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Yesterday, I put my N810 in the pocket (of my pants), and half an hour later, I noticed that it became warm; it still had the full battery icon. So, then, I put it in my bag after locking it again. But after a few hours, it was still warm and the battery was almost empty! The load average was low as usual. Then I charged my N810 during about one hour, so that the battery icon was showing a half-full battery. I unplugged the charger and I locked the tablet again. But after a couple of hours, the battery was completely empty (no power at all).
Posts: 33 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Dec 2007
I had a very similar thing happen to me. For two days after the most recent ssu my N800 did almost exactly the same thing you described. Here's what I did.

1. Even though I have metalayer-crawler disabled, I had to stop it manually after the reboot. I have no idea how it got started again, but it did (I double checked and the sym link under /etc/rc2.d starts with a K, not an S).

To stop it I ran this command:

sudo /etc/init.d/metalayer-crawler0 stop

2. I reflashed the kernel (to restore screen rotation) using the 48 MHz patched kernel from

My battery drain problems have now disappeared. Right now, the battery icon says I have 9 days when idle and 7 hours when in use. I can once again use my N800 all day without running out of power.

I hope this helps.
Posts: 227 | Thanked: 53 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Lyon, France
Originally Posted by n9mjg View Post
1. Even though I have metalayer-crawler disabled, I had to stop it manually after the reboot. I have no idea how it got started again, but it did (I double checked and the sym link under /etc/rc2.d starts with a K, not an S).

To stop it I ran this command:

sudo /etc/init.d/metalayer-crawler0 stop
I've just done a

update-rc.d -f metalayer-crawler0 remove

But I doubt metalayer-crawler0 is a problem here: it doesn't take CPU time, and even after I removed it before the latest reflash, the battery drain problem remained.

The problem occurred once again, and I've noticed that ifconfig output:
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:179815 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:179815 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:9024439 (8.6 MiB)  TX bytes:9024439 (8.6 MiB)

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1D:6E:9B:D8:F6
          RX packets:61277 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:8274 errors:9 dropped:7 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:12389065 (11.8 MiB)  TX bytes:2410231 (2.2 MiB)
though wifi was off (this is the first time I look at it, so that I don't know if there is a relation). I've posted a comment about that on Bugzilla.
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In general my battery performance is good but I did have some problems with the N810 left on over night even though I fully charge it before retiring. I use it for an alarm clock. One night in my sleep I recall hearing multiple times but ignoring the sound the N810 makes when it drops a connection. Apparently I'm on the hairy edge of one or more open WiFi networks. When I discovered this I checked my battery level in the morning only to see a half drained battery. Since then I set communications off-line when I go to bed. I've not seen undo battery consumption over night since then.
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N810 -- 5.2010.33-1
Posts: 227 | Thanked: 53 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Lyon, France
Originally Posted by fragos View Post
In general my battery performance is good but I did have some problems with the N810 left on over night even though I fully charge it before retiring. I use it for an alarm clock. One night in my sleep I recall hearing multiple times but ignoring the sound the N810 makes when it drops a connection. Apparently I'm on the hairy edge of one or more open WiFi networks. When I discovered this I checked my battery level in the morning only to see a half drained battery. Since then I set communications off-line when I go to bed. I've not seen undo battery consumption over night since then.
When the battery drained a few hours ago, I was in a movie theater where no access points are visible. Moreover I sometimes leave wifi on (on purpose) and the battery has never drained significantly in such a case.
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Many symptoms can have multiple causes or aggravations. I offer my personal observations more as a stimulator of thought than an absolute solution. As a software developer I've learned that a solution to a problem frequently comes after a number of innocent suspects are considered. The process of consideration is still helpful in identifying the real culprit.
George Fragos
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N810 -- 5.2010.33-1
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I bought an N810 with the OS2008 Version 2.2007.51-3 (I don't kown its codename but I guess is not Diablo). I have the same problem with the battery, sometimes works well (in fact I have never used it continuously 10 hours) and sometimes goes off in a couple of hours. I disabled first the bluetooth. But it did not help. Switch off / switch on seems to use more energy than just let it stand by for hours. Yesterday I disabled all led alarms. Useless. Tonight I will try with the metalayer and the wifi.

Just a couple of notes: I did never notice that the tablet was warm. And many times I left the table over my table and nobody touchs it.

Maybe is a problem with the bateries itself. Why not? Does anybody know if the same batteries are used in a different Nokia gadget?


Last edited by guigue; 2008-10-15 at 01:36. Reason: typo
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Originally Posted by guigue View Post
Maybe is a problem with the bateries itself. Why not? Does anybody know if the same batteries are used in a different Nokia gadget?

Yeah, the batteries in the N810 and N800 are both off-the-shelf batteries used in several Nokia devices. The N800 battery was previously used in the 7710 and several others. The N810's battery is used in several other current devices.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2008
Originally Posted by Traecer View Post
Yeah, the batteries in the N810 and N800 are both off-the-shelf batteries used in several Nokia devices. The N800 battery was previously used in the 7710 and several others. The N810's battery is used in several other current devices.

Thanks. And do you know if they work properly?


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