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Posts: 149 | Thanked: 57 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by RobertMe View Post
Just to be sure. You did install the version from OpenRepos? As the version from the Jolla Store doesn't have haptic feedback (/vibrations).

If you did install from OpenRepos, it might be that something goes wrong in starting the vibration, which makes the rest of the code fail.

You might be able to get some information from the normal program output. This can be seen by for example starting Kodimote from the terminal, "/usr/bin/harbour-kodimote". But I can't promise that I will be able to fix anything without having a SFOS 2.0 installation to test.
Yes, I installed from openrepos. This is all I see launching from cli:

nemo@Jolla ~]$ /usr/bin/harbour-kodimote
[D] main:51 - got language: "en"
[D] main:55 - "couldn't load qt_en"
[D] main:61 - Cannot load translation file "kodimote_en.qm"
[D] Kodi::Kodi:98 - args are ("/usr/bin/harbour-kodimote")
[D] KodiHost::fromSettings:25 - creating host with id QUuid("{8658bcef-30f1-4c94-a14f-dde5f917abce}")
[D] KodiHostModel::addHost:52 - added host QUuid("{8658bcef-30f1-4c94-a14f-dde5f917abce}")
[D] KodiHostModel::addHost:58 - host inserted
[D] KodiHost::connect:229 - connecting host KodiHostModel(0x45084f00)
[D] LibraryItem::rating:432 - rating -1
[D] Player::Player:48 - player created libraryItem LibraryItem(0x45087668) -1
[D] LibraryItem::rating:432 - rating -1
[D] Player::Player:48 - player created libraryItem LibraryItem(0x450928b8) -1
[D] LibraryItem::rating:432 - rating -1
[D] Player::Player:48 - player created libraryItem LibraryItem(0x45092ef0) -1
[D] QWaylandEglClientBufferIntegration::QWaylandEglCli entBufferIntegration:62 - Using Wayland-EGL
[W] unknown:638 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/PageStack.js:638: Error: No attached page to pop
[D] EventClient::connectToHost:66 - connected to kodi 50
[D] LibraryItem::thumbnail:194 - thumbnail ""
[D] LibraryItem::thumbnail:194 - thumbnail ""
[D] Kodi::systemPropertiesReceived:411 - Got system properties: QMap(("canhibernate", QVariant(bool, true) ) ( "canreboot" , QVariant(bool, true) ) ( "canshutdown" , QVariant(bool, true) ) ( "cansuspend" , QVariant(bool, true) ) )
[D] Kodi::systemPropertiesReceived:417 - true true true true
[D] unknown:0 - Error reply received:
[D] unknown:0 - Request: "{
"id": 4,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "PVR.GetProperties",
"params": {
"properties": [
[D] unknown:0 - Reply: "{"error":{"code":-32100,"message":"Failed to execute method."},"id":4,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}"
[D] LibraryItem::rating:432 - rating 8
[D] Player::detailsReceived:390 - set rating to 8
[D] Player::detailsReceived:405 - set runtime 1 QTime("00:23:56.000") QVariant(double, 1436)
[D] LibraryItem::thumbnail:194 - thumbnail "image:// 169%2f304155.jpg/"
[D] LibraryItem::thumbnail:194 - thumbnail "image:// 169%2f304155.jpg/"
[D] LibraryItem::thumbnail:194 - thumbnail "image:// 169%2f304155.jpg/"
[D] LibraryItem::thumbnail:194 - thumbnail "image:// 169%2f304155.jpg/"
[D] KodiModelItem::~KodiModelItem:40 - deleting model item ""'s Avatar
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1st page has broken links

Did u relocated sources ?

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