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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
I honestly cannot recall the last time I stabbed and/or cussed-out my screen.
Well i would like to add the most irritating thing after the os2008 upgrade was the keyboard. Especially the thumb keyboard. In os2007 it worked wonderfully and i could almost type very fast. But os2008 thumb keyboard registers double presses, auto pressing of some other character near the target letter. Just try typing very fast with the thumb keyboard and youll know how irritating that can be.
I installled the 51-3 version even though i did not need to install it ,,,,, thinking that the keyboard bug would be fixed. But alas. What is so frustrating is that this feature worked in the earlier os .... but is broken now.

Other than that os2008 is a lot better than 2007
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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
Other than that os2008 is a lot better than 2007
I suspect the source of reports like robin's is the common (and misguided) perception that a few buggy things indicate an overall bad experience. Highly selective use often exacerbates that perception, whereas certain exclusive use can produce the opposite. For instance, I have not used the thumbboard in months so I have not seen any bugs related to it. In fact as of today after installing 51-3 the only significant problem I've seen is Maps crashing (at very bad times too). Other than that and some occasional poor responsiveness from microb OS2008 is running very nicely for me. I don't say that to make robin or anyone else feel bad, but to offer additional perspective. That actually can help in troubleshooting.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
It's unfortunate that you are having that experience, but it looks to me that for the most part OS2008 has improved users' experiences. It certainly has for me. The latest official update (51-3) made a huge positive difference... much better for me than any release of OS2007.
51-3 is the latest right? I did not upgrade to that because, someone firmly said it ONLY fixes the startup issue, nothing else. What other improvements are there? Is the 'huge positive' difference comparing with the previous 50-2 ? State those improvements please.

I have to believe that the problem is not necessarily OS2008 alone but that there are other contributing factors. That makes your first statement above overly broad although I realize it's written from your personal perspective.
Stating my statement is overly broad, is overly broad to me. What statement specifically?

And it was your general "ranting" approach with which some have taken issue. Probably the result of frustration, but to readers it becomes mostly noise and thus difficult with which to relate.
Understandable. Point taken.

That, combined with missing detail, is counter-productive to helping you.
I presented bug reports, threads discussing those issues. What more do you want? Maybe I don't get what you mean.

There are people here, such as GeneralAntilles, that could very likely help resolve your issues. Give it a shot.
The problems I stated are bugs, or deeper than that. It would seem only the guys (girls?) at Nokia could fix it for OS2008, but Antilles claims it's already fixed, but only in Diablo, which is good to know but does not fix something that I wanna use <b>now</b>.

Point i'm trying to make is, there are issues which exists for many people which really hampers usability. Maybe it doesn't affect you and others, but it affects me and others. So I am trying to bring attention to this, telling my side of the story, showing that OS2008 ain't that great. Cos there's nothing else we can do in this forum.

Last edited by robin; 2008-04-02 at 15:51.
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I don't have time to provide you with the level of detail you're asking for above (ironically), but some bullets:

-I had skipped 50-2, so I have no direct experience with it, sorry
-By first statement I meant first statement that I quoted
-Referring to bug reports is essentially an offhand explanation of problems IMO, but I won't argue that point
-Given that some are not experiencing those bugs, I would think some of us can help you. Often bugs do not manifest in a vacuum but have underlying, and commonly hidden, causal factors

I understand you are trying to tell the story for you and on behalf of others, but you must understand yourself that your approach can lead to entrenchment by those who have seen the opposite of your experience. Asking for help from those reporting a better experience than yours works much better here than tossing out blanket statements of unusability.

I won't deny you your frustration, especially given that I guarantee you mine has been much higher than that of most here due to my direct (prior) involvement with the tablet program. Just suggesting you try another tack.
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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
But os2008 thumb keyboard registers double presses, auto pressing of some other character near the target letter.
Have you tried recalibrating your screen using very light, precise taps? Some people have reported substantial improvements in the behaviour of the touch screen after doing so.

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Either light or heavy taps, apparently depending on unit-to-unit hardware variation; I need light taps (which is what I did naturally) and experienced trouble when I tried heavy taps, but there are some who swear heavy taps cure their troubles.
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I've been trying acupuncture, and it beats a heavy tap hands down.
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Sorry sachin007, im gonna quote you poorly but as accurately as possible.

Sachin007 says along the lines of "OS2007's thumb keyboard is wonderful but OS2008's sucks. But other than that OS2008 is a lot better than 2007." That must mean his conclusion negates all the problems that was brought up!!

Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I suspect the source of reports like robin's is the common (and misguided) perception that a few buggy things indicate an overall bad experience. Highly selective use often exacerbates that perception, whereas certain exclusive use can produce the opposite.
Key input, how is that considered exclusive use? No misguided perception here. If the OS is giving me a hard time inputing text, then it's pretty bad. But you see, I think you all STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Here it is alright, in the next paragraph will say the reason that triggered my outburst against OS2008.

OS2007 does not have ANY of the problems I brought up, why does OS2008 even have it in the first place?! Furthermore, it is a BASIC feature (key input). It worked before, why not anymore? Why the sacrifice? Is that considered improvement?

For instance, I have not used the thumbboard in months so I have not seen any bugs related to it. In fact as of today after installing 51-3 the only significant problem I've seen is Maps crashing (at very bad times too). Other than that and some occasional poor responsiveness from microb OS2008 is running very nicely for me.
You talking about the virtual thumbboard or physical on the N810. Anyway you should give the virtual thumbboard a go, and if possible, try the OS2007's virtual thumbboard as well. Do you use the stylus a lot? Well try not to use it at all, not even your finger nails (works great in OS2007). Maybe then will you understand my annoyance with OS2008. Just cos you don't use it, doesn't mean the problem is not there.

You see I understand if Maps and Microb is unstable, and will not really complain because they are COMPLETELY NEW software addition to the OS. I will start complaining if they continue to suck down the line, like what im doing with OS2008 from OS2007. The touch key input problems are already working well on OS2007, it should be familiar territory to be improved on the OS2008, but not.

I don't say that to make robin feel bad
No it's all good. The bad feelings are all directed at OS2008.

-Given that some are not experiencing those bugs, I would think some of us can help you. Often bugs do not manifest in a vacuum but have underlying, and commonly hidden, causal factors
Please do help but I believe people find it easier to just say "No problem here, you are crazy."

I understand you are trying to tell the story for you and on behalf of others, but you must understand yourself that your approach can lead to entrenchment by those who have seen the opposite of your experience.

Asking for help from those reporting a better experience than yours works much better here than tossing out blanket statements of unusability.
They can't help if they have a better experience. They need to understand the bad experience first and accept it. GeneralAntilles has already informed us that Diablo will have these problems fixed. So we gotta wait for OS2009, while there is OS2008 with touch going random places.

Blanket statement? Again, what more do you want?

Screen tap goes to random places / Especially when typing fast on full screen keyboard
One key input causing multiple repeats
High pressure sensitivity with no configuration
Finger tap not bringing up finger keyboard

*EDIT*oh yeah shorter battery life span in OS2008 */EDIT*

I could search through the forum for more threads and . What else do you want me to do? Please do tell.

So if no one cares about , and no one cares about people posting problems in forums. Then I guess who cares then. I guess there's no problem then.

Damn, all this typing for nothing. I'll just keep using the eventually obseleted OS2007 until OS2009 then, assuming that I can see the future and problems will be fixed. Oh what am I talking about? What problem? N810 OS2008 WIMAX ULTIMATE COLLECTORS EDITION!! WOOOO!!! Here's my $500 with that promotional discount, Nokia, you are awesome!! OPEN SOURCE!! (with some proprietary components) WOOOO!!!

Man posting on forums is time consuming. Got carried away again.

OS2007 have very good virtual thumb keyboard (good skin detection). Can type much faster with no/very few mistype than Ipod Touch . Newer version should be even better then! Wrong! OS2008 is difficult to use without stylus or finger nail or physical keyboard. Imagine N810 with a prettier OS2007 with good virtual keyboard, with no physical keyboard, how thin would it be.

Last edited by robin; 2008-04-02 at 19:06.
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Originally Posted by robin View Post
GeneralAntilles has already informed us that Diablo will have these problems fixed. So we gotta wait for OS2009, while there is OS2008 with touch going random places.
Uh, no, you have to wait a couple months—at most. Diablo is maemo 4.1, i.e. the next OS2008 update.

Originally Posted by robin View Post
I could search through the forum for more threads and . What else do you want me to do? Please do tell.

So if no one cares about , and no one cares about people posting problems in forums. Then I guess who cares then. I guess there's no problem then.

Damn, all this typing for nothing. I'll just keep using the eventually obseleted OS2007 until OS2009 then, assuming that I can see the future and problems will be fixed. Oh what am I talking about? What problem? N810 OS2008 WIMAX ULTIMATE COLLECTORS EDITION!! WOOOO!!! Here's my $500 with that promotional discount, Nokia, you are awesome!! OPEN SOURCE!! (with some proprietary components) WOOOO!!!

Man posting on forums is time consuming. Got carried away again.
It's stuff like this that makes people dismiss you.
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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
Uh, no, you have to wait a couple months—at most. Diablo is maemo 4.1, i.e. the next OS2008 update.
Good to know. I look forward to it. Is that the same as what the WiMax version is based on? (EDIT: Found out, yes it is) If so, and your claim of all my problems being resolved and assuming no other silly basic functionality gets broken, awesome, and I take back what I say of boycotting the N810 WME. Until then, the issue continues to exist, that shouldn't have existed in the first place.

Screen tap goes to random places / Especially when typing fast on full screen keyboard
One key input causing multiple repeats
High pressure sensitivity with no configuration
Finger tap not bringing up finger keyboard

If you don't hear from me when Diablo is released, it's a good sign that Diablo is good, better or awesome. For me anyway.

It's stuff like this that makes people dismiss you.
I was trying to convey a message, which is the impression I get from this forum, it is along the lines of 'undying devotion' to something and dismission of criticism, like hardcore Apple fans. (Not being negative to Apple, they make both good and bad stuff, like any company)

Sure I don't mind if you dismiss the last 1/4 of my post, it's rant. But the first 3/4 of most my posts provided good detail and criticism and my reasoning about my hate towards OS2008. If you choose to dismiss everything based only on the last 1/4 of my obviously non/semi serious rant, well your choice.

Anyway my posts are not that relevant to this thread anyway. I'll leave it at that.

Sticky suggestion : Known OS2008 known issues

Just to add more reasoning for my firery hate for OS2008 also stems from my annoyances of Ubuntu Linux releases.

6.06/6.10 , detects scanner.
7.04, scanner detection breaks, due to suspending improvement.
7.04, LIES! no suspend improvement at all. Power saving on Linux continues to suck.
7.04, compiled suspend2, work awesome for hibernation.
7.10, f*ckin suspend2 does not work, hours wasted compiling.
7.10, K3b burning app cannot burn unless remember-settings is disabled.

God damn ******ed. Looking forward to 8.04 though.

Last edited by robin; 2008-04-03 at 10:49.

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