

Algorithm nr. 4:
  • check if HDOP < (1/3)*rerouting_threshold (in meters)
  • if its larger, them rerouting threshold = 3*HDOP
Good HDOP (3 m)
Threshold is not increased.
Bad HDOP(3 m)
Threshold is 3*HDOP.

So what do you think ? Which one is the best and/or better algorithms come to your mind ?

And thanks a lot for the donation ! I'm sending your postcard right away.

Originally Posted by shady View Post
/home/user # modrana
Looks like you are starting modRana from xterm as root (as evident due with the # in your shell) - that won't work (just checked it at my N900, got the same error). Try to run it as a normal user.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

Last edited by MartinK; 2012-07-24 at 12:32.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to MartinK For This Useful Post:
Posts: 284 | Thanked: 161 times | Joined on Dec 2009
~ $ modrana
== modRana Starting ==
modRana: loading options
N900: dbus initialized
N900 device specific module initialized
* device: A N900 modRana device-specific module (850.00 ms)
GTK GUI: size allocation <GdkRectangle at 0x3133c0>
error in screen invalidating functionexception: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'invalidate_rect'
* gui: A GTK GUI module (170.00 ms)
importing modules:
* menu: Handle menus (50.00 ms)
* location: Supplies position info from a position source (0.00 ms)
* askMenu: A sample pyroute module (0.00 ms)
* interfaceFeedback: A sample pyroute module (0.00 ms)
* animatedMapView: A sample pyroute module (10.00 ms)
* icons: Draw icons (10.00 ms)
* cron: A GTK timing and scheduling module for modRana (0.00 ms)
* positionMarker: A sample pyroute module (10.00 ms)
* stats: Handles messages (10.00 ms)
* onlineServices: A module for talking to various online services (200.00 ms)
* options: Handle options (0.00 ms)
* input: Handle input from keyboard, buttons, etc. (0.00 ms)
@ mapTiles: map folder path: /home/user/MyDocs/.maps/
* mapTiles: Display map images (180.00 ms)
* display: A platform independent display device control module (230.00 ms)
* log: A modRana logging module (10.00 ms)
* projection: Projection code (lat/long to screen conversions) (0.00 ms)
* loadTracklogs: A sample pyroute module (10.00 ms)
* notification: This module provides notification support. (0.00 ms)
* route: Routes (100.00 ms)
* mapData: Handle downloading of map data (40.00 ms)
@ storePOI: POI database path:
@ /home/user/MyDocs/.maps/modrana_poi.db
@ storePOI: connection to POI db established
* storePOI: Store POI data. (50.00 ms)
* storeTiles: Single-file-fs tile storage (10.00 ms)
* markers: A module handling markers on the map. (0.00 ms)
* example: A sample pyroute module (10.00 ms)
* units: a unit handling module (0.00 ms)
* showPOI: Show POI on the map and in the menu. (10.00 ms)
* info: A modRana information handling module (0.00 ms)
* showGPX: draws a GPX track on the map (0.00 ms)
* updateTiles: Update stored map tiles. (0.00 ms)
* search: Search for POI (0.00 ms)
* clickHandler: handle mouse clicks (20.00 ms)
* messages: Handles messages (10.00 ms)
* sketch: Sketching functionality (0.00 ms)
* tracklog: Record tracklogs (0.00 ms)
* textEntry: A module for handling text entry. (0.00 ms)
* routeProfile: Creates a route profile (an elevation chart) (30.00 ms)
* turnByTurn: A turn by turn navigation module. (0.00 ms)
* keys: A keyboard input handling module (0.00 ms)
* voice: Handle text to speech. (10.00 ms)
* tracklogManager: Module for managing tracklogs (0.00 ms)
* config: Handle configuration, options, and setup (0.00 ms)
* showOSD: Draw OSD (On Screen Display). (0.00 ms)
* tileserver: A modRana built-in tileserver (30.00 ms)
* mapView: Controls the view being displayed on the map (0.00 ms)
Loaded all modules in 1070.00 ms, initialising
icons: switched theme to: default
location: starting GPSD 1 second timer
location: enabling location
** n900 - location: - GPS successfully activated **
n900 - location: activated
N900 rotation object initialized
N900: rotation object loaded
N900: key centred toggled
N900: key rotateMap toggled
N900: application menu added
** making a list of available tracklogs
* using this tracklog folder:
* /home/user/MyDocs/tracklogs
* there are 10 tracklogs available
mapView: switching map drag mode to default
mapView: switching centering disable threshold to 2048
display: keep display ON -> while there is a GPS fix
Initialization complete in 250.00 ms
** modRana startup timing **
# device: Nokia N900 (n900)
* modRana start (0 ms), 0/8260 ms
* imports done (634 ms), 634/8260 ms
* GUI creation (0 ms), 634/8260 ms
* window created (1988 ms), 2623/8260 ms
* map widget created (1 ms), 2624/8260 ms
* window finalized (54 ms), 2678/8260 ms
* all modules loaded (3470 ms), 6148/8260 ms
* all modules initialized (2113 ms), 8260/8260 ms
** whole startup: 8260 ms **
display: redraw ON (window not hidden or minimised)
TypeError: update() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
display: redraw ON (N900 window is active)
GTK GUI: size allocation <GdkRectangle at 0x2f28c0>
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
icons: not found
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
mapTiles: exception while drawing the map layer: float division
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 498, in drawMap
cx1,cy1 = (sw*(cx-px1)/pdx,sh*(cy-py1)/pdy) #this is basically the pxpy2xy function from mod_projection inlined
ZeroDivisionError: float division
display: redraw OFF (N900 window is not active)

boom! thanks again, appreciate the help

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Originally Posted by shady View Post
boom! thanks again, appreciate the help
Thanks for the log ! I remember somebody mentioning a similar problem (that zero division error + gray screen) some time ago, but I was not able to reproduce it. Could you send me your /home/user/.modrana/options.bin file ? This is where modRana stores all its in-application-configurable settings. By loading your settings from this file, I 'might be able to reproduce the issue & fix it for good. Thanks a lot!

BTW, .modrana is a hidden folder, that is normally not visible from the file manager. But you can easily copy the file to MyDocs like this in the terminal:
cp /home/user/.modrana/options.bin /home/user/MyDocs/
Or move it there:
mv /home/user/.modrana/options.bin /home/user/MyDocs/
If modRana won't find the file, it will generate a new one, which might (temporarily ?) fix the issue.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

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bada rox, martin_rocks, modrana, navigation, openstreetmap, the best, wehasgps

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