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Originally Posted by endsormeans View Post
racist is a strong word to use..
and I don't think it quite applies..
likewise Russia isn't a "communist" state any longer..
nor is it quite "fascist"..
a "bully-state"? ...that depends which side of the (world) fence you sit on...
there is the "capitalist" (democracy is dead consumeristic purchase power rules) or everyone else opposing capitalism.
I'm not attempting to be political or incite..
but the logic of the dynamic is apparent regardless of the side of the fence.
Look at how the American gov't behaved when suddenly there was a communist state on their doorstep (Cuba) about to get nuclear weapons...
and that was a long way away from D.C.
there was "the bay of pigs" ...
there were heightened nuclear tensions..
to the point where the world was hovering over pressing launch buttons...
and then there was the embargo has lasted a verrrryyyy long time
Fast-forward...capitalism makes great headway...
pushing to the point where many previous communist states are now capitalist..
pushing to the point where the "bread-basket" of Russia (Ukraine) wishes to join...
mere miles from the Russian capital, Moscow...
How would the American's treat the exact ... self-same situation..
It is self-preservation ..plain and simple.
Looking at the present and past is the only way to let crap go and look toward a future.
I'm not condoning anything..
I believe everyone should simply get along and be friends.

But about "-ists"
Technically Russia and russians are not a "race"
in this sitch calling the individ. a "party-est"
or "nation-ist" ..(however it may be grammatically incorrect)
is closer to what you may wish to call him..
It's being thrown around like patriarchy, catch all term for anything certain group that 'can't be racist/sexist by definition' perceives as offensive/harassment. Sadly words lose meaning this way.

I'm afraid the only forum where you can get free speech nowadays is 8chan (4chan is now as heavily moderated as tmo has become recently, on 8ch you can open a new board (its actual name is infinitechan) and you become the mod/admin, only child porn is removed by admins)

@Rauha: MH17 - do you call kalashnikov the biggest murderer in the world? Even very russo-phobic news outlet here cited views that while buk launcher that was used came from russia it is unlikely russian operators did it, they would be trained well enough to not mistake the plane, so most likely 'rebels' are responsible. When brics joins up giving jolla a spin, will you be bringing up tibet and apartheid?

@FOSS fanbois who still are mad at jolla about silica, with it open, jolla would have no reason to discuss with anyone, as russians would just clone it and have their jolla clones for free. It was a good business decision after all
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Originally Posted by endsormeans View Post
racist is a strong word to use..
and I don't think it quite applies..
likewise Russia isn't a "communist" state any longer..
nor is it quite "fascist"..
a "bully-state"? ...that depends which side of the (world) fence you sit on...
there is the "capitalist" (democracy is dead consumeristic purchase power rules) or everyone else opposing capitalism.
I'm not attempting to be political or incite..
but the logic of the dynamic is apparent regardless of the side of the fence.
Look at how the American gov't behaved when suddenly there was a communist state on their doorstep (Cuba) about to get nuclear weapons...
and that was a long way away from D.C.
there was "the bay of pigs" ...
there were heightened nuclear tensions..
to the point where the world was hovering over pressing launch buttons...
and then there was the embargo has lasted a verrrryyyy long time
Fast-forward...capitalism makes great headway...
pushing to the point where many previous communist states are now capitalist..
pushing to the point where the "bread-basket" of Russia (Ukraine) wishes to join...
mere miles from the Russian capital, Moscow...
How would the American's treat the exact ... self-same situation..
It is self-preservation ..plain and simple.
Looking at the present and past is the only way to let crap go and look toward a future.
I'm not condoning anything..
I believe everyone should simply get along and be friends.

But about "-ists"
Technically Russia and russians are not a "race"
in this sitch calling the individ. a "party-est"
or "nation-ist" ..(however it may be grammatically incorrect)
is closer to what you may wish to call him..
I have a lot to say, but it;s too political. To summirize while i think Russian policy is bad, i still would say that a lot of other countries policy is not the best. Just think of USA making revolutions and changing goverments as they wish and while making deals with Islamic countries involved in terrorism as it's profits, they send ships and troops every [place and reason they want(now even worse with the drones). It's not makes Russian policy right, all i just want to say that both parts are terribly wrong.
But the main point is media war. Maybe you do not pay attention, but a lot of Russians suffer from it. And believe me while sanctions do not harm rich Russian top people who do what they please, it hurts regular guys, which mostly have nothing to do. So they not only suffer from dictatorship politics inside country they as well blamed by world. It's not like poeple can just switch him you know how they'll end up. But they are screwed with him and world around intead of help, jsut make it worst for those common guys.
But yet again we are back to hear about Russian and hackers and mobs, while if certain Russian person made something good(scientist or sports) it's this person. You see what i mean? If somebody makes something bad — all russians bad, if somebody made something good, he is good and better not to mention from where he came from.
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post

Im sure russins trying to do the same.

(Disclaimer: I am not responsible for the spelling.)
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Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
I have a lot to say, but it;s too political. To summirize while i think Russian policy is bad, i still would say that a lot of other countries policy is not the best. Just think of USA making revolutions and changing governments as they wish and while making deals with Islamic countries involved in terrorism as it's profits, they send ships and troops every [place and reason they want(now even worse with the drones). It's not makes Russian policy right, all i just want to say that both parts are terribly wrong.

But the main point is media war. Maybe you do not pay attention, but a lot of Russians suffer from it. And believe me while sanctions do not harm rich Russian top people who do what they please, it hurts regular guys, which mostly have nothing to do. So they not only suffer from dictatorship politics inside country they as well blamed by world. It's not like people can just switch him you know how they'll end up. But they are screwed with him and world around instead of help, just make it worst for those common guys.
But yet again we are back to hear about Russian and hackers and mobs, while if certain Russian person made something good (scientist or sports) it's this person. You see what i mean? If somebody makes something bad — all Russians bad, if somebody made something good, he is good and better not to mention from where he came from.
Agree. Not many people notice it, but I was born in Russia - though I have been living abroad for the last, what is it, 10 years? Feels like half of my life, though I may be exaggerating. And, while Internet allows to keep in touch with people staying inside Russia, the same contact highlights the difference in propaganda we are consuming.

Yes, Russians may be close to the level of Chinese when issues of piracy and hacking are considered, and that's crime. But there is the other side of the coin, too: they develop ReactOS, open-source replacement of Windows. There should be no surprise when they want to use something different (like Sailfish OS) instead of Android: just like North Korea with Red-Hat Linux, they fiercely want to avoid relying on their would-be enemies. I am not emphasizing the Yota because their devices have "usual" software (Android) and afaik closed hardware.

I am not proud of current policy of Russian Federation. I am not proud of the last several decades of politics within Russia and USSR - I have not seen USSR, but I have heard of its slow decay. But that does not mean that I will forget the past, or not care about the future, of Russia and whatever it becomes part of. But I am not going to destroy myself in vain attempts to interfere with the juggernaut of destruction that was unleashed somehow within these vast lands. I am away; that means that I hopefully do not feed it, by taxes or otherwise; and maybe, some time later I will be knowledgeable enough to interfere with the war and fire... It is not going to get better; it can easily get worse, within the growing crisis of overpopulation, lack of resources, pollution, deforestation and global heating. The only way forward is space; it would relieve the pressure on natural resources...

And now that's entirely off-topic. Trying to get back on topic: I am hoping that most people remember that best chess players and ice skaters used to be from USSR ;-) Maybe, still are, but I am not following world championships closely.

We are between the fire and ice/Мы между пламенем и льдом,
As iceberg overturns, not once,/И айсберг вновь перевернётся,
And will in fire such we survive/Но выжить ли в пожаре том
As above the Earth in flare will rise?/Что над Землёю факелом взовьётся?

Somewhere tiger stretches muscles,/Где-то разминает мышцы тигр,
Somewhere slivers, splinters gather,/Где-то собираются осколки,
But who knows possibly the words/Но кто знает найдутся ли слова
To raise majestic swan from glass pieces?/Чтоб из стекла поднялся величавый лебедь?
Somewhere lion swings his paw/Где-то машет лапой лев,
And wounds accidentally his ear,/Что сам себе поранил ухо,
Somewhere desert prairie sways,/Где-то колышется пустынная степь,
Who knows who will rise out of it?/Кто знает кто из неё поднимется?
Somewhere poisoned net is spread out/Где-то раскинута отравленная сеть
Of jellyfish, the old lion mane,/Медузы старой львиной гривы,
Somewhere close by a barracuda/Где-то рядом барракуда
Against neighbours has a grudge,/На соседей точит зубы,
And a penguin rests/И отдыхает пингвин
Amidst volcano graves,/Среди вулканов могил,
As koala chews leaves.../А коала жуёт листву...
Will it turn into anteater/Обернтся ли она в ехидну
In the approaching world war?/В грядущую мира войну?
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I'm not sure if this is now the generic jolla banter thread, or mods going cookoo(that's not even spelled right), but in case it is:

Wow, people were joking it's been a year since open sourcing which everybody touts as a godly thing, yet no effects, then this happens, AND jolla accepts it (any such google stories, always heard it was rather dump every big release, pulling not recommended, unless your own leg)
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Originally Posted by ZogG View Post

Government is more than one person, mate. Jolla is not making contract with Mr. P, right?
So basically assuming that selling out to "devil" just because it's Russian ministry of communication, where assumption comes from from word "Russian", not Putin(is he mentioned anywhere in article at all?)
You are delusional, if you think that Russian goverment does something without Putin's approval or without it at least being part of his siloviki inner circle.

Anyways, I think this did it for me. Won't post any more. Sickening thing. People get a hissy fit when Apple/Google/whatever close a line of code, but are just happy when another corporation tries to get money from brutal and bloody autocracy.

Or go gaga when Googel/Apple/whatever are forced to co-operate with NSA, but are happy when another corporation willingly and voluntarily go in bed with FSB/GRU//siloviki/KGB thugs.

Total lack of any morality

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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
Why has this been moved to OffTopic from the thread where this was 100% topical?
Who the **** moderates these things???
Agreed. The original post questions the political influence of the Russia/Jolla collaboration therefore this discussion was completely on-topic.

Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
As well in other thread person asked kind of oftopic question with F word and when i provided answer, it was deleted but the question was not.

Maybe i'm not most pro-jolla guy, but i have all rights to say what i think on same topic or at least check the questions i answer to and the reason. But no... you just delete or move messages. What a nice move...
It's not the first time I've seen censorship on TMO. I may strongly disagree with many posts I see but everyone is entitled to their opinion, however controversial. In my opinion, censorship is unhealthy and goes against the free software spirit which our community strongly follows.

I think all moderators should be reminded of their role. Perhaps someone can raise this at the next council meeting.
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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
Or go gaga when Googel/Apple/whatever are forced to co-operate with NSA, but are happy when another corporation willingly and voluntarily go in bed with FSB/GRU//siloviki/KGB thugs.

Total lack of any morality

Where's the quote??? I love how you regurgitate US propaganda and in next sentence claim only russia(putin himself in every action as evidenced by your post) uses propaganda. Iran - surely coup de etat to dismantle democratic PM was right, doesn't matter US created the current regime in the end. Iran signing with Jolla, you will shout about Nukes supported by jolla? (just look at your news reporters happy to report how leader of NK executed his wife by a barrage of missiles smuggled by midgets from south, as they have no such capability, just to correct themself next week in smaller font and somewhere down 'wife of dear leader was seen alive, we would like to apologize, apparently midgets were not involved'). If morality for you is defined by propaganda you're being served (I know people in eastern poland are totally russo-phobic, can understand you living next to the russian border to some extent), then just admit it, putin is literally hitler, their interests in the Crimea are not important, US never defended their interests militarily (bay of pigs?)
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Originally Posted by wicket View Post
It's not the first time I've seen censorship on TMO. I may strongly disagree with many posts I see but everyone is entitled to their opinion, however controversial. In my opinion, censorship is unhealthy and goes against the free software spirit which our community strongly follows.

I think all moderators should be reminded of their role. Perhaps someone can raise this at the next council meeting.
AMEN brother, heavy modding (caring about people who get offended by stuff, I get offended by that, please revert) is slowly killing internet (like google did pushing for 'ads are acceptable on the internet' ********, now web without adblock sucks), noone stood to them and now adblock is required. Hope we learned that lesson, but again, in every community where you don't have protection of speech written into the rules, you end up with modding and censorship to bigger or smaller extent. Is free speech FOSS halal? Probably more than moderating because we don't liek some views (he claimed putin isn't devil, got triggered)
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The only good way out for jolla: hey guise, russians have been looking for an open source OS, and found nemo and our UI working quite well, will use nemo, but we refused them UI until they withdraw from ukraine, they said no, so we close the jolla and nemo projects, and ask everyone to reupload all and every piece of code they have downloaded, only this way we can stop hitler 2.0 (read: putin). We're still waiting for words of approval from stallman, he will download our blog page shortly

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