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Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
Are you unhappy that your phone beeps every time you receive an SMS? Why should email be treated differently?

The problem being that if you are out of hearing range when the first email arrives, you never know you've got a stack of new emails waiting to be read until you pick up your phone and look at the lock screen, as it doesn't alert you to the arrival of subsequent emails. I'd be happy for it to be an option, though I really don't see why the current behaviour is the default, no other mobile device behaves like this, only N9 and Jolla. I class it as a bug as it's nonsensical behaviour if you depend on email notifications.
There's the led indicator you can check immediately if there are new notifications
As per SMS vs Email, for me the importance is not the same in the first place, since I don't receive SMSs from random people or a guy called BugZilla , It's very annoyed to get beeps every minute, very distracting, but I'm talking here about my personal view on the issue, please note I'm not a UX person so I don't decide in such behaviors anyway, but thanks for the feedback.
Valério Valério

Last edited by VDVsx; 2013-12-18 at 17:54. Reason: typo

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Originally Posted by VDVsx View Post
There's the led indicator you can check immediately if there are new notifications
OK, so it's in a bag then, or a jacket pocket.

Originally Posted by VDVsx View Post
As per SMS vs Email, for me the importance is not the same in the first place, since I don't receive SMSs from random people or a guy called BugZilla , It's very annoyed to get beeps every minute, very distracting, but I'm talking here about my personal view on the issue, please note I'm not a UX person so I don't decide in such behaviors anyway, but thanks for the feedback.
I don't distinguish between the two, I really don't. I've got a new communication (SMS, email, IM, phone call, whatever) and I need to know it's arrived, yet email is the only one that alerts once and then never again until you read the new emails. If some people find email alerts intrusive (but only email alerts, and not IM, SMS etc.? That I find a tad bizarre) then Include the option to alert only once (Android email may offer this option, actually) or alert always. It shouldn't be hard.

Clearly this is a very personal opinion, but it really does boggle my mind that Nokia (and now Jolla) have implemented the least useful choice (essentially, it's "data loss") when it comes to email alerts. Fingers crossed Jolla see fit to add an option.

Last edited by Milhouse; 2013-12-18 at 18:13.
Posts: 228 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ UK
Originally Posted by VDVsx View Post
This does not seem like a bug to me, personally I would be very annoyed if my device beeps for each email I get, but if there are users that want this, it can be considered as a setting, very unlikely a default.
This is one 'feature' of harmattan that I would also like to see as an option in SailfishOS. I'm with @Milhouse on this one, I don't see why email would be treated as less important than SMS, after all if I didn't want the email I wouldn't of added the account to my phone.
mrsellout's Avatar
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I can easily envisage why the notification is important.

Setup - the phone is set to check email every 30 mins. You're waiting for a colleague to get back, or are dying to get that email from Jolla to buy your Jolla II .

Stage 1 - Five emails come in. Some are newsletters, others are from a mailing list. None are important enough to warrant your attention right now, so having read the headers you stick your phone back in your pocket. 5 new emails remain unread.

Stage 2 - Three more come in. One's from a shop, the other's from that mailng list you should've unsubscribed from ages ago, and the last is for the new Jolla II with lasers as promised by Stskeeps! 8 new emails, but you're #5000 on the pre-order list because you didn't hear the notification and didn't check the phone for an hour.
Posts: 79 | Thanked: 64 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Pordenone
sometimes i bring out of my pocket the phone, unlock the screen and PIN insert shown like SIM has been removed but SIM is insert yet...
so i think should be a little bug... it is frustrating discover your phone disconnected from net!! you miss calls
Posts: 64 | Thanked: 69 times | Joined on Dec 2013 @ Joensuu, Finland
Funny behavio(u)r on low battery (<10%). Operation slowed to a crawl (unlocking took so long that I thought it had already died until it beeped). Screen update slowed down and halted so that at one point the screen remained for several seconds alternating horizontal bands of black and the image that had been on screen. Apps running: Messages, Clock, Calendar, People. Charge was 8 to 9% at the time.

Edit: instant recovery when power was applied.

Last edited by jsiren; 2013-12-18 at 20:27.
shining235's Avatar
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I got my contacts from N9 and wanted to change some entries for instant messaging. These entries are shown on the contacts page itself, but not on the edit page.
It seems there is no way atm to change the telepathy portion.

Last edited by shining235; 2013-12-18 at 20:33.
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Lasers? I want lasers.
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Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
My second day with Jolla and I need to get this off my chest...

Email Bug: You only get a single email alert for the first new email, then no alerts for subsequent new emails until you read the first. This was a bug in Harmattan, so disappointing to see that after 2+ years of waiting, Jolla have seen fit to repeat the same mistakes.

Notes Bug: Notes app will hang if you open the context menu on a note then dismiss the menu without selecting a menu item - app is unresponsive thereafter.

Google account bug: Google account keeps signing out several times in 2 days now, requiring re-authentication. Pretty sure there was a similar bug for this in Harmattan too...

Twitter: Event feed shows only the last 10 tweets - this is pretty hopeless, why not the last 100 which is a much more reasonable number to show? Also, there is no conversation context when selecting a tweet to read, again this makes it far less usable as a way to access Twitter. And once again, Harmattan had these same problems (though it would at least show a greater number of tweets than just 10).

Web browser: Is... bad. The UI with the blue bar is really quite nasty, and the fact the browser always re-opens the last web site is unforgivable - since the only way to search the web is to open the browser, you end up wasting valuable data re-opening the last web site (which you don't want) before you can enter your new search. How about an option to use a blank "home" page? Also, without landscape support, rendering in portrait looks very bad - pretty sure there are some major font issues going on (not surprising with Gecko). The Harmattan Webkit browser was way better, particularly in portrait.

Virtual Keyboard: No long presses to access symbols, punctuation and numbers - WTF?! The Jolla vkb is possibly one of the worst (ie. most basic, limited) vkb's I've used in a long while.

People app bug: No way to ignore (filter out) SMS contacts. I had to put my SIM into an old phone to remove all the SIM contacts that "People" insisted on showing to me.

Fonts: The font used for icon titles is horrible and spindly, it looks like crap. Really, crap. Thicken up the strokes, please.

Icons: The icon for "People" is really cheesy and not suitable if your contacts contain mostly business people rather than family. It's an inappropriate icon and should be changed for something more generic. This may sound petty, but this isn't a childs toy, however that's exactly what it looks like. On the subject of "People", why has this changed from "Contacts"? What if my "People" app is actually full of businesses? Daft name for the contacts app.

There are some things that are nice about Sailfish (eg. covers), but unfortunately there are also a fairly large number of application design decisions that haven't really progressed from Harmattan days and now 2 years on, that's just not acceptable. Several of the apps are very basic, and have certainly regressed in terms of functionality since the days of Harmattan (no push Google email?! No native Skype?)

I've owned every Internet Tablet, N900 and N9/N950, and it pains me to say that Jolla is not showing the kind of progress one might expect after these 2 years. Maybe it's because the OS is still beta software, though personally I'd describe it as alpha, but I do really, really hope there are a bunch of major functionality improvements just weeks away. There has to be if this is to be taken seriously. Communicating these impending updates (what is coming etc.) to set expectations is critical for Jolla to maintain interest as right now, Sailfish and Jolla is actually a step or two back from Harmattan and N9 in terms of functionality and usability. And I really didn't think that would be possible as we enter 2014.
Even if I agree with what you say we have to realize facts: Jolla lacks people! And we can only hope they can pump out alot of devices to get income to hire more people that is the only way.

There is ALOT that need to be improved.

But what we can do is to help were we can. Bugreporting and so on. And improve stuff that is open...
Keep safe and healthy
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Originally Posted by michdeskunk View Post
sometimes i bring out of my pocket the phone, unlock the screen and PIN insert shown like SIM has been removed but SIM is insert yet...
so i think should be a little bug... it is frustrating discover your phone disconnected from net!! you miss calls
Or maybe it rebooted?

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