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The skin is easy to edit. I explained it earlier in the thread:

EDIT: Oh I see you have done that already. Nice one, that skin looks better proportioned now.

Last edited by menno; 2010-09-22 at 09:11.
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Originally Posted by .nERDMAn. View Post
Haven't figured out what caused it though and that's bugging me slightly, but I'm relatively new to maemo/linux.

Did you create the sudo files I mentioned.

Although like you discovered you can run it without sudo. Although now I'm confused because when I first tried that approach back in May I could only get squeezeplay running as root. But now it seems not necessary, so I'm not sure what changed

But who cares, it works
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Originally Posted by menno View Post
The skin is easy to edit. I explained it earlier in the thread:

EDIT: Oh I see you have done that already. Nice one, that skin looks better proportioned now.
yeah, cant think of anything else that needs adjusting really, maybe if i get time ill replace all the wallpapers and stuff for properly fitting ones
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anyone know how to dissable the pointer, is it the systems pointer or squeezeplays? if its squeezeplays we can just replace the pointer image with a transparent one no?
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Originally Posted by menno View Post
Did you create the sudo files I mentioned.
I did and I ran the update-sudoers command in the X-Terminal as root (that gave no feedback, but that just might mean no errors?)

Originally Posted by menno View Post
Although like you discovered you can run it without sudo. Although now I'm confused because when I first tried that approach back in May I could only get squeezeplay running as root. But now it seems not necessary, so I'm not sure what changed

But who cares, it works
Maybe it's just one of those PR1.2 firmware changes?
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Has anyone managed to get audio output working yet?
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I have been pretty time-constrained of late but still played around with it a bit. I finally came the conclusion that trying to put PulseAudio support inside the same process just isn't going to work owing to library incompatibilities. However, there exists the other tack of putting it into another process (just like the alsa stuff does). There were some issues under Maemo about mapping the SHM file (it would spuriously fail) but it seems like the simplest option right now.

Hopefully, if I manage to get some free time once more, I'll take a look at it. Just been swamped lately (but for good reasons : ).
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Originally Posted by dscobsct View Post
]no matter, had a fiddle tonight
for some reason i am not able to download the edited skin...
care to post what changes you made to make the 'now playing' screen txt appear higher?

thanks for all your work on this, btw! much appreciated!

hope you find a way to disable the annoying cursor...

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Originally Posted by menno View Post
OK, I managed to figure it out.

Changing the small WQVGA skin file at /home/opt/squeezeplay/share/jive/applets/WQVGAsmallSkin/WQVGAsmallSkinApplet.lua to have

Framework:setVideoMode(800, 400, 0, false)

works quite well.

Framework:setVideoMode(800, 480, 0, true)

makes it run full screen. But harder to switch tasks then.

Has anybody figured out yet how to make it run properly in fullscreen mode on N900? The two problems I'm facing with the above are
  1. the maemo system status bar is still visible, obscuring squeezeplay controls
  2. while visible, the maemo status bar does not work, and neither do the normal task switcher shortcuts. So the only way for me to switch tasks is to bring up the camera, which drops to the task overview on exit...

Other than this, squeezeplay is working fabulously with my new Squeezebox Receiver. All the controls that didn't work with software streaming clients are functional now, and quite responsive too. I'm a happy customer - almost

Last edited by mich; 2010-12-04 at 11:41.
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2011
Not quite sure if it is okay to hijack this thread, but I was quite sucessful in adopting this to the N9 (Meego Harmattan).

Here is what I did to get it run, as a brief howto if anyone is interested. It would be great if other could contribute to make it perfect. Note: In my first attempt installing the tar ball instead of the deb I created a device malfunctioning error and had to reflash my phone. So all is at your own risk of course.

Prerequisite: a working scratchbox installation in armel mode

Step 1: Get source ,eg:

svn co

Step 2: Make changes to the source
First, follow this post

Regarding 3, what you want to do is commenting out two lines like this
/*output_ptr = (sample_t *)outputArray;
	decode_ptr = (sample_t *)(decode_fifo_buf + decode_audio->fifo.rptr);*/
it is line 213/4 in 7.6

Second, also add –tag=cc twice to in some freetype folder as in the following patch,(this also suggest to add -no-undefined at one point, not sure if necessary):

Step 3: now from within scratchbox,

run make -f Makefile.linux
then cd squeezeplay
make squeezeplay-deb

Step 4: Install the deb to the phone and create a launcher

for the launcher, create a file in /home/.local/share/applications

with name eg squeezeplay.desktop

and content

 [Desktop Entry]

Step 5: Modify skin to fit your need, i.e. at least increase resolution


* Audio plays only with root priviliges
* Skin runs either fullscreen so swiping is impossible or has a blank status bar on bottom.
*Further optimization of skin -eg keyboard

Further source:
Thanks to all of those on which this is based !

Last edited by christianko; 2011-10-30 at 14:01.

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