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N9 is NO flagship. Using N9 is like water boarding. I get dizzy with all the swiping and too much screen stutering, and sorry to say this, but text prediction is still inferior to iphone. Multitasking screen is difficult to differentiate applications in small view. but it's gorgeous like Lumia. And Lumia GPS and Nokia drive work flawlessly for me. Another issue with N9, it goes gaga on me while charging and I can't use it???? Harmattan is a half baked OS, and as per NOKIA history, promises of something better and more stable is utopia. If you want stable OS these days on a touchstone phone, omit NOKIA
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Originally Posted by patlak View Post
Nokia had lots of Symbian sales which were increasing by the day. All they needed was a differentiating product at the high-end.
I would largely agree with that. The problem with Symbian was largely one of perception, rather than reality. If the first Symbian^3 devices had shipped with Belle, and Qt on Symbian were at the same level as it is now, things might have been different.

Originally Posted by patlak View Post
Enter N9 with the beautiful hardware and software symbiosis.
Hardware, yes. Software, no. As I said earlier, the die was cast when Nokia became distracted with MeeGo. Had they continued alone with Maemo, then (again) things might have been different. The N9 would have launched much earlier. Swipe UX and the stock applications would have been written using QML, instead of APIs that were deprecated before the device was even released, thus avoiding unnecessary fragmentation (that is even noticable to users as there are clear aesthetic differences between MTF applications and QtComponents applications) and improving extensibility and ease of maintenance.

Originally Posted by patlak View Post
Imagine N9 in all those ads and the response you'll get. Imagine the N9 and even N950 standing next to an iPhone in a shop. Imaging those free gifts in buying one, etc. MeeGo is doing pretty good with such a high price tag in low markets lacking any kind of advertising.
I never said otherwise (though I think that the idea of the N950 successfully competing with the iPhone is a stretch too far). I spoke only of what is, not would could have been.

Originally Posted by patlak View Post
BTW, Swipe UX is a part of MeeGo.
Cool. So I can install it on my $MEEGO_POWERED_HARDWARE?

Originally Posted by patlak View Post
You mention that to someone that is aware and they'll immediately associate it with MeeGo. So they do care about MeeGo.
My point is that 99% of the population (your figure) are not aware of MeeGo, and thus are unable to care about it. Also, those who are aware seem to be intent on re-branding MeeGo-Harmattan as Maemo6, so they don't seem to care much about MeeGo, either.

Originally Posted by patlak View Post
As to the BoD choosing Elop in saving the company, what is the current result? He didn't save it, he tore it to shreds and do they do something? I think they don't have any choice right now except having Microsoft engraved on their tombstone.

Relying on a third party OS with a 1.9% market share and destroying two of their own desired ones is pathetic,
I don't disagree with that. My comment was about the division of responsibility. It's a collective responsibility. Nokia and it's shareholders are to blame. Elop is a pantomime villain. The board run the company, and the shareholders own it.
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
N9 is NO flagship. Using N9 is like water boarding.
No it's not. Because Nokia (mr. Elop and pals [kills all Linux system from Nokia]) is not support N9 much! If the nokia turn some support on, then N9 would be easily the flagship! I think this would be/is the best fighter against the android and the iphone. WP is so much problems. Let your battery runs out for example and try to turn it on or charge... it's fun game, called: "try to charge me, if you can"
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My article went up on Nokia Connects this morning. It's very gushy, but at least I'm helping to keep the N9 in the picture at Nokia!


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People I speak to are amazed when I tell them the N9 is most likely 'it' when it comes to a Nokia MeeGo release. They know all about the clunkiness of Symbian, so when they see me swiping around and see how gorgeous and fluid the interface is, they just seem baffled that this is a one off.

And those same people are not interested in anything with the word 'windows' in the title. Can't really blame them!
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Originally Posted by octave View Post
Sorry 2 bug u.I know dis is off point buh can u pls upload ur /etc/udev/rules.d/85_phonet-utils.rules for me.mistakenly deleted.
Actually yeah I can because my operating system doesn't consider me a ****** and lock everything for my own "good"

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Originally Posted by jleholeho View Post
and especially @gerbick:
since youīre in the US, where the N9 has literally no support, I suggest to stop talking s..t about the flaws probably exclusive for your region...
You do know that this "flagship" phone was not launched in the UK, Germany, France, Italy and other EU nations as well, right? Under the EU laws, Nokia has to grant you some warranty, but in the North American market, it's a different scenario. So for a "flagship" phone, the N9 sure isn't supported like one.

thereīs a very few people around here in EU who actually have some bluetooth or reception issues...and if they had, Iīm sure they wouldīve already changed their phone in Nokia Care already
Sigh. Look at the bug reports. A lot of Renault bluetooth issues. Last I checked, that's a EU specific item. The problems you're relegating to minor status are over 50+ reports, mostly European since the N9 wasn't officially released here in the North American market and it's not a widespread device. Simply put, the majority of the issues are in Europe.

...which you simply canīt in the US..Iīm guessing you probably have a faulty unit...get a new one off German or UK eBay or something..
I have two of them. One from Australia, one from Dubai. Both do the same thing. I'm not getting a third one when my exact issues are seen by folks in those aforementioned areas - Germany, UK, et al. Software fixes are needed for all regions.

And for the record, I'll keep talking **** since it might mean that other folks might have the same issues and desire a fix as well in other areas of the world where the N9 is sold. Flaws are to be fixed, and I'd like for the major ones to be fixed while we still have support for this device. And a community.

Both are soon to disappear.

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Originally Posted by Zoxir View Post
Actually yeah I can because my operating system doesn't consider me a ****** and lock everything for my own "good"
You can... but will you?
Posts: 314 | Thanked: 107 times | Joined on Feb 2012 @ Bratislava, Slovakia
Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
You do know that this "flagship" phone was not launched in the UK, Germany, France, Italy and other EU nations as well, right? Under the EU laws, Nokia has to grant you some warranty, but in the North American market, it's a different scenario. So for a "flagship" phone, the N9 sure isn't supported like one.

Sigh. Look at the bug reports. A lot of Renault bluetooth issues. Last I checked, that's a EU specific item. The problems you're relegating to minor status are over 50+ reports, mostly European since the N9 wasn't officially released here in the North American market and it's not a widespread device. Simply put, the majority of the issues are in Europe.

I have two of them. One from Australia, one from Dubai. Both do the same thing. I'm not getting a third one when my exact issues are seen by folks in those aforementioned areas - Germany, UK, et al. Software fixes are needed for all regions.

And for the record, I'll keep talking **** since it might mean that other folks might have the same issues and desire a fix as well in other areas of the world where the N9 is sold. Flaws are to be fixed, and I'd like for the major ones to be fixed while we still have support for this device. And a community.

Both are soon to disappear.
Yup, thatīs wasnīt...but as long as weīre in the EU, youīll surely get pretty much anything anywhere...if you knew the thing about N9īs perspective in the US, why would you buy it, then? itīs a pretty poor-minded to buy a phone for some 500-600 bucks and know thereīs nobody to help if it turns broken...

I donīt give a damn thing about what you heard or read, I know a lot of people with N9 around here and in bordering states, no such issues at all...

I agree with the rest...

Last edited by jleholeho; 2012-02-25 at 19:04.
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Originally Posted by jleholeho View Post
Yup, thatīs wasnīt...but as long as weīre in the EU, youīll surely get pretty much anything anywhere...if you knew the thing about N9īs perspective in the US, why would you buy it, then? itīs a pretty poor-minded to buy a phone for some 500-600 bucks and know thereīs nobody to help if it turns broken...
Sounds like the rest of the places that it's now "sold" unofficially. Care to say that to the rest of the folks that bought it too? Or is it just us North Americans you're conserving your vitriol for?

Regardless, purchased with American Express, did my research, they'll support it. My Australian N9 is already being replaced, my Dubai N9 is just fine save for some of the same reported issues.

I got it because I wanted it. Don't recall you lending me a dollar to purchase it, so I really don't want you to lend me your advice about when I did purchase it. Want me to care, send money. Otherwise, hold your tongue. Your words really don't matter since you didn't contribute to the purchase - and as it is looking, you're not contributing to the fixes. Hope your phone never experiences a problem.

And since you're under the impression your phone is so bugless...

Behold... it's not.

I donīt give a damn thing about what you heard or read, I know a lot of people with N9 around here and in bordering states, no such issues at all...
So... if you're not having problems, then everybody is ok?

Oddest take on consumer support that I've ever have witnessed. Congrats, you've somehow astonished me with your... erm, take.

I agree with the rest...
Erm... thanks?

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