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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
...and I'll chime in if I think I can contribute something new and useful to the discussion
That hasn't stopped me....
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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
Gerbick is now Gerbick of Borg. He's been assimilated.
If you believe that, I have a bridge I'm willing to sell to you.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Don't overlook that 2007 was the last great year.
Yeah, no kidding. Huge parties in Helsinki. Great dinners all the time. Workgroup meetings in Paris and Siikaranta.

Man I miss it...
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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
It's IBM + MS all over again. I don't see how this can be a bad thing in the end.

Cool story, bro, wear it proudly!

Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Bigger hint: Nokia's shares have tanked 75% from 40.00+ USD in 2007 to less than 10.00 USD in 2010 from prior Nokia strategies.

To be honest, you can't compare a single-day 14+% drop with a three year drop. And you can't know that the drop will continue down to oblivion, or will get better in the following months. Also, the fact is that Nokia started to gain momentum again in mid '09, but then messed it up completely in '10 - '10 was their chance for a comeback, they completely screwed it. Anyway, the LSE opens up soon, we'll see if the weekend managed to dampen the drop a bit, but I'd be highly skeptical of that - the stock will probably fall for another 5-10% before stabilizing, and from there - nobody knows where it will go, your guess is as good as mine.

But I think it will be going steadily down - '11 will be probably the year with record low profits for Nokia as they will have difficulties sell Symbian devices and they won't have any WP7 devices even if those would be able to save them. Laying off excess employees and cutting R&D budgets will probably help to slow down the descent, but playing with NOK stocks atm. is extremely risky and not for the fainthearted.
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watch out Elop is trying to save money he will cut R&D around meego if chart is correct then he'll stop the bills payment for
If i was the people who want to keep maemo alive i would be mirroring everything possible now

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Originally Posted by NvyUs View Post
watch out Elop is trying to save money he will cut R&D around meego if chart is correct then he'll stop the bills payment for
If i was the people who want to keep maemo alive i would be mirroring everything possible now
good point, suddently I don't trust Tero Kojos announcement that Nokia will inform really early if something like that is planned/decided...
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Originally Posted by ericsson View Post
[...] Too bad that Steve Jobs also is an a**hole and makes devices exclusively for the technological illiterate.
Orly. Why does my MBP have Bash? And so on, and so on.

Don't confuse Apple gadgets with Macs. Thank you.
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
what markets are you talking about?
Non third-world nations. America, for instance. And if the Internet is a nation, then that's another good example.

There's no neutral page that extolls the virtues of Symbian. Reviews of the N8 almost universally loved the hardware and faulted the software.

Go to the article about Android overtaking Symbian and check out the comments. Outside of the MeeBorg Cube, people think Symbian is something their great-great grandparents used. I've posted other links where people were all for the Nokia WP7 mock-ups at Engadget. As I said then, they'd love to buy Nokia phones but the word "Symbian" makes them recoil. Whether it's based on reality or perception is irrelevant. As long as they know Nokia didn't make the software, they're much happier with the idea of buying a Nokia phone.

Symbian is not under 1 phone its under ALOT as well like android. And symbian was first created in 1980 so that's 30 years to get where its at and it only took what android 3 year to get where its at. Not really pathetic is it?

Symbian was definitely a leader in smartphones, but it's definitely a joke now. The thing is, Symbian is still an echo of when smartphones were just for business people. Apple killed that and Android exploited it. Because of it, RIM, Nokia, Palm, and even Microsoft have suffered because they didn't adapt quickly enough.
Mobility Digest article - Why Symbian Sucks and Why It Wont Stop Sucking Anytime Soon

I have no idea what this page is but it's filled with people posting why they hate Symbian. What's interesting is that those who have never used it still say they "know" it's bad, the UI sucks, etc.

PC World Australia ran the article in October Why Nokia's Symbian OS sucks - Nokia's Symbian OS may be the world's most popular mobile operating system, but it is clearly lagging behind the competition from Apple, Google and even Microsoft.

This page shows all tweets that contain both the words "Symbian" and "suck". It's a decent amount.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, this page reviews all the anti-Nokia posts coming from here and other Nokia fan sites and pronounces most of the participants "nuts". I hope there really is no such thing as bad publicity...

The author of that piece really gets it.. and by "gets it", I mean he agrees with me and says what I've been saying.

Nothing matters in this world more than apps. Write that on your forehead. Write that on the mirror on your bathroom wall. Write that on your car windshield. Whatever it will take so you remember it.
HP execs know this. Google’s execs know this. Everyone in Silicon Valley knows this.
Apps are the ONLY thing that matters now.
I told y'all it's all about pinching widgets.

In the real world, one might have an easier time having the name "Mel Gibson" while living on a kibbutz than the name "Symbian" in the OS marketplace.

Ok, Gerbick, while they're attacking me, detach from the MeeBorg Cube and run!!!!

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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
A quick correction, from a person who has used and enjoyed Apple products for years (since the Apple ][+): Steve Jobs is in no way a technological visionary. Nothing that Jobs has ever done in the last twenty years has ever pushed the limits of technology, and in fact, up until the last few years Apple hardware and software have consistently been inferior to similar products in the PC world.

The one and only good thing about Steve Jobs is, as you say, he's "an a**hole and makes devices exclusively for the technological illiterate". Let me rephrase that statement: Steve Jobs is an anal-retentive perfectionist who believes that every technological device should be just as easy and intuitive to use as absolutely possible, and drives his people hard to deliver products following that rule.

Apple is a leader in the technology industry not because it creates visionary products, but because unlike pretty much every other company out there today, it at least has a leader with a goal. Compare that to Nokia, fumbling around with lots of different kinds of phones, lots of different operating systems, lots of divergent goals; honestly, Nokia hardware and software should be beating Apple's even today, but without consistent leadership, there's just no way the company can hope to keep up...
This, together with applying the right inventions into an (seemingly) innovative product hyped by Apple marketing.
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Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
Orly. Why does my MBP have Bash? And so on, and so on.

Don't confuse Apple gadgets with Macs. Thank you.
And don't let Apple lie to you about the capabilities of the hardware in your pocket. They're only telling you those things because they want to reserve it for themselves and things they control.

Believe me, back in 2006-2007 it was all about Apple. But all the awesome openness and capability of OS X was for naught when they decided that not only was the mobile space the future (which it is) but that they would play gatekeeper and sole source.

If not for that I might have an iPhone and write iPhone Apps today. Instead today I own an N900 and my Macbook now hosts Ubuntu.

bada rox, meego rip

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