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Candidate declarations have to be posted to the maemo-community list to be valid, so all one has to do is go through and count the submissions.

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...which is responsibility of Council's chair, as it's one person responsible for ensuring, that election goes smoothly.

It's pity, that almost 2 days after deadline, we don't even know - officially - if submitting candidates is closed, or extended (which also affect date of voting). Especially, that all Councilors decided to submit their candidacy for BoD on "last minute".

I know, that it's weekend etc, but declaring end of (or extending) deadline for submissions wouldn't be much a hassle to do, after throwing own name into hat.

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for those interested...

check Council election September 2012 for current status of election timetable
and Candidate declarations
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

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Well, if anyone cares, if it had been extended, I would have self-nominated. At this time given that I haven't noticed any updates saying that it has, however, I assume it hasn't. *Shrug* Oh well.
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It's extremely funny, as MWKN declared end of nomination period (via counting candidates), but we still doesn't have any statement from Council, despite numerous requests and almost 4th day sine "theoretical" end of submissions period - it seems that chair is very serious about his duties

Absolutely agree on "oh well" part, nothing more we can do now.

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Oh, common...
If you want to submit, you go and submit yourself, and if it's too late you'll get reply that would say it. It's better than just bragging here.
And it's not that they submitted "last minute", like you did for certain events in the past . (What are you still trying to prove, Estel?) But submitted as there are no people willing to do so, and now is the time of responsibilities and new starts which would be the hardest time, as you need to push whole foundation thing forward very fast till it gets on tracks.
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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Personally, I think that BoD thing was a little under-announced.
Under-announced? Like the time you as Chair under-announced the fact that Council could apply for CA, and that you intended to apply?

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
You may call it lack of charisma, if You wish.
Frankly, I blame the lack of interest on the ****-storm of total BS that occupied the first several weeks of this Council's time until you stepped down, like going on tangents about IRC ops and arguing about having manners. So, charisma, sure... That's it...

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
since something about 1,5 month, they become less and less populated (to the point that, once, only one Councilor was present, with zero guests, so he had nothing other to do, than closing meeting) and shorter.
Considering the last meeting had 4 Council and 3 commentators, yup... short uneventful meetings the past couple months. Nothing important at all going on there.

There was one meeting with one Council member, in August. It happened to be that three of the remaining four of us had scheduled non-refundable vacations (long before we were elected Council) that overlapped during that week. Shame there wasn't a reliable 5th Council member to help carry on important tasks while we were away...

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Especially, that all Councilors decided to submit their candidacy for BoD on "last minute".
Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
And it's not that they submitted "last minute", like you did for certain events in the past .
Took the words right out of my mouth...

Oh, and sorry for not submitting my candidacy earlier. I was a little busy doing other unimportant things... Like starting up a legal foundation, and trying to get people to review the latest bylaws instead of poking holes in everything.

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
It's extremely funny, as MWKN declared end of nomination period (via counting candidates), but we still doesn't have any statement from Council,
Yes, there's been no announcements anywhere about the election cycle continuing on it's normal time-table. Especially not one posted 24 hours before your complaint.

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
despite numerous requests and almost 4th day sine "theoretical" end of submissions period
And really, how smart does one have to be to look at the number of candidates, both on the mailing list and on a wiki page, and compare that to the official election rules? Nowhere does it say the chair must announce every little thing, especially when the time-table was already announced.

So sorry for ignoring those "numerous requests"... posted to an unfollowed, auto-generated blog post thread that pointed to a far more active thread on the topic. Silly me. I should have looked for the "Beware of Leopard" sign. My bad...

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
it seems that chair is very serious about his duties
Sorry? This from the man who totally abandoned his duties to the community and left Council because others wouldn't instantly follow-up to a demand for attention? Sorry, but no. You don't get to comment on anyone not being serious about their duties after the crap you pulled.

Btw: How's that aluminum cover project coming along? Maxim is curious if those motors are working out for you... Serious? Really?
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Last edited by woody14619; 2012-10-03 at 01:30.

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Oh, and going back to pick up a few more items not Estel related...

Originally Posted by geneven View Post
I lost interest when the current council immediately accepted expensive gifts from Nokia and effectively ignored criticism about it.
I accepted a gift from Nokia? Where is it?! Did it get lost in the mail. Damn kids, swiping things off my porch again, I bet!

And how you call a 2 week debate on the topic, with not one but two hyperactive 200+ post threads "ignoring criticism" I'll never know.

Originally Posted by lma View Post
Would it be unreasonable to postpone the board elections and ask the current council to stay as a provisional board at least until the immediate infrastructure situation is resolved?
Legally, Council can not sign contracts. Council very well could have elected to do what you said. But when the bylaws even mentioned Council would act as an interim Board until an official one was elected, there was a huge uproar. Screams of "They're grabbing for power" and threats of fighting it tooth and nail...

Lots of people, including more than one Council member, felt it would be best to simply do an election. That, along with the push to review bylaws was hoped to be enough to calm people, or so it was thought. (Btw, Thanks for raising a stink... As a result we're now incorporators instead, which gives us a little more freedom to do things ahead of time, AND allows us to cut ties easier in a legal way if need be.)

All said and done, this is actually a reasonable time for the transition. It could/should have happened about a week earlier, but as it is the paperwork is just hitting the inbox, and that time-frame was an unknown when we first submitted things. (Yes, we're official now.) So, now the Foundation sits for a few days awaiting it's first Board. Not sure we could have done much better timing wise without a crystal ball. Well, unless you count Rob's attempts 18 months ago to do this exact thing, only to see everyone shoot him down for even proposing it...
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Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
Oh, common...
If you want to submit, you go and submit yourself, and if it's too late you'll get reply that would say it. It's better than just bragging here.
"Bragging"? It wasn't bragging, it was a way to inform anyone who might have been interested, on the fact that the lack of anything to suggest that it would be at all meaningful to do so was my reason for not having done so (aside from the initial reason of not having paid attention enough to have noticed the due date had already passed). And to some extent it was a probe of reaction - if no one seemed to care, that kind-of suggests that there isn't community interest in having me in those positions, wouldn't you agree? And honestly, I fail to see how what I said could be bragging - if anything, it's allowing people to go "lol, that's what happens when you miss the deadline that was announced months in advance, sux2bu". And of course it allows people to make the assumption you made that I'm somehow bragging. No person with a decent understanding of human psychology would ever think that they could somehow make themselves look better by saying what I said above.

But I think you're right, I should've gone and done that. At that, I should have done that immediately, rather than waiting a day or two to see if the period would be extended. Would've been much wiser.

@Woody: I apologize for not having seen the post you linked to ( ) earlier - I see that it was made about 8 hours before my last post here, so that's my fault for missing it.

As an aside, I don't recall shooting down Rob when he was trying to do "this exact thing" 18 months ago - if anyone remembers me speaking out otherwise, please slap me for forgetting, but I suspect I would have been for it then too.

@geneven (and everyone who keeps criticizing council for "accepting expensive gifts", which I suspect refers to the whole devices being awarded for community contribution thing): From what I recall (anyone correct me if I'm wrong), the council members involved, like everyone else, were voted for as possible recipients, rather than simply taking the devices. And the whole reason for why they were accepted eligible, was the fact that if they weren't good enough members of the community to accept the devices, why on earth were they elected in the first place? The community gave them their stamp of approval by electing them, and it wouldn't be fair for them to be automatically ineligible just because they happened to also volunteer their time and energy to the community's well-being.

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Originally Posted by woody14619 View Post
And really, how smart does one have to be to look at the number of candidates, both on the mailing list and on a wiki page, and compare that to the official election rules?
C'mon, it's poor excuse - thinking like that, we wouldn't need chair at all, as rules could't get automated, and work on it's own. If person so respected and heavily interested in Community affairs, as Mentalist Traceur, doesn't know if he can submit his candidacy or it's past deadline + his question is "+1" by other people = he can't get answer from person responsible for election, during freaking 5 days, something isn't right.

Yet, it seems, that Council is so satisfied by own approach to whole BoD election thing, that Council's representative (chair) feels that it's justified to put so *late* answer in offensive and hateful way. I'm also sure, that Council is pretty much satisfied/happy by quality of candidacies for BoD/Council put on last day (= doesn't apply to Tim's and Arnold submissions, as they were great). Well, I'm not, and I'm quite sure, that it's my "goddamn" right to express it in so calm and reasonable way, without being attacked personally by Council's representative.

In the end, it's fine -if it's the manner Council like to use as a way of Communication with people like Mentalist, me, or others interested in Maemo ("how smart You need to be, to know details about election Yourself, instead of suspecting official Announcement from Council's chair, dumbie?!1!111!"), it got acknowledged.

As for rest of Your post, I'm not going to comment on it - kinda waste of time, for such pack of miserable ad persona attacks, sophism, and demagogy. It's quite funny, as I though that Council decided need of demanding *'more* than a natural reaction (= offensive one, in woody's case), from a Chair. Outcome seems to looks rather like "standards differ, depending on person You're attaching it to".

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