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somedude's Avatar
Posts: 1,312 | Thanked: 736 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
Can you include the FM-transmitter patch as well?

It's in my signature This would make a lot of people happy
While you yourself claiming this:??? I do not see it happening.
Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
WARNING: Use this at your own risks It might be illegal to use the FM frequencies any lower than your country allowed. I'm not paying responsibility to any unlawful fine that you may get from your country authority, This is not my responsibility nor the developer responsibility. This is an open device, so do what ever you'd like as long you don't abusing your power. Like the spiderman said: Great power comes with great responsibility
tokag's Avatar
Posts: 78 | Thanked: 69 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Alaska
playing around with this a little more. noticed some interesting things. for some application (i.e. H-A-M and Conversations) the device must be in portrait mode whilst launching the application for portrait mode to be invoked; also the application seems to be locked into portrait mode until exit, or keyboard is slid out; however then the application is locked in landscape mode. furthermore, if i launch an application in portrait mode, exit, then click on status menu, the the status menu loads in portrait mode, regardless of the devices orientation, and will continue to do so until another application is opened in landscape mode, or the keyboard is opened and closed whilst the device is in landscape mode. perhaps there is something funky going on in my device and this is an isolated case, or maybe this is the desired effect; but these results seem to be reproduce-able 100 per cent of the time. i'm not bothered by this, now that i figured out what is going on that is, i just thought i would bring it to your attention and share my finding with other users whom might be experiencing similar results. keep up the great work!

Last edited by tokag; 2011-02-22 at 19:07.

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to tokag For This Useful Post:
Posts: 1,067 | Thanked: 313 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ USA
hmm...its working now! lol.

stubborn thing! lol
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2011
Conversations is not loading up on portrait for me, but HAM is, as well as the Launcher. Hmm...
TMavica's Avatar
Posts: 2,021 | Thanked: 1,060 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Hong Kong
I found rotation with Z axis got some problem
when rotating, there is a effect "Brinking" happen in progress

u all same?
tokag's Avatar
Posts: 78 | Thanked: 69 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Alaska
Originally Posted by TMavica View Post
I found rotation with Z axis got some problem
when rotating, there is a effect "Brinking" happen in progress

u all same?
i'm not really sure what you mean by "brinking", but you can try adjusting the values of:

duration_in = x
duration_out = x
damage_timeout = x
damage_timeout_plus = x
damage_timeout_max = x
angle = x
# changed from 100 in order to reduce jerkiness of transition (also changed the fade-out so it doesn't fade to black completely)
in your transition.ini file to obtain your desired rotational effect. hope this helps.

Last edited by tokag; 2011-02-22 at 04:18.

The Following User Says Thank You to tokag For This Useful Post:
TMavica's Avatar
Posts: 2,021 | Thanked: 1,060 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Hong Kong
what urs setting? i follow u
Posts: 1,067 | Thanked: 313 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ USA
so are all your apps forced?

i have the same settings and in order for me to see my conversations, email, etc...i still have to use the ctrl+shift+R
Dark_Angel85's Avatar
Posts: 519 | Thanked: 123 times | Joined on Oct 2010 @ Malaysia
hmmm... at first it seems to force rotate all my apps, but after tweaking transitions for a bit... now it doesn't force rotate...

# This file contains timings and values for transitions in hildon-desktop
# duration = time in milliseconds
# zoom = amount to zoom out the background. 1 = none, 0.5 = zoom to half size
# radius = radius of blur (this is actually the number of blur iterations,
#          so the bigger the number the longer it takes)
# saturation = the amount of colour left in the background (0 = grey, 1 = normal)
# brightness = brightness of the background (0 = black, 1 = normal)          

turbo = 0
duration = 0

# Zoom out of the task navigator before it fades out
# -- zoom: how much to scale the switcher when going to launcher
#	   (the second layer of the launcher would scale it twice
#	    as much but the switcher is hidden by that time currently)
# -- zoom_for_home: how much to scale the switcher when leaving for home
# -- zoom_duration: the number of miliseconds to spend on zooming
#		    a thumbnail
# -- fly_duration: how long should it take for the thumbnails to rearrange
# -- notifade_in/out: time to fade the notifications
zoom = 0.85
zoom_for_home = 1.4
zoom_duration = 150
fly_duration = 150
notifade_in = 150
notifade_out = 150
tile_font = Nokia Sans 15

# Blurring of the home view
# -- radius: amount of iterations of blur filter to perform when not zoooming
#            eg. for dialogs
# -- radius_more: amount of iterations of blur filter to perform when zooming
#                 eg. for launcher/task navigator
# -- saturation: saturation of the background when blurred
# -- brightness: brightness of the background when blurred
# -- zoom: Basic amount to scale the home view by (gets multiplied by how many 
#          'levels' deep the UI is - eg. launcher is one level, launcher submenu
#          is another)
# -- zoom_applets: Amount to scale applets by when zooming out
radius = 3.2
radius_more = 3.2
saturation = 1
brightness = 1
zoom = 1
zoom_applets = 1

# These control the deceleration of the launcher pages.  When panning freely
# (decelerating) the velocity of the launcher page is adjusted by this much.
# strong_deceleration_rate is effective in the bouncing zones.  Uncomment if
# you want faster panning.
#deceleration_rate = 0.98
#strong_deceleration_rate = 0.7

# The glow effect around launcher buttons
duration_in = 150
duration_out = 150
radius = 10
brightness = 0.75

# The items below are for the transitions that are applied
# to a 'page' of launcher icons
# -- duration: time in ms
# -- depth: amount to move icons backwards and forwards (with perspective)
#           this is pretty much how big or small the icons get     
# -- sequenced: for in and in_sub, whether icons swoop nicely in (1)
#               or whether they just all zoom in as one (0)
# -- keyframes: A list of values that are linearly interpolated between 
#               to produce the movement of the launcher tiles. There can 
#               be any number of values as long as there are 2 or more. 
#               <1 means nearer the viewer, >1 means further away
# -- keyframes_label: The values used for fading in the labels. 0=transparent
#                     1=opaque
# -- keyframes_icon: The values used for fading in the icons. 0=transparent
#                     1=opaque
# Launcher top layer first appearing
duration = 150
sequenced = 0
depth = 50
keyframes = 0,0.17,0.39,0.65,0.87,1.13,1.26,1.22,1.17,1.13,1.09,1.04,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
keyframes_icon = 0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
keyframes_label = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1

# Launcher top layer disappearing
duration = 150
depth = 50

# launcher top layer disappearing when a layer in front
duration = 150
depth = 50

# launch animation
# duration_out - amount of time to take when fading the launcher out and application in
# delay - the amount of time to wait after the window has appeared before we fade out
#         (this time is *included* in duration_out, so it must be <= duration_out)  
duration = 150
delay = 150
duration_out = 150
depth = 50

# sub-menu appearing
duration = 150
sequenced = 0
depth = 150
keyframes = 0,0.17,0.39,0.65,0.87,1.13,1.26,1.22,1.17,1.13,1.09,1.04,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
keyframes_icon = 0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
keyframes_label = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1

# sub-menu disappearing
duration = 150
depth = 50

# main disappearing when sub-menu appears
duration = 150
depth = 50

# main appearing when sub-menu disappears
duration = 150
depth = 50

# Screen rotation transition
# duration_in = time for rotation before blanking
# duration_out = time for rotation after blanking
# damage_timeout = in the rotation transition, the amount of milliseconds to
#                  leave after we get a damage event before we transition back
#                  from blanking.
# damage_timeout_max = maximum amount of time we may wait if we keep getting
#                      damage events.
# angle = rotation angle for each transition, in degrees. Ideally this is set
#         so that the screen looks like it keeps turning at the same speed 
#         during blanking. 0 is none, 90 degrees is side-on
duration_in = 200
duration_out = 200
damage_timeout = 0
damage_timeout_plus = 0
damage_timeout_max = 0
angle = 45
# changed from 100 in order to reduce jerkiness of transition (also changed the 
# fade-out so it doesn't fade to black completely)

# App close transition
duration = 150

# Popup for dialogs and status menu
duration_in = 150
duration_out = 150

# Fade in for banners
# _alpha specifies the final transparency of various things
# currently only banner_note and info_note are supported
duration_in = 150
duration_out = 150
banner_note_alpha = 0.85
info_note_alpha = 0.85

# Transition for notification previews
is_cool = 0
duration_in = 150
duration_out = 150

# Sliding subview window transition
duration_in = 150
duration_out = 150

# This is multiplied by the load average to find the timeout
# in seconds. before "Unable to load" is displayed.  There is
# a minimum of 10s.
load_average_factor = 7.5

# Edit mode configuration
# Set to 0 if snap to grid should be only happen when widget is released
snap_to_grid_while_move = 1

# Special tweaks (a restart might be required)
# Blurless desaturation (0 = default, 1 = MeeGo/Symbian-style)
blurless = 1

# Bigger task switcher (0 = default, 1 = single column, 2 = two columns)
taskswitcher = 0

# Rotation around the Z axis (0 = rotate around X/Y, 1 = rotate around Z)
zaxisrotation = 1

# Forced app auto-rotation (0 = default, 1 = auto-rotate every app)
forcerotation = 1

# Popup feedback using the "tactile" utility (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
# You need to install "tactile" from the repositories for this
tactilepopups = 0
i do get the 'blinking' effect too... it rotates, blinks out for a sec, then continues to rotate normally
Posts: 76 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Dec 2009
For the next update of the firmware done by the community we should include the bluetooth PABAP fix the community found so it works with car bt systems.

so we finally have to stop installing every time we update firmware

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community ssu, f**k nokia, fremantle, maemo 5, nokia-who?, portrait mode, rotate, task-switcher, update, upgrade

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