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Originally Posted by ch8xy View Post
Who just farted?
He who smelt it, dealt it!
To all my Maemo friends. I will no longer be monitoring any of my threads here on a regular basis. I am no longer supporting anything I did under maemo at If you need some help with something you can reach me at or I have disabled my PM's here, and removed myself from Council email and Community mailing list. There has been some fun times, see you around.
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I take this as a break for you to get away from software development. Fine. Just don't take politics (and yourself) too seriously. If everybody makes contributions as best as he can to his own field, and only pay attention to politics proportionally, everything will be alright.
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Originally Posted by ch8xy View Post
I take this as a break for you to get away from software development. Fine. Just don't take politics (and yourself) too seriously. If everybody makes contributions as best as he can to his own field, and only pay attention to politics proportionally, everything will be alright.
Well I am not a developer, I am a hack, technology hack, political hack. Insert adjective here hack.

I will go back to my mundane existence once Obama wins. I am not a avid Obama supporter. I have been known to refer to Obama supporters as sheep. Obahhhhhma!

However, if my choices are McCain and Obama, I choose Obama.

If my choice is helping millions of families get access to healthcare, or making healthcare worse.

I choose helping families

If my choices are putting a timetable on extracting ourselves from Iraq or staying there until we "win" whatever the hell win means?

I choose ending the war.

If my choices are common sense or stubbornness, I'll choose common sense.
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"Before you vote McCain, you better think. He has a 1 in 7 chance not surviving hist first term. If he were to have a second term, it would be about 1 in 3.3 chance of not surviving "

One in seven way understimates the chances of Palin getting control. During 9/11, Cheney was running the government for a time, and it wasn't because Bush was dead. I don't like Cheney, but he is a lot better than Palin. So death is not the only thing that would put the VP in power. Illness could too, or anything that keeps the President away from the levers of power at a critical time, and all times are critical these days.

I have always like McCain, but it's my impression that he is getting less likable and less trustworthy as time goes on, whereas Obama seems to be getting cooler and smarter. Maybe it's the way McCain reacts to the kind of pressure he's under. Just because you react ok when being tortured doesn't mean you do well under political pressure -- it's a completely different thing.
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Originally Posted by sondjata View Post
If the belief that main street needed a bailout due to a credit crunch then why not have the govt. take over WAMU and Wachovia and turn them into "the peoples banks" and extend proper credit through them until the "crisis" is over. Put the money right in front of the people who supposedly need it and not in front of the people that committed fraud.
No kidding. Use the $700,000,000,000.00 to provide the needed credit to credit-worthy people/businesses rather that using the $700,000,000,000.00 to buy bad loans. The former goes directly toward solving the problem, while the latter basically gives those who made terrible loans a do-over on the backs of the taxpayers.
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Mr. Penguin, as I said earlier, you are entitled to your one vote. You can cast your vote under any pretense, any one of those "I choose... " deductions of yours. Nobody can question you and nobody cares. Just don't kid yourself into believing that your way of thinking is always right, and someone else's is always wrong.
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Originally Posted by ch8xy View Post
Mr. Penguin, as I said earlier, you are entitled to your one vote. You can cast your vote under any pretense, any one of those "I choose... " deductions of yours. Nobody can question you and nobody cares. Just don't kid yourself into believing that your way of thinking is always right, and someone else's is always wrong.
I am not always right, nor did I say I was? George Bush thinks he is always right and look where that has gotten us. Well no matter how you vote it will not be a deduction of mine. I live in Michigan, a blue state. So no matter how may red voters there are, they don't count here.

I would love to see it changed to be every vote is counted, dump the electoral college.

So, your vote will not count against mine in this election. You may not like my beliefs, opinions or thoughts, but that won't stop me from expressing them.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
To all my Maemo friends. I will no longer be monitoring any of my threads here on a regular basis. I am no longer supporting anything I did under maemo at If you need some help with something you can reach me at or I have disabled my PM's here, and removed myself from Council email and Community mailing list. There has been some fun times, see you around.
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Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post

I would love to see it changed to be every vote is counted, dump the electoral college.
However if one has the right connections only or two votes decide the outcome. Witness the Supreme Court election of George Bush in 2000.

Unfortunately the voters in this country are to easily swayed and in some cases dissuaded from voting (Ohio 2004).

Any politician can and usually will say anything to get elected. The distribution of knowledgeable voters is heavily skewed and the rest are easily swayed by falsehoods (WMD, Global Warming doesn't exist, the economy is sound) which they believe until far after the election.

Many of my coworkers are STRONG republicans and continually argued with me on those matters (WMD, Global Warming doesn't exist, the economy is sound) and are just now starting to question those premises. They made fun of me buying small hybrid cars, choosing to live within a mile of work and taking my investments out of stocks. They lost their shirt on their SUV's, their pants on their stocks, and now can barely afford to commute.

Friday they were trying to justify things such as why it doesn't really matter if the future VP knows who the General is who commands Afghanistan, or if the future VP knows what the VP does.

I sincerely hope they do not have to worry about that on November 5th.
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OTG w/ unlimited storage!!
Put a penguin in your pocket!!
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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
"Before you vote McCain, you better think. He has a 1 in 7 chance not surviving hist first term. If he were to have a second term, it would be about 1 in 3.3 chance of not surviving "

One in seven way understimates the chances of Palin getting control. During 9/11, Cheney was running the government for a time, and it wasn't because Bush was dead. I don't like Cheney, but he is a lot better than Palin. So death is not the only thing that would put the VP in power. Illness could too, or anything that keeps the President away from the levers of power at a critical time, and all times are critical these days.

I have always like McCain, but it's my impression that he is getting less likable and less trustworthy as time goes on, whereas Obama seems to be getting cooler and smarter. Maybe it's the way McCain reacts to the kind of pressure he's under. Just because you react ok when being tortured doesn't mean you do well under political pressure -- it's a completely different thing.

If, during a future 9/11 type event the President is in the air and can not land because the risk had not yet been assessed and the VPOTUS has to call the first response shots; does anyone here really feel comfortable with a Joe Sixpack or a Hockey mom chairing the Joint Chiefs?

I know I don't...

I don't want someone "just like me" running my country. I want someone better. Just like I would want someone better educated than me performing surgery, designing and building the home I live in, or even cleaning my freakin' teeth.

No first term POTUS has prior presidential experience. I would only vote for one who at the very least knows enough to get the education that's needed before they attempted to do the job.
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May I repeat gain: do whatever you want! Frankly speaking, I skipped the two long-winding comments above. I am not a fanatic in politics, and also have other hobbies beside work, so no need to waste time on reading political comments. If this is your favorite passtime: good for you. Simply put, I may not be able to argue with you (since I don't follow politics religously), there is always somebody equally fanatic on your opposite side who can shout you down. That's why I said that this is all spectator sport to me. Don't overestimate yourself into thinking that you are right and the other half of the population is wrong.

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