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Well, in my case, I've had two 770's (I wore out the screen on the first one) and I just upgraded to an 800. No major complaints, all things considered.
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Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
BTW, I responded to this thread because of the tone and generalizations used by the OP.
Bingo. Same here.

I have zero problems, personally or otherwise, with people expressing frustration over a bad experience. That is well within everyone's rights (I won't get into the deeper issue of free speech in private fora... lol).

The problems occur when posters are antagonistic, ill-tempered, hyperbolic or willfully vague. I don't understand what they hope to accomplish with such ranting. Surely not a solution! If it's just venting, fine- spew and move on. But don't defend such an absurd approach further! Cripes, that's disingenuous beyond belief.

Rank complainers could learn from EwanG's example. He expressed righteous anger and disappointment, but he also stuck to facts and methodically described his experiences for everyone here. He NEVER succumbed to the juvenile baiting that's been going on lately. Nokia may have lost him as a customer, but the company had every opportunity to do right by him based on his diligence so he is well within his rights.

Now, back to the useless "contributions" of the trolls.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Bingo. Same here.

I have zero problems, personally or otherwise, with people expressing frustration over a bad experience. That is well within everyone's rights (I won't get into the deeper issue of free speech in private fora... lol).

The problems occur when posters are antagonistic, ill-tempered, hyperbolic or willfully vague. I don't understand what they hope to accomplish with such ranting. Surely not a solution! If it's just venting, fine- spew and move on. But don't defend such an absurd approach further! Cripes, that's disingenuous beyond belief.

Rank complainers could learn from EwanG's example. He expressed righteous anger and disappointment, but he also stuck to facts and methodically described his experiences for everyone here. He NEVER succumbed to the juvenile baiting that's been going on lately. Nokia may have lost him as a customer, but the company had every opportunity to do right by him based on his diligence so he is well within his rights.

Now, back to the useless "contributions" of the trolls.

Guess what Texrat... everytime you start bashing the newbie and fueling the fire on here while pretending to be a mature and intelligent man... I am going to point out what you are really doing. I get a kick out of your long winded TOTAL DENIAL posts anyhow. It's as simple as that. You want to bash new people then I will be right behind you... lay off the newbies and I will mind my own business and quietly suffer reading your posts with the smilies at the end.
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I think that some people (there sure are enough of them) who appear frequently in this Forum. Their main reason for being here is, lamenting about some or the other problems without really trying to find the solution to it. As of today, I am using the same old Nokia 770 IT. It simply works well for me. I know well that there are so many others who have had a lot of problem with it. But honestly they never lamented so much as someone here did.

Now, it is a fact that there are many people who own the latest Nokia N800, which of course is more updated, faster and better in many ways than the Nokia 770. This too, has its own problems and issues. But these problems and issues are the ones that can be solved. The reason for the existence of this Forum is the exchange of ideas, troubleshooting steps, clues, even hacks to make these two Internet Tablets work the way we want them to work.

Nokia simply gave us this Hardware with its basic OS, now it is up to us to make it work the way we want to. I don’t see the complainer ever trying to ask as to how he can get network connectivity or how he could make it work better. So without doing that he decided to flash it with the latest OS hoping that it will make the Device work. Unfortunately the way his computer is setup or assembled does not allow him that option.

I have a 7-year-old, P3 computer installed with Windows 2000 SP4. When I first tried to update the Nokia OS on the 770 it did it easily. But to update the final Official OS, I had to update my computer first. How difficult is this? How come so many Computer experts, Linux experts and all the great people find it difficult to do this?

As for Windows Genuine Advantage Utility, my Computer is 7 years old so is the Windows 2000 that is installed on it and yet I do not have the issue that this gentleman is facing. No time issues or anything as such. How come the Genuine Advantage thingy works for me? I think there is something more rotten in the state of Denmark.

Last edited by Arjun; 2007-05-15 at 00:42.
euchreprof's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Arjun View Post
I think that some people (there sure are enough of them) who appear frequently in this Forum. Their main reason for being here is, lamenting about some or the other problems without really trying to find the solution to their problem. As of today I am using the same old Nokia 770 IT. It simply works well for me. I know well that there are so many others who have had a lot of problem with it. But honestly they never lamented so mush as someone here did. Now, it is a fact that there are so many people who own the latest Nokia N800, which of course is more updated, faster and better in many ways than the Nokia 770. This too, has its own problems and issues. But these problems and issues are the ones that can be solved. The reason for the existence of this Forum is the exchange of ideas, troubleshooting steps, clues, even hacks to make these two Internet Tablets work the way we want them to work.

Nokia simply gave us this Hardware with its basic OS, now it is up to us to make it work the way we want to. I don’t see the complainer ever trying to ask as to how he can get network connectivity or how he could make it work better. So without doing that he decided to flash it with the latest OS hoping that it will make the Device work. Unfortunately the way his computer is setup or assembled does not allow him that option.

I have a 7-year-old P3 computer installed with Windows 2000 SP4. When I first tried to update the Nokia OS on the 770 it did it easily. But to update the final Official OS, I had to update my computer first. How difficult is this? How come so many Computer experts, Linux experts and all the great people find it difficult to do this?
As for Windows genuine Advantage Utility, my Computer is 7 years old so is the Windows 2000 that is installed on it and yet I do not have the issue that this gentleman is facing. No time issues or anything as such. How come the Genuine Advantage thingy works for me? I think there is something more rotten in the state of Denmark.

I can understand the guys frustration who started this post... and I can understand everything you said here... you might even be correct on the final statement... perhaps it is just a guy messing with everyone... but maybe not... I don't know for sure... but I do know you didn't use 1 putdown word in your answers... Texrat would have used 5-6 putdown words in a post this large... the man is clearly an educated guy but emotinally unstable and really really annoying when he tries to stir the pot on here by attacking the single newbie knowing everyone is gonna go on his side. Texrat = Newbie Bully and has nothing intelligent to add to these type of conversations althought he pretends like he does and in his own mind he actually believes he does.

Last edited by euchreprof; 2007-05-15 at 01:41.
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I'm ignoring you publicly because you have nothing worth reading, but I will tell you this: if you persist in stalking my posts, I will take action. Rest assured if it comes down to you or me, it will be your account banned.

So make your choice right now: grow up and act responsibly, or soon find yourself gone. I don't pretend to speak for Reggie, but if you want to test my assumption, be my guest.

I don't expect you to grasp the difference between what I post (or my motives) and what you mistakenly perceive. Your inability is obvious by now. That being the case, you'd be best off avoiding further embarassment and banning by just avoiding my posts. Put me on ignore, as I have you, and maybe you'll be a little happier... unless you truly are the sociopath you present yourself to be.

Think about it. Try.
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Now i am replying to Texrats abusive private message... LLOLLOLOLOLOLOL... like i said if u attack the newbies expect to be exposed by me what you are truely doing... if you stop it then u r safe. Enough Said.
Posts: 184 | Thanked: 112 times | Joined on May 2006
I think maybe Nokia should not refer to this website AT ALL in their literature or website in order to avoid complaints. This is not a COMPLAINT website...please call Nokia and complain/whine to them. If you have a technical questions, post the don't even have to be nice, just don't be an *** and you may or not get the answer that suits you. This is a RESOURCE base, not a complaint forum. Maybe too difficult of a concept for some to handle....but it's sometimes entertaining enough... although by the end of reading this crap I feel like I'm back in 3rd grade (which is fun too). Flame on.
Posts: 751 | Thanked: 522 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ East Gowanus
As the N800 trickles into the mass market this forum, previously a peaceful place where one could seek advice on how to fix problems etc, is going to become like the rest of the internet forums filled with trash and spam and which I (mostly) try to ignore. I think that the mod needs to start policing users little heavier in order to keep these flamers out and the quality high. At the very least create a "Complaints and Rants" subforum to stick all this stuff into.
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Look at it this way: out of almost 7000 members, so far there are a mere handful of troublemakers. That's really not so bad.

EDIT: there are official channels for providing feedback to Nokia. Here's one--

Last edited by Texrat; 2007-05-15 at 03:27.
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