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Posts: 10 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ USA
Hello, This is a post I recently made at my blog here. Thought it might help some of those who are looking to install Hamachi on their tablet!

Note: For the commands below I will have assumed that you have already installed the openssh server so you can access the N800 via an SSH client with root access. You can also use the built in Xterm and gainroot but it is a pain in the *** typing all of those commands in via the touchpad. If you are using gainroot some of the directories below will change, for example Hamachi will install in /home/user/.hamachi instead of /root/.hamachi. Also I downloaded the client to my memory card in /media/mmc2/ but you can put it anywhere.

Your login should look like this:

BusyBox v1.6.1 (2007-09-27 18:08:59 EEST) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter ‘help’ for a list of built-in commands.


Make sure wget is installed:

apt-get install wget

Make to get the latest Logmein Client from

Just follow my process below for installing the Hamachi client and joining your network.

Nokia-N800-51-3:/media/mmc2/tmp# wget
= `hamachi-’
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 116,020 (113K) [text/plain]

100%[==========] 116,020 256.95K/s

10:31:48 (256.33 KB/s) - `hamachi-’ saved [116020/116020]

Nokia-N800-51-3:/media/mmc2/tmp# tar zxvf hamachi-
Nokia-N800-51-3:/media/mmc2/tmp# cd hamachi-n770-
Nokia-N800-51-3:/media/mmc2/tmp/hamachi-n770- sh install

install: line 7: HAMACHI_DST: not found
Copying hamachi into ..
Creating hamachi-init symlink ..
Copying tuncfg into /sbin ..

Hamachi is installed. See README for what to do next.

Nokia-N800-51-3:/media/mmc2/tmp/hamachi-n770- cd
Nokia-N800-51-3:~# tuncfg
Nokia-N800-51-3:~# hamachi-init
Initializing Hamachi configuration (/root/.hamachi). Please wait ..

generating 2048-bit RSA keypair .. ok
making /root/.hamachi directory .. ok
saving /root/.hamachi/ .. ok
saving /root/.hamachi/client.pri .. ok
saving /root/.hamachi/state .. ok

Authentication information has been created. Hamachi can now be started with
‘hamachi start’ command and then brought online with ‘hamachi login’.
Nokia-N800-51-3:~# hamachi start
Starting Hamachi hamachi-lnx-n770- .. ok

Hamachi is now running on our little tablet!

But it has not joined our network at this point, so we follow the logmein Hamachi documentation to do so.

Nokia-N800-51-3:~# hamachi set-nick DaveN800
Setting nickname .. ok
Nokia-N800-51-3:~# hamachi login
Logging in ….>……. ok
Nokia-N800-51-3:~# hamachi join YourNetwork
Joining YourNetwork .. ok
Nokia-N800-51-3:~# hamachi go-online YourNetwork
Going online in YourNetwork .. ok

And now…checking other Hamachi clients, shows our little device is online!

Now we need to tell our tablet to put hamachi online whenever we restart the system and also set the keepalive lower.

To lower the keepalive:

Nokia-N800-51-3:~/.hamachi# echo "KeepAlive 20" >> ~/.hamachi/config

This is all great, and you should be online now. But you would need to start Hamachi on every reboot which isn’t going to cut it. We will add the Hamachi start process to the init scripts. Add the following lines to the file ‘/etc/init.d/rcS’ right before the line which says ‘exit 0′

/sbin/tuncfg;/usr/bin/hamachi -c /root/.hamachi start

In order to do this, use VI.

vi /etc/init.d/rcS

* Press capitol ‘G‘ to scroll to bottom of the file
* type ‘i‘ to enter insert mode
* hit up a few times to a blank line before exit 0, or hit enter at the beginning of the line to create a new line.
* Paste the above line into the file
* Press “esc” using the special xterm button, or hit escape if you are using ssh.
* type “:wq!” — this command enters the command, mode, tells it to write the file, then quit and execute

That should be all you need! Power off the N800 and power it back up. After restarting your N800 you should see it connect to your PVPN Hamachi network and be online!

Let me know if you have any problems or comments about the above installation procedure!

The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to ddrager For This Useful Post:
Posts: 91 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Jul 2007
LF .install/gui
overfloat's Avatar
Posts: 486 | Thanked: 173 times | Joined on Apr 2008
This is awesome, you are pretty much my hero .... now i can vnc all my computers securely from starbucks
qole's Avatar
Moderator | Posts: 7,109 | Thanked: 8,820 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Vancouver, BC, Canada
If you've got everything already set up on Hamachi, this is a great way to go. Thanks for the howto.

If you don't have Hamachi set up, ssh (and sshfs) can do the same thing. It means setting up an ssh server on your home network, however, and then making sure all required network shares are mounted on that server (so you can mount them on your tablet via sshfs). With ssh, you also need something like (so you can find your home IP address, even if it changes) and some knowledge of how to open ports on your router. As far as I understand, Hamachi does a lot of that automagically.
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Posts: 21 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jun 2006
This is awesome! Thanks so much! One question, though. With the Himachi gui on the desktop, there is a 'browse' option that lets you interact with your network shares, but I can't figure out how to do this on the tablet. Nokia's partial Samba implementation thru the file browser doesn't pick up the Hamachi network. Any ideas how to view/copy/transfer files with the tablet over Hamachi?

heavyt's Avatar
Posts: 708 | Thanked: 125 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ Too Close To D.C
Use your internet browser. Put the hamachi ip address of the box you want to see in your browser. Like
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Could'nt get the browser to pull it up, but a program called wizard mounter works perfect.

The Following User Says Thank You to samhogue For This Useful Post:
overfloat's Avatar
Posts: 486 | Thanked: 173 times | Joined on Apr 2008
i had this working on chinook, but since i upgraded to diablo and followed these steps again, hamachi does not automatically start.

If i try to run hamachi using "hamachi start" in a terminal while i am not logged in as root i get an error "Cannot access lock file /home/user/.hamachi//.lock"

if i login as root then i can start hamachi without problems.

Any ideas guys?

Posts: 10 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ USA
I sold my N800 (I know, I know) but since it acts like a normal linux system, it should be an easy fix.

My guess is that it was run as root before and the .lock file may have root permissions on it. If so, try to remove it (it should be off anyway if hamachi isnt running) so that the user 'user' can create it with the right permissions.

As a last resort, you can try to launch hamachi as root, I don't recall if that works or not.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ USA
It should treat // as / so that shouldn't be the issue.

The rm command is correct -- You can use "ls /home/user/.hamachi/.lock" to see if it still exists after you remove it.

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