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Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
4. why do you call me liar?
Poor kid, because that's the true. It looks like either you have some problems with English, or you have some psychatric disorders. I can't force you, but if you want, I can put you in touch with the right people.

Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
quit hiding behind this "not official release date" and so on. they did collect money, oficially or not - doesn't matter. it was all fun and jokes BEFORE money are taken from customers. after that point, there's RESPONSIBILITY. you can't take money _NOW_ and promise goods _SOME DAY_. there SHOULD be an "official" release date and if there's no such - any "unofficial" will do. if the seller is unsure about the date, he SHOULDN'T tell any dates at all to evade misunderstanding! not official, not unofficial. it's NOT customer's problem to identify when seller is announcing a shipping date or announcing his favourite month! that's not how MARKET works!
Actually, it's how it works in many fields. One day you will work and have a better understanding of how the world works. In this subsection, more or less your opinion is the contrary of the reality.
And please, don't blame us for your misunderstanding about the delivery date. Most of us know that none have been given since the begining, there have been only some whishes. Don't mixe up both, it will deserve you in your incoming life.

Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
promising ANY date and breaking it is NOT okay! the only thing keeping the team alive is uniqueness of the product. but that is NOT their achievement BUT current smartphone market flaw! so Chen's reply in sense of "make your own slider" is totally wrong, because he's not first on the planet to make slider, just first in 2017-2019 to REMAKE already invented design! if whoever copies that design fast enough - Fxtec is dead. so the only appropriate way is to shut up and focus on releasing the device BEFORE someone else might. instead, he's getting hysterical at the forum blaming and threatening CUSTOMERS for HIS MISTAKES! that's total nonsence. maybe in Chinese mentality it's totally okay but I haven't heard this device won't go global. and if one's targeting to global market, please ensure you have global level of customer care, PR and marketing. refusing to do so will not do anything good for the future sales or aftermarket relations (for example: "can I have a screen replacement" - "oh yes I will send it to you maybe some day when I'm in a good mood. and if you're pissed off with that - STFU or I will sue you!").
I hope with your native language, you don't write like this. There is almost no punctuation, you didn't write the required uppercase, and it seems you never learnt how to structure your writings with subsections. This is horrible to read, and actually I didn't even tried : it looks full of nonsenses.
This confort me in my opinion of you : either you don't know how to write English, and you barely understand what you read and write, or you are a psychotic which needs help and this way of writing is your way to say it.

Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
peace folks. less Stockholm sydrome since it's your money being held as hostage, not mine :P
In addition of not being able to communicate with other people, it looks like you don't understand psychatric disorders. At least, you have made quite clear that you didn't make a preorder .
Now please, go play somewhere else and stop bothering the big people kiddo, this you bring you nothing good .

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@shaihkritzer you did not pre-order so please stop talking. As a pre-order'er from Feb I have confidence in this and have seen others who have failed. Being a negative person does not encourage anything, if one wants to rant go find a wall that wants to listen. If you have constructive things to say then say them. FXtec is not a large company and those of us who pre-ordered at least myself knew that we were supporting their work, unlike a kickstart or others which have failed. So calm down and please do not comment unless you have some vested reason. You want the device support it, if you dont please stop trying to be an armchair ceo.

Last edited by marxistvegan; 2019-10-03 at 18:00.
Posts: 134 | Thanked: 370 times | Joined on Oct 2012 @ France
Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
Astaoth oh yes. Ultima ratio regum. when there's nothing left to use to insult a person you dislike - tell he's insane and not well educated. so help you for your next post, here's a guide to TMO troll victim universal arguments: 1. you are ******ed / insane. 2. you are not educated and write with mistakes. 3. you haven't created any slider phones. are envious. 5. you are poor. 6. you don't have children / wife / family. 7. I feel sorry for you / your parents. if nothing of those work, simply write "your mom is a whore" to me. I gonna run away crying. MOAR demagogy bro!
What are you talking about ? I don't dislike you, I only feel pity about you. I didn't say 71.43% on you "points", and you are only explaining why the other 28.57% are true. And please, don't misunderstand "insults" with "facts" even if they don't please you.
Whatever you think and you say, my offer to put you in touch with people which can help you is still open .

Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
back on topic. I wonder why Chen is so pissed off with the critics he receives
You didn't say any critics, you only tried to do some kind of poor bashing

Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
he should understand that the worst is yet to come.
Surely from you, but without a device your opinion will not matter.

Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
currently we have only one issue: bad / absent project management.
It's not project management but communication. But there have been more communication than with most of startups. Even the ones which do many marketing stuff don't have a good communication.

Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
but when device will (?) be released, we'll have plenty more. one can't create a 100% perfect design that would satisfy every person. they gonna complain. if only one customer pisses him off so much, how can he cope with aftermarket issues? really curious...
You aren't a customer, stop mixing the reality the way you want her to be kiddo.

As I said, please grow up a little, maybe take a work and learn how the world work, or go play somewhere else. Here you only look like a rebel teenager pissed of against the world and which want to find a way to take revenge against this world.

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Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
Never thought I could drive so many people crazy with my humble posts.
Humble posts?

Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
Chen's reply in sense of "make your own slider" is totally wrong, because he's not first on the planet to make slider, just first in 2017-2019 to REMAKE already invented design!
Not the first, you are right... but currently is the only one even considering to build a phone with slider.

I don't know what technical skills you have, but if you want to build a phone which functions well in every aspects, a slider keyboard makes the whole process much more complicated to do well.

Even the radio frequencies used in old slider phones were much less than this phone is designed to support as a lot of things changed in last years.

So they had to design appropriate antennas, good transmission / reception even in opened and closed state and ensure the phone meets also radiation requirements.
This need a lot of effort and also testing.

Testing does not exactly mean certification. Prior certifications, you have to ensure the phone will be able to pass it, so you have to do similar tests for yourself, maybe do some modifications and test again, and finally do the official test.
Prior tests may not mean worse tests, maybe even done by the same (or similar) test equipment, but unofficial ones with no certification as result, but cheaper for development and you may do minor modifications during the occasion and do additional testings.
These are special and really expensive equipments, so special laboratories and even some universities have them (I am speaking about EMI / EMC measurements and Faraday cage for example).

Doing this for a small company can be really hard and expensive.

...and as they already have FCC regulations passed (which is also really expensive as its own), they really had to do such tests written above, otherwise the chance of having successful FCC certification is extremely low.

Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
if whoever copies that design fast enough - Fxtec is dead. so the only appropriate way is to shut up and focus on releasing the device BEFORE someone else might.
It is not really easy to copy the design (if we are not speaking about an exact copy) - so to design a similar phone takes time.
Big manufacturers may be able to design a similar phone in less time, but they are also thinking it twice.
They can sell bunch of phones with much simpler design (practically they look the same anyway), but slider phones are more expensive to manufacture (less profit) and may not would be sold as the same rate or if so, bigger manufacturing price would make them a worse option to manufacture as the less profit.

Otherwise, for F(x)tec, that is why it is a good idea to build a slider phone. As an n'th manufacturer, they would not survive at all - there are several manufacturers.
...but as a manufacturer of a slider phone, they may sell enough devices to gain good profit.

If I will be satisfied with Pro1, I would also buy their next model even if other manufacturers have slider phones. So if their build quality is good, they may have good reputation and also future sales.

Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
instead, he's getting hysterical at the forum blaming and threatening CUSTOMERS for HIS MISTAKES! that's total nonsence.
Please sit down and wait a few weeks.
You are constantly saying the same and the same negative thoughts without real knowledge on what is in the background and without any knowledge about what things may happen.

For them, the most important thing would be the good reputation, so to be able to sell phones to prove the users this is a working model then there is high chance of having much more orders if everything are right.

So that way you try to decrease their chance regardless of their effort of doing everything right - I understand that can make them angry.

Also, please remember that you said they are liars and scammers without knowing the real situation.

Anyway, you may be right about their communication could be better, they may also have their consequences what to do a bit different if they will build up another product later.

Please stop being negative for a few months and let's back to it when we know the end of the story.
I would like them to build up a high quality, good brand and reputation, so please don't ruin their business.

Last edited by VaZso; 2019-10-03 at 18:01.

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I have thought of maybe buying this phone. It seems to be really hot. Shaihkritzer: what is your expertice, so that if you would have this phone what are the main areas you could help to make most out of it? Haven't read all posts so would you use android or leste or what on it?
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Hey guys. Stop beating the poor child. That is called bullying

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Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
okay, it's NOT crowdfunded. deal? if you come to Apple store to have a look at new iphone and tell the shop attendant you don't like that it cannot run certain tasks, is it fair if they reply: "you haven't paid for it yet so shut up! you are not allowed to complain about our product unless you buy it!"

quit it. that's total nonsense.
I politely said please stop talking. Apple is a large corporation. FXTec is a small startup taking the risk to bring back a design that many of us support. All I am saying is you'd gain respect if you actually had some empathy to trying to start an enterprise that is not off the ground yet.

I repeat please stop talking.

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Originally Posted by deutch1976 View Post
Damn!!! I could cancel my order to keep the money for another toy but as Chen as Fx Tec team compromised with us to deliver a dream toy i will not let them down. But the toy i'm talking is awesome
Double dog damn!!!
I must admit that toy-wise, this is great.
A handheld phone that is perfect as a "book" when opened.
Using F-Breader (haha...I like to call it that ...) my fav reader would be a pleasure in such a form factor.
Like the virtual keyboard use, turning it into a"phonebook"..perhaps?
I would hope that plenty of folks make roms and support other os's for it.
I sure wouldn't mind a compact, pocketable "phonebook" with options of different os's and roms.

As far as the continuing conversation goes...
shaihkritzer does bring up a few good points...
but yeah voiced them, everyone has heard and understands them,
so your objective is accomplished,
and you have rebutted every critique,
and that objective is accomplished,
take a breather and get your calm back on.
and change the tune

And as a suggestion....from the vibe I got from one of your posts...
the use freedom of speech as a shield that one can assault others from behind, with impunity ...
is not a defensible one.
So I wouldn't consider trying that as a constant.
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1/2 - neo900 pre- "purchased" in 2013. N̶o̶w̶ ̶A̶w̶a̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶r̶e̶f̶u̶n̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶c̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶f̶e̶w̶ ̶y̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ - neo900 start up declared officially dead -
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Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
am I literally the only one who's complaining? please note I'm too lazy to go to fxtec forum too, but people there are much less tolerating than here at TMO. so I don't think they reputation suffer from me only
You are not the only one who complains, but maybe the only one who called them liar and scammer without any real reason.
On the end of the story we all will know the truth but at this point extreme opinions are don't welcome I think.

It is very frustrating reading your extreme negative comments through the topic.

Otherwise, basically you seem to be a reasonable human, maybe a bit impatient.

So, please wait a while and see what happens in the coming weeks.

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Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
well I thought my logic is pretty straigtforward.

if someone promises to ship a device which is obviously not certified in time, but they still promising, that sounds more like a lie, and less like company is waiting for a miracle.

if someones takes money for an item, but brings no item in return while keeping the money, that looks more like a scam and less like a lack of management / a series of unfortunate circumstances.

still I want to believe all that time is really used with max profit and there's simply nobody to tell us all the details (I don't think it's that much secret and classified). and I don't insist I want them to make it quick but with typical Aliexpress quality. and the most important: as far there's a "slider monopoly" and Cosmo communicator can't get me that excited, and still fed up with boring generic mass market devices, and don't trust folding phones, there's nothing much left to do.

also keep in mind I'm not much comfotably waiting since my N900 is dead and there's not much sense in buying another new phone for the meantime, so I'm hanging out with the N93i which still pretty stylish but it's just a dialer...
If we hand over an n900 to you will you stop crying?

a good rabbit, fxtec, hwkbd, keyboard, livermorium, n950 revival, never gives up, qwerty, readyfx, silly rabbit

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