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kingoddball's Avatar
Posts: 1,187 | Thanked: 816 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Australia
If it won't boot, why not flash it over to RD mode?
Try boot your Debian using M-AG's Ubuntu Kernel if this debian won't work. SHOULD do the trick to at least get a boot.

As for Multiboot.
Just use ANY xxx.item file and just test with any kernel.

Please post up all the steps you have done so far.

Guru Meditation is because it can not find a kernel.

Make you file*.item in /etc/multiboot

Looking over your messages again...
It does not matter what Maemo PR you are on.

5. I have powerkernel installed but it;s 2.6.28-omap1 that I moved into /mnt/debian/lib/modules. I also tried specifying the kernel in the .item file but no joy
Why are you putting a kernel there??

Place the debian kernel you are using in /boot/multiboot
and name is as vmlinuz-2.6.28*blahblah

I have done a few things like this when bored, I will help.

But really, try MAG's Ubuntu kernel first, or even possible try:

take all NITDroid files from partition two (SAVE THESE!) and extract the Debian tarball into P2 and try boot (using droid kernel) see what happens!

Mini Edit: That item file you made was also for BootMenu, not multiboot (check your source)
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!

Last edited by kingoddball; 2011-03-07 at 20:33.

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qwazix's Avatar
Moderator | Posts: 2,622 | Thanked: 5,447 times | Joined on Jan 2010
That item file you made was also for BootMenu, not multiboot (check your source)
yes I know, but I checked the syntax and it is the same except for the quotes, but it seems it doesn't have problem with the quotes anyway
Why are you putting a kernel there??
I was referring to this thing
cp -a /lib/modules/2.6.28-omap1/ /mnt/debian/lib/modules/
I meant the contents of this directory (I did think it was the kernel in there but anyway I did it right)

Anyway I flashed now and multiboot is out of here so when I manage to make a uboot + power46wl I will try with the debian kernel.

Last edited by qwazix; 2013-06-25 at 19:01.
qwazix's Avatar
Moderator | Posts: 2,622 | Thanked: 5,447 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I have been trying to boot a full debian system off the N900. After unsuccessfully trying to boot with multiboot and maemo kernel I decided to give uboot and 2.6.35 from shr a try. So:

1. I unpacked shr from here on my microsd

2. Got uboot from here and loaded it (didn't flash - because I have power46wl1 and the image there is normal maemo kerner - tried to combine power46wl with u-boot and failed)

3. Booted into shr, touchscreen and screen backlight worked fine, didn't try anything else.

4. Cleaned up the sd, unpacked the image found here and copied the boot folder from shr image.

5. booted ok into console, without backlight, I managed to read some errors (modules.dep not found etc) just as they passed by real quick

6. copied the /lib/modules/ folder over from shr and now those errors are gone, but still no backlight. When I try ifconfig wlan0 up the system responds with 'could not find firmware' but I checked and the firmwares from maemo are already in /lib/firmware on the sd

7. Installed lxde via chroot from maemo and booted again. Now I get into X but the device becomes non responsive. No touchscreen and surprisingly no keyboard. The cursor is a watch if I boot directly into lxde, while if I boot to the console, and startx the cursor is normal but still no response at all.

8. Tried the other kernel uImage- in the shr image but this does not boot at all: after the 'loading kernel' label in uboot screen the device restarts and goes into the nokia logo.

I don't know what else to do, I am not very experienced with combining different things to make a linux distribution but I think I am near the solution. (we know that basic things work - touchscreen, wifi, keyboard, backlight) so there must be a way to make them work on debian. Any ideas appreciated.

Last edited by qwazix; 2013-06-25 at 18:59.
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 415 times | Joined on Jan 2012
I have debian wheezy running on the N900. I will document the procedure in this post. Corrections and suggestions for further details and/or discussions are welcome.

All the information here comes from the following sources:
* and its references
* the ubuntu thread
* the arch linux thread

These instructions are to be run from the N900. It is not necessary to use the PC (although possible; check the refs).

Disclaimer: only try this if you are comfortable with the cli and willing to risk a reflash.

Choose installation target

Choose a partition to install debian. I have tried both the uSD and the eMMC. In this post I will assume the installation target is the uSD.

Create a partition of the desired size and type. If you are not familiar with command line tools to create partitions, stop now ;-)

Create a filesystem on the partition. In my case I used ext4, but notice that ext4 requires the power kernel.

Install basic system

Install debootstrap directly from debian repository:
and install it with dpkg:
dpkg -i debootstrap_1.0.48+deb7u1_all.deb
Mount the target partition:
mount -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt
and install the basic system:
debootstrap --arch=armhf --variant=minbase wheezy /mnt
chroot and continue the installation

After the first phase of the installation is completed, chroot to our new system:
for i in dev proc sys; do mount -o bind /$i /mnt/$i; done
chroot /mnt bash -l
Once inside, continue the installation:
echo N900 > /etc/hostname
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
cat << EOF > /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
cat << EOF > /etc/default/keyboard:
echo "deb wheezy main contrib non-free" > etc/apt/sources.list.d/wheezy.list
echo "deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free" >> etc/apt/sources.list.d/wheezy.list
apt-get update
apt-get install ssh wicd wicd-curses wireless-tools wget keyboard-configuration
Adjust the package list to your liking.

In the arch linux thread referenced above, Skry et al. have developed a very nice keyboard configuration. I strongly suggest it is used:
mkdir -p /usr/share/keymaps
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration 
# get keyboard maps
wget --no-check-certificate -O /usr/share/keymaps/
loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/
Do not forget to set root password:
For a graphical environment one may install xorg, lxde, awesome or e17 (from jessie).

My touchscreen required a bit of configuration:
n900:~# cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf 
Section "InputClass"
	Identifier "Calibration"
        MatchIsTouchscreen "on"
	Option "Calibration" "194 3901 3739 241"
When done, leave the chroot.


I have tried 4 kernels:
* pali's linux-n900 versions 3.8-rc3 and 3.9 (hand-compiled);
* debian linux-image-omap
* nemo's kernel
In all cases the corresponding modules and firmware must be installed to the target system.

Best results were obtained with the kernel from nemo. Both compiled kernels failed to boot and reset the device after a few seconds. I have not yet investigated further.

The debian omap kernel fails to bootstrap my system as well.

With the kernel from nemo the system fully boots and is functional with wifi and e17/X.

kernel notes

Nemo kernel and images are here

The debian kernel can be installed with
apt-get install linux-image-omap
Pali's kernels were compiled in x86 debian box using a cross-compiler. The procedure is as follows:
1. add emdebian repo to apt config: deb wheezy main
2. install emdebian gcc 4.7 cross compiler
3. add one alternative to the cross compiler using update-alternatives
4. clone pali's repository from
git clone git://
git checkout v3.9
5. build with
ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- make rx51_defconfig
ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- make -j 2 
INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../linux/ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- make modules_install
6. place kernel and modules in /boot and /lib/modules, respectively.
7. I have not changed the default kernel config and I am no kernel expert, and possibly some config changes will be enough for a successful boot (if you know better, please share)


To finally boot into debian, we have to configure u-boot. Notice that some versions of u-boot seem to have problems booting 3.x kernels. I believe latest version in extras-devel has fixed this.

I have tried 4 variations, one for each kernel. In all cases the kernels and initrd have been placed inside maemo's /opt/boot as zimages.

ITEM_NAME="Debian Wheezy nemo kernel"
ITEM_CMDLINE="root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rootwait vram=12M console=tty0"

ITEM_NAME="Debian Wheezy omap kernel"
ITEM_CMDLINE="root=UUID=XXXXXXX vram=12M console=tty0"

ITEM_NAME="Debian Wheezy kernel v3.8-rc3"
ITEM_CMDLINE="root=UUID=XXXXXXX vram=12M console=tty0"

ITEM_NAME="Debian Wheezy kernel v3.9"
ITEM_CMDLINE="root=UUID=XXXXXXX vram=12M console=tty0"
Personal considerations

1. the boot takes much longer that arch linux in the same device, but boot times are comparable to maemo
2. debian has a packaged ofono, but I have not yet investigated further
3. once booted, the system feels stable and functional

Last edited by caveman; 2013-06-25 at 20:22. Reason: update X information

The Following 18 Users Say Thank You to caveman For This Useful Post:
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 415 times | Joined on Jan 2012
So how does armel (maemo) compare to armhf (wheezy)? Some basic tests:

openssl speed sha512
type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
sha512             465.80k     1959.38k     2816.85k     3900.45k     4417.63k
type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
sha512             388.15k     1645.95k     2334.09k     3195.16k     3578.92k
openssl speed rsa1024
                  sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
rsa 1024 bits 0.022798s 0.001074s     43.9    930.7
                  sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
rsa 1024 bits 0.020597s 0.001000s     48.6    999.7

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Community Council | Posts: 680 | Thanked: 1,227 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Mbabane
the debian kernel will not work because debian does not accept patches from 'obscure' sources :P
however, I did get it to boot to some extent (ended up with an oops somewhere) Basically, you need to prepare an initrd with the important modules.

as for ofono, it works ok with nemo's kernel. i could use 3G/GPRS, as well as receive SMS.

i found xfce to suit my needs. better than the other DEs/WMs.

The Following User Says Thank You to sicelo For This Useful Post:
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 415 times | Joined on Jan 2012
Originally Posted by qhubekela View Post
the debian kernel will not work because debian does not accept patches from 'obscure' sources :P
however, I did get it to boot to some extent (ended up with an oops somewhere) Basically, you need to prepare an initrd with the important modules.
How are you dealing with battery charging with the nemo kernel? Manually running the script?
Community Council | Posts: 680 | Thanked: 1,227 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Mbabane
Yes, I was running the script manually. i think Pali's kernel auto-detects, but I never tried it.
Community Council | Posts: 680 | Thanked: 1,227 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Mbabane
BTW, another kernel you can try is Skry's, from his alarm project. I had a few problems booting the uImage, but after extracting the zImage from it, I could use it successfully.

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Posts: 34 | Thanked: 66 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by qhubekela View Post
as for ofono, it works ok with nemo's kernel. i could use 3G/GPRS, as well as receive SMS.
How did you do this? Did you have to build the ofono sources?

I'm trying to use ofono from apt-get on wheezy.

I have phonet0 showing in ifconfig -a
and /dev/cmt in filesystem.

ofono -d -n gives:

ofonod -d -n
ofonod[2849]: oFono version 1.6
ofonod[2849]: src/plugin.c:__ofono_plugin_init() 
ofonod[2849]: plugins/push-notification.c:push_notification_init() 
ofonod[2849]: plugins/smart-messaging.c:smart_messaging_init() 
ofonod[2849]: src/cdma-provision.c:ofono_cdma_provision_driver_register() driver: 0xb61cc name: CDMA provisioning
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs-provision.c:ofono_gprs_provision_driver_register() driver: 0xb61a0 name: Provisioning
ofonod[2849]: plugins/connman.c:connman_init() 
ofonod[2849]: src/private-network.c:ofono_private_network_driver_register() driver: 0xb6174, name: ConnMan Private Network
ofonod[2849]: plugins/dun_gw.c:dun_gw_init() 
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb6094, name: hfp
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb603c, name: sap
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5fc8, name: telit
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5f5c, name: sim900
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5f14, name: samsung
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5ecc, name: speedupcdma
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5e7c, name: speedup
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5e34, name: alcatel
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5dec, name: icera
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5da4, name: linktop
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5d5c, name: nokiacdma
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5d14, name: nokia
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5ccc, name: tc65
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5c44, name: ste
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5bec, name: ifx
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5ba4, name: palmpre
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5b54, name: novatel
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5b0c, name: sierra
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5a94, name: huawei
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5a4c, name: zte
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb59ec, name: hso
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb599c, name: mbm
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb594c, name: calypso
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5904, name: wavecom
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb58bc, name: gobi
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5874, name: g1
ofonod[2849]: src/cdma-voicecall.c:ofono_cdma_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0xb581c, name: cdmamodem
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_devinfo_driver_register() driver: 0xb5844, name: cdmamodem
ofonod[2849]: src/cdma-connman.c:ofono_cdma_connman_driver_register() driver: 0xb5860, name: cdmamodem
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb5784, name: phonesim
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb57b4, name: localhfp
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0xb5770, name: phonesim
ofonod[2849]: src/ctm.c:ofono_ctm_driver_register() driver: 0xb575c, name: phonesim
ofonod[2849]: plugins/phonesim.c:parse_config() filename /etc/ofono/phonesim.conf
ofonod[2849]: src/ussd.c:ofono_ussd_driver_register() driver: 0xb5748, name: speedupmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/voicecall.c:ofono_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0xb563c, name: hfpmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_devinfo_driver_register() driver: 0xb56e0, name: hfpmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/network.c:ofono_netreg_driver_register() driver: 0xb5694, name: hfpmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/call-volume.c:ofono_call_volume_driver_register() driver: 0xb56c8, name: hfpmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/handsfree.c:ofono_handsfree_driver_register() driver: 0xb570c, name: hfpmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/network.c:ofono_netreg_driver_register() driver: 0xb55bc, name: dunmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_driver_register() driver: 0xb55e0, name: dunmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/voicecall.c:ofono_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0xb54f8, name: stemodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0xb5580, name: stemodem
ofonod[2849]: src/radio-settings.c:ofono_radio_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb5548, name: stemodem
ofonod[2849]: src/voicecall.c:ofono_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0xb53e0, name: ifxmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/audio-settings.c:ofono_audio_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb5438, name: ifxmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/radio-settings.c:ofono_radio_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb544c, name: ifxmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0xb5480, name: ifxmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/stk.c:ofono_stk_driver_register() driver: 0xb54a4, name: ifxmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/ctm.c:ofono_ctm_driver_register() driver: 0xb54c4, name: ifxmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0xb5378, name: hsomodem
ofonod[2849]: src/radio-settings.c:ofono_radio_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb5394, name: hsomodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0xb52fc, name: mbmmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/stk.c:ofono_stk_driver_register() driver: 0xb5318, name: mbmmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/location-reporting.c:ofono_location_reporting_driver_register() driver: 0xb5338, name: mbmmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/voicecall.c:ofono_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0xb5264, name: calypsomodem
ofonod[2849]: src/stk.c:ofono_stk_driver_register() driver: 0xb52b4, name: calypsomodem
ofonod[2849]: src/ussd.c:ofono_ussd_driver_register() driver: 0xb5174, name: huaweimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/voicecall.c:ofono_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0xb5188, name: huaweimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/audio-settings.c:ofono_audio_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb51d8, name: huaweimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/radio-settings.c:ofono_radio_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb5208, name: huaweimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0xb51ec, name: huaweimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/cdma-netreg.c:ofono_cdma_netreg_driver_register() driver: 0xb5234, name: huaweimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/radio-settings.c:ofono_radio_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb5128, name: ztemodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0xb50ec, name: swmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/radio-settings.c:ofono_radio_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb50a8, name: nwmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/voicecall.c:ofono_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0xb4f28, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_devinfo_driver_register() driver: 0xb4fc0, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/call-barring.c:ofono_call_barring_driver_register() driver: 0xb4f78, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/call-forwarding.c:ofono_call_forwarding_driver_register() driver: 0xb4d30, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/call-meter.c:ofono_call_meter_driver_register() driver: 0xb4d70, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/call-settings.c:ofono_call_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb4c7c, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/phonebook.c:ofono_phonebook_driver_register() driver: 0xb4fa8, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/ussd.c:ofono_ussd_driver_register() driver: 0xb4f04, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/sms.c:ofono_sms_driver_register() driver: 0xb4cec, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/sim.c:ofono_sim_driver_register() driver: 0xb4e44, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/sim.c:ofono_sim_driver_register() driver: 0xb4e8c, name: atmodem-noef
ofonod[2849]: src/stk.c:ofono_stk_driver_register() driver: 0xb4edc, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/network.c:ofono_netreg_driver_register() driver: 0xb4dcc, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/cbs.c:ofono_cbs_driver_register() driver: 0xb4d14, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/call-volume.c:ofono_call_volume_driver_register() driver: 0xb4fec, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_driver_register() driver: 0xb501c, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0xb5030, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/sim-auth.c:ofono_sim_auth_driver_register() driver: 0xb504c, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gnss.c:ofono_gnss_driver_register() driver: 0xb506c, name: atmodem
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb4a60, name: u8500
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_devinfo_driver_register() driver: 0xb4a44, name: u8500
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb49fc, name: n900
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_driver_register() driver: 0xb49b4, name: isiusb
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_devinfo_driver_register() driver: 0xb476c, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/phonebook.c:ofono_phonebook_driver_register() driver: 0xb475c, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/network.c:ofono_netreg_driver_register() driver: 0xb4788, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/voicecall.c:ofono_voicecall_driver_register() driver: 0xb47ac, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/sms.c:ofono_sms_driver_register() driver: 0xb47f4, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/cbs.c:ofono_cbs_driver_register() driver: 0xb4814, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/sim.c:ofono_sim_driver_register() driver: 0xb4828, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/ussd.c:ofono_ussd_driver_register() driver: 0xb4870, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/call-forwarding.c:ofono_call_forwarding_driver_register() driver: 0xb4884, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/call-settings.c:ofono_call_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb48a4, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/call-barring.c:ofono_call_barring_driver_register() driver: 0xb48d4, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/call-meter.c:ofono_call_meter_driver_register() driver: 0xb48ec, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/radio-settings.c:ofono_radio_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb4914, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_driver_register() driver: 0xb4938, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/gprs.c:ofono_gprs_context_driver_register() driver: 0xb494c, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/audio-settings.c:ofono_audio_settings_driver_register() driver: 0xb4960, name: isimodem
ofonod[2849]: src/sim.c:ofono_sim_driver_register() driver: 0xb496c, name: wgmodem2.5
ofonod[2849]: plugins/udevng.c:udev_start() 
ofonod[2849]: plugins/udevng.c:enumerate_devices() 
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_create() name: (null), type: n900
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:set_modem_property() modem 0xa10528 property Path
ofonod[2849]: plugins/udev.c:add_modem() /devices/platform/omap_ssi.0/ssi0/port0/ssi_protocol/net/phonet0 (n900)
ofonod[2849]: plugins/udev.c:add_isi() modem 0xa10528
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:get_modem_property() modem 0xa10528 property Interface
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:set_modem_property() modem 0xa10528 property Address
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:set_modem_property() modem 0xa10528 property Interface
ofonod[2849]: plugins/udev.c:add_isi() interface phonet0
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:ofono_modem_register() 0xa10528
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:get_modem_property() modem 0xa10528 property Interface
ofonod[2849]: src/modem.c:get_modem_property() modem 0xa10528 property Address
ofonod[2849]: plugins/n900.c:n900_probe() (0xa10528) with phonet0
ofonod[2849]: plugins/nokia-gpio.c:gpio_probe_links() Using /dev/cmt
ofonod[2849]: plugins/nokia-gpio.c:gpio_line_probe() cmt_en: not found
ofonod[2849]: plugins/nokia-gpio.c:gpio_line_probe() cmt_rst_rq: not found
ofonod[2849]: plugins/nokia-gpio.c:gpio_line_probe() cmt_rst: not found
ofonod[2849]: plugins/nokia-gpio.c:gpio_line_probe() cmt_bsi: not found
ofonod[2849]: plugins/nokia-gpio.c:gpio_line_probe() cmt_apeslpx: not found
ofonod[2849]: plugins/nokia-gpio.c:gpio_probe() Modem control GPIO lines are not available
ofonod[2849]: plugins/n900.c:n900_probe() gpio for phonet0: No such device
This happens with or without the u-dev rules from mer.

Other problems....

dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /isimodem0  org.ofono.Modem.GetProperties

Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject: Method "GetProperties" with signature "" on interface "org.ofono.Modem" doesn't exist
any hints would be appreciated.

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