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Posts: 140 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Sep 2010
good job, i love your script. also, on your next release, do you think you can add a disable the auto update from the app manager?
Posts: 1,179 | Thanked: 770 times | Joined on Nov 2009
This sounds great. Along with swappolube this is one of the first things I will try once I get my n900 fixed. Presumably this does not conflict with it in anyway so you can run both rather than one or the other right?

Another question with the custom icons when you unzip the packet contents you get all the icon files in a folder. So rather than enter the letter in the script for custom icons you can just copy the ones you like and put them in the relevant hildon folder right?

The Following User Says Thank You to etuoyo For This Useful Post:
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Dusseldorf, Germany
this was very useful for a N9OOB like me.... thanks friend

The Following User Says Thank You to chowdarygm For This Useful Post:
Posts: 326 | Thanked: 335 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by bman View Post
since your combining all the mods into 1 script is there a way u can use the script to export the settings that are already there 2 back them up and restore them
Mmmm...this is doable say me what you want to backup precisely
Posts: 326 | Thanked: 335 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by bobbydoedoe View Post
good job, i love your script. also, on your next release, do you think you can add a disable the auto update from the app manager?
A new release in the next days
Posts: 326 | Thanked: 335 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
This sounds great. Along with swappolube this is one of the first things I will try once I get my n900 fixed. Presumably this does not conflict with it in anyway so you can run both rather than one or the other right?

Another question with the custom icons when you unzip the packet contents you get all the icon files in a folder. So rather than enter the letter in the script for custom icons you can just copy the ones you like and put them in the relevant hildon folder right?
Yes you can run both them besides...with my script the rcS file is modified...with the swappolube it's a bit different ...
By the way .. for the icons ..yes you can put all the icons that you want in the script directory

It will copy the whole content of the folder Look at the code of the script to understand more
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 25 times | Joined on Apr 2010

Thank you for this script.
It works really well.

I only doubt the camera mod, I would like to restore it to the original settings. Could you please tell me how to do this?

Posts: 326 | Thanked: 335 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by MetalSer View Post

Thank you for this script.
It works really well.

I only doubt the camera mod, I would like to restore it to the original settings. Could you please tell me how to do this?

There is no need to restore eve this
But in the next versione i'll put even this option..

By the way .. guys i need a bit of help T_T

Suddenly i have a strange error... Here the script (there is a bit of italian) :


DIR=`dirname "$0"`
FDIR=`cd $PWD; cd $DIR; pwd`

echo " "
echo "-----------------------------------"
echo "| Fast Maemo Modding Script  v0.5 | by Dany-69 & Fez Vrasta"
echo "-----------------------------------"
echo "Digita le lettere corrispondenti alle modifiche che vuoi apportare separate da uno spazio, poi premi INVIO. (es: A B C D... Enter )"
echo "Se invece vuoi uscire, premi solo Invio"
echo "NB:le operazione saranno eseguite nell'ordine di inserimento"
echo "Dopo le customizzazioni, e' consigliato un riavvio."
echo "Inoltre,per ripristinare l'hildon desktop originario,è necessario essere connessi alla rete."
echo "-----------------------Mods----------------------" 
echo "| A: Mod Swappiness (30)| B: Mod Photo          |" 
echo "| C: Aggiungi kernel mlv| D: Mod Led            |"
echo "| E: Custom Modest      | F: Powerbutton menu   |"
echo "| G: Custom Icons       | H: Hildon-Desk Matan  |"
echo "| I: Custom Transitions | J: WifiSwitcher popup |"
echo "| K: Wifi autostart off | L: Notifica update off|"
echo "|--------------------Ripristino-----------------|"
echo "| 1: Icone               | 2: Led               |"
echo "| 3: Transizioni         | 4: Hildon            |"
echo "-------------------------------------------------"

read inputline
echo " "

for carattere in $inputline; do
case $carattere in
  a|A) cp -f $FDIR/swappiness/rcS /etc/init.d && echo "Swappiness impostata a 30"
  echo " " ;;

  b|B) cp -f $FDIR/cam/gdigicam-camerabin.conf /etc/gdigicam && echo "Compressione foto modificata"
  echo " " ;;

  c|C) cp -f $FDIR/kernel-power/mlv /usr/share/kernel-power-settings && echo "Profilo kernel mlv aggiunto"
  echo " " ;;

  d|D) cp -f $FDIR/led/mce.ini /etc/mce && killall mce && echo "Colori LED modificati: Blu=chiamate Bianco=SMS Giallo=IM VerdeAcqua=eMails" 
  echo " " ;;

  e|E) cp -f $FDIR/modest/ /usr/lib/camel-lite-1.2/camel-providers && cp -f $FDIR/modest/modest.launch /usr/bin && echo "Modest customizzato installato"
  echo " " ;;

  f|F) cp -f $FDIR/power-button/callui.xml /etc/systemui && cp -f $FDIR/power-button/systemui.xml /etc/systemui && echo "Menu Tasto Power modificato"
  echo " " ;;

  g|G) cp -f $FDIR/icons/64x64/hildon/* /opt/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/hildon && cp -f $FDIR/icons/64x64/apps/terminal.png /opt/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps && cp -f $FDIR/icons/48x48/* /opt/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/hildon && killall hildon-desktop && echo "Icone alternative installate"
  echo " " ;;

  #h|H) dpkg -i $FDIR/hildon/hildon-desktop_kinetic_2.2.138-1+0m5_armel.deb 
  #echo "Package: hildon-desktop 
  #Pin: release a=unstable 
  #Pin-Priority: 1001" >> /etc/apt/preferences 
  #killall hildon-desktop
  #echo "Hildon-desktop customizzato installato e pinnato" 
  #echo " " ;;

  h|H) dpkg -i $FDIR/hildon/wget_1.10.2-2osso3_armel.deb && dpkg -i $FDIR/hildon/rescue-boot_1.0_all.deb && dpkg -i $FDIR/hildon/modified-hildon-desktop_2.1_armel.deb
  gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/decel_rate -t int 99
  killall hildon-desktop && sleep 2
  echo "Hildon-desktop di Matan installato"
  echo " " ;;
  i|I) cp -f $FDIR/transitions/transitions.ini /usr/share/hildon-desktop && echo "Transizioni customizzate"
  echo " " ;;
  j|J) RES = "/usr/sbin/"
  if [ -d $RES ] 
	  cp -f $FDIR/wifi-switcher/ /usr/sbin && echo "Popup Wifi-Switcher modificato"
	  echo "Wifi Switcher non risulta installato"
  fi ;;
  r|R) echo "In 5 secondi il dispositivo si riavviera'" && sleep 5 && reboot ;;
  1) cp -f $FDIR/icons_original/hildon/* /opt/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/hildon && cp -f $FDIR/icons_original/apps/terminal.png /opt/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps && killall hildon-desktop && echo "Icone originali Nokia ripristinate"
  echo " " ;;

  2) cp -f $FDIR/led/original/mce.ini /etc/mce && killall mce && echo "Led originali ripristinati" 
  echo " " ;;

  3) cp -f $FDIR/transitions/original/transitions.ini /usr/share/hildon-desktop && echo "Transizioni ripristinate"
  echo " " ;;

  4) PREF="/etc/apt/preferences"
  if [ -d $PREF ]
      rm /etc/apt/preferences && echo "File /etc/apt/preferences cancellato."
  echo "Per reinstallare l'hildon-desktop originario devi avere tutti i gestori applicazioni chiusi e devi essere connesso alla rete. Sei connesso? y/n"
  read risp
  if [ $risp -eq "y" || $risp -eq "Y"]
      apt-get -y --reinstall install hildon-desktop
      sleep 3
	  echo "Hildon-desktop originale reinstallato"
	  echo " "
	  echo "Procedura annullata"
  fi ;;

echo "Grazie per aver usato la nostra patch! Puoi trovare altro su!"
And here the error... :


custom: line 111: RES: not found
Popup Wifi-Switcher modificato
Grazie per aver usato la nostra patch! Puoi trovare altro su!
I've googled.. but i haven't found nothing
Posts: 326 | Thanked: 335 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Noone there?
Posts: 992 | Thanked: 738 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Low Earth Orbit
  if [ $risp -eq "y" || $risp -eq "Y"]
Try adding a space:

  if [ $risp -eq "y" || $risp -eq "Y"SPACE]

The Following User Says Thank You to kureyon For This Useful Post:

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