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Originally Posted by ragnar View Post
Hopefully it's not "betavoltaic batteries":
No, this was actually a real deal. Hopefully I saved the link and can find it...
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I may be a minority, but I think the n8x0 is close to the bulls-eye.
I fully agree. I don't think there is much more or less from the N810 that I would want besides the standard increases in cpu power and memory.

BUT here are some other things I think would make it better.

Hardware sided:
A better camera. One that I can take pictures with. It's VERY hard to take pictures with my N810.

2 SDHC card slots. I want WAY more memory capacity so that I can make my Nokia into my all in one portable media player. I want to store a good amount of anime vidoes and mp3s.

FM radio. Long as it's not going to drastically increase the size of my N900 why not have it? Screw the car radio, I'll have my N900 have all the channels I'll want to listen to already programed for my road trips

WiMAX. Though I won't use it right now I'm sure I'll use it later.

GPS. YES!! Keep this, I love having GPS and turn by turn directions. I know it is very slow but recent post have shown that it's just buggy so the hardware doesn't seem to be needing any bost. Just write a better program.

Keyboard. A MUST! If the N900 is going to be a "always connected" device then I will want a slide out keyboard like the N810. I do use the touch screen input method often but when doing any kind of major typing like a e-mail or IM I have to have a keyboard. And no a BT keyboard won't do when your walking around or sitting in a car seat, park bench, at a stadium, etc.

Kick stand. Pretty obvious, but keep it.

The sexy smooth metal look. I love the N810 look over all the other N***. Way to go Nokia!

Light sensor. I thought it would be a waste but I must say it's quite nice.

Power plug. I hate USB powered devices. They take so long to charge. I like how I can charge my N810 for 15 minutes and give me enough juice to play music walking to and from class while checking my e-mail real quick during class.

On the software side:
Multiple screens. I can't think of the name but you know how Linux has multiple screens you can switch to on the bottom? Well I think that may be something nice to have. Long as the N900 can support many programs running at once. I know a few times I've had to stop some programs on my N810 to get my other ones running.

PIM. Don't do it your self. Just boost the CPU and RAM specks so that I can use some Open Source program like Mozilla Sundbird. But I must say that GPE-Calendar has worked well enough for me. I'm just getting a bit greedy and want more options .

Bluetooth hands free cell phone. A few have already stated this and I would like to add to their voice. I want my N900 to be able to be my phone too. But my cell phone as in I'll keep my cell phone in my pocket or back pack and control my calling (possibly texting??) through my N900. I think this would be a sweet to have. My phone book in my N900 could be set to call through my cell phone or through a VoIP.

Side comments:
Gaming. I don't want my N900 to look like it's meant for gaming. I want it to look like the N810. Some extra buttons on the pop-out keyboard for gaming would be fine and nice. But I bought my N810 to be more of a laptop than a DS.

Hot swapping batteries. I LOVE this idea. Just today I was thinking about getting a second battery to have that extra long charge for when I want to do some extended usage.

Docking. Why? I can't stand the whole iPod docking. Use a standard USB type connection for data transfer and a standard power plug for powering. DON'T go the iPod way.

Size. The first time I held my N810 I thought to my self, "Wow! This is alot smaller than what I was expecting. It really is pocket size." I like how it's small but it can grow some and still be small and sexy. I'm thinking it can grew a little bit in all directions and still be small enough for me to carry around. Course I'm a cargo pocket pants fan .

Open Source programs. You've done a good job making the Nokia Open Source and all. But give the N900 some more umph so that it can easily port other Linux programs. "If you build it, they will come." You build a hand held that can support a Linux program and that program will be ported.

Conclusion: Sweet job on the N810. Not perfect, but when will people ever say something will be perfect? Anyways it's a hell of a product that I'm happy to own and look forward to buying the next upgraded model.
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Screen rotation
2 SDHC slots
FM radio
Better camera
Video recording
No keyboard
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More CPU speed/memory are always good, however they trade off against battery life. With that said I do think at least a boost in CPU speed would be useful. As well as that I'd like to see:

Working AGPS (we could have this on the N810 with a sw update)
Working IVA for video/image accel (as above)
Working OpenGL ES (via the PowerVR MBX, etc.) for a snazzy desktop and better games (as above)

Regarding snazzy desktops, yes it is pointless and wastes power, but it looks cool. What more can I say

I agree with the call for a better camera, perhaps even two fixed cameras so you can take pictures and look at the screen at the same time as well as using one for the webcam.

FM radio would be nice, especially if it uses the slightly upgraded version of the chip in the N800, which can receive TMC broadcasts (traffic information for use with the GPS) - might need some hacking to crack the code, but that's why it's interesting

From Fire Hazard's post and others, I see lots of comments where people are after software - PIM stuff (personally I think simple is better than a full-blown desktop app), making phone calls via the NIT, etc.

These are all things that could be done now. If you're interested why not get hacking!?
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On the human interface/ ergonomics side. I think the addition of a track ball mouse and a scroll wheel would be nice. Both would be on the right side with the track ball operated by the thumb and the scroll wheel on the top surface operated by the index finger.

This will make the IT much easier to use like a desktop computer wiithout the need to hold a stylus or make large inefficient finger friendly UI.

Sorry. But once again make the browser faster and more responsive please.
gigabites's Avatar
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ok, everyone has pretty much have said the same thing over and over. How about something no one has mentioned?
- Like dialog boxes that are a bit bigger and lessed cramped
- re sizable columns so we can actually read filenames!
- buttons that are taller (our fingers are tall, not 1/2 screen wide)
- applets that are not only re sizable but lockable
- native function similar to Idea (without the horrid and confusing config) or simple launcher
- a simple clock in the status bar not some huge ugly non re sizable "world clock" applet
- a vkb with a "_" key upfront, ditch that useless "EN" key, and make the "pause click for the "capslock" key more obvious.

there are probably more little things but it's 4am and my tea isn't ready yet.

Nokia really needs to step up their usability dept and GUI design for it to be taken seriously.

Last edited by gigabites; 2008-05-07 at 12:07.
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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Originally Posted by lardman View Post
More CPU speed/memory are always good, however they trade off against battery life.
Well, to a point. OMAP3 is significantly more efficient than OMAP2, so an upgrade from the OMAP2420 to the OMAP3430 will get us very similar (if not almost the same) battery consumption and significantly more power.

Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
How about something no one has mentioned?
Because this is a hardware request thread.

Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- Like dialog boxes that are a bit bigger and lessed cramped
Never been an issue for me, but if it's really such a problem file an enhancement request.

Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- re sizable columns so we can actually read filenames!
I'm assuming you're specifically speaking of the Application manager? If so, it's fixed in Diablo. For everything else, enhancement request.

Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- buttons that are taller (our fingers are tall, not 1/2 screen wide)
I don't agree with this one. Vertical real estate is too precious to waste like that, and I've never had an issue with button sizes.

Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- applets that are not only re sizable but lockable
Go vote on the bug.

Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- native function similar to Idea (without the horrid and confusing config) or simple launcher
Why? I'd rather have Nokia focusing on ironing out the core stuff where they're the only ones who can really provide a solution than wasting time in the realm of 3rd-party utilities. Besides, due to the UI Spec, Nokia's first-party solution have to suck. Why anybody wants this stuff from Nokia is entirely beyond me. :\

If you really want an improved IDEA or Simple Launch, then go help out!

Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- a simple clock in the status bar not some huge ugly non re sizable "world clock" applet
You can get both a single and double-wide statusbar clock from third party sources, asking Nokia to duplicate this effort would be foolish.

Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- a vkb with a "_" key upfront, ditch that useless "EN" key, and make the "pause click for the "capslock" key more obvious.
Actually, the solution I'd prefer here is a much more accessible and flexible layout editing.

Last edited by GeneralAntilles; 2008-05-07 at 19:05.

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gigabites's Avatar
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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
Besides, due to the UI Spec, Nokia's first-party solution have to suck. Why anybody wants this stuff from Nokia is entirely beyond me. :\
heh point taken. but...

Nokia really really needs to step up their usability and GUI specs.
tabletrat's Avatar
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assuming that there would be no fundamental operating system changes, I would like at least double the battery life (so two batteries I guess would be ok). More speed would always be nice, but not if it prevented the double battery life, which at the moment is far too low. Improved GPS that got a signal lock with the speed to make it useable (like the speed that the tomtoms get). keyboard that was either softer, or a back that didn't flex.
More memory obviously.
Oh yes, and put the direction button on the bit that doesn't need opening. In fact, put the +/- button on the part that you can still reach when you have opened it.
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I forget-- am I due for a "hee hee hee" yet?
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