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I just pushed fachoda-complex to the extras-devel. It is optified and has proper menu shortcut.

Fachoda-complex is a flight simulator/arcade game for Linux, tailored for small hardware configs.

It’s free software so you can freely use, copy, modify and re-distribute it under the terms of the GPLv3.

There are also manual and tutorial.

Maemo sources:
Video (N900):

What is issue then? There are no playable settings for keys. Game has 'challenging' configuration for setting keys, and I haven't yet checked what are most important keys.
(bug filed already: Can you help with configurations, so we can start playing?

I pasted current keys from sourcecode, comments are mine. Function keys marks them which can't accessed at this moment.
    { SDLK_BACKSPACE, "Quit" },
    { SDLK_y, "Yes" },
    { SDLK_n, "No" },

    { SDLK_w, "Motor +5%" },
    { SDLK_e, "Motor -5%" },

    { SDLK_r, "External views" },
    { SDLK_t, "Travelling view" },
    { SDLK_y, "Internal views" },
    { SDLK_F1, "Zoom out" }, // in external views
    { SDLK_F2, "Zoom in" },  // in external views
    { SDLK_o, "View next plane" },
    { SDLK_p, "View previous plane" },
    { SDLK_s, "View your plane or closest ennemy" },
    { SDLK_m, "View next bomb" },
    { SDLK_a, "Rise your head" },
    { SDLK_z, "Lower your head" },
    { SDLK_LEFT, "Turn left your head" },
    { SDLK_RIGHT, "Turn right your head" },
    { SDLK_d, "Look ahead" },
    { SDLK_x, "Look backward" },
    { SDLK_F3, "Look at left" }, //almost same than turn left
    { SDLK_F4, "Look at right" }, //almost same than turn right
    { SDLK_F5, "Look up" },  //almost same than turn up
    { SDLK_F6, "Look at the instrument panel" },

    { SDLK_g, "Gear" },
    { SDLK_f, "Flaps" },
    { SDLK_b, "Brakes" },
    { SDLK_h, "Autopilot" },
    { SDLK_c, "Buy a plane" },
    { SDLK_v, "Nose down" },
    { SDLK_n, "Nose up" },
    { SDLK_F4, "Roll left" },  //
    { SDLK_F6, "Roll right" }, //
    { SDLK_F6, "Center stick" }, //
    { SDLK_SPACE, "Fire" },
    { SDLK_j, "Change weapon" },

    { SDLK_q, "Pause" }, //
    { SDLK_F1, "See Highscores" }, //not so important
    { SDLK_F8, "Accelerated mode" }, //not so important
    { SDLK_F9, "Set navpoint to home base" }, //
    { SDLK_k, "Map mode" }, //
    { SDLK_F9, "Suicide" }, //not so important
    { SDLK_l, "Flag the map at plane's position" },//

    { SDLK_F8, "Emergency UP! (...?)" }, //
    { SDLK_F7, "Gun this plane (...?)" }//

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Wow, it does not use OpenGL! Great job and great find!

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For your next trick get this to work.

...I will love you long time.
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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I think the basic keyboard layout should have some double d-pad style like cursor keys for pitch and roll and wasd (or maybe better szxc) for thrust and yaw.
Once that is established it is only natural to assign the "head" and/or "look" commands to secondary and maybe tertiary cursor definitions if possible.

The rest will come on it's own where we should try to assign commonly used functions like gears and flaps to self-explaining keys like g and f.
Using secondary and tertiary assignments on the left half of the keyboard should be avoided since that would often require to have both hands on the left side.

A mayor problem that I see at the moment is the combination of hard-coded keys and different hardware keyboard layouts. So I hope your bug report will be solved soon.

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Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
For your next trick get this to work.
You know zarch is closed source game?

[EDIT: video added]

I gave it try anyway (just to proof something...). I got it running on recent speed, but without sounds, without fonts, and most critical: without keyboard focus. So it can't be played. (I didn't test usb/bt keyboard, but hardware and vnc failed) This is not even extras-devel stuff, here we go...
mkdir zarch
cd zarch/
tar zxvf zarch-0.92-libc6.tar.gz
cd zarch-0.92
tar zxvf qemu-i386.tar.gz
./qemu-i386 ./lib/ --library-path ./lib ./xzarch
(qemu-i386.tar.gz contains unmodified libs from 32bit-Ubuntu-11.10)

Error messages:
fork sndsrv: Invalid argument
No useable fonts found ! Text output impossible
(sndsrv is trying to use /dev/dsp)

With source code I could do better result, maybe you can get them?

Last edited by AapoRantalainen; 2012-04-13 at 10:47. Reason: video added

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WOW, first time to see qemu getting graphics working.

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Estel's Avatar
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Just out of curiosity - had it ever become working state, or is abandoned project in -devel? I've spotted this another jewel from Aapoantalainen during crawling through repos, and this is only thread abut it that I was able to find.

N900's aluminum backcover / body replacement
N900's HDMI-Out
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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Just out of curiosity - had it ever become working state, or is abandoned project in -devel?

I cooperated with upstream and game got some nice features, like setting keybindings inside game. But it also got some critical bugs (for all platforms). I will check current situation.

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Estel's Avatar
Posts: 5,028 | Thanked: 8,613 times | Joined on Mar 2011
Hey Aapo, any news on this? How checking current status with them went?
N900's aluminum backcover / body replacement
N900's HDMI-Out
Camera cover MOD
Measure battery's real capacity on-device
TrueCrypt 7.1 | ereswap | bnf
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Version 2.1-maemo3 on extras-devel. This is newest version from upstream. All critical issues are fixed. Development seems to be ended and game is ready (just use tracker and make feature request).

Keys are in /home/user/.fachodarc

key_quit = backspace            # Quit
key_yes = y                     # Yes
key_no = n                      # No
key_throttle_more = w           # Motor +5%
key_throttle_less = e           # Motor -5%
key_view_external = r           # External views
key_view_still = t              # Travelling view
key_view_internal = y           # Internal views
key_zoom_out = u                # Zoom out
key_zoom_in = i                 # Zoom in
key_view_next = o               # View next plane
key_view_previous = p           # View previous plane
key_view_self = s               # View your plane or closest ennemy
key_view_map = k                # Map mode
key_look_raise = a              # Rise your head
key_look_lower = z              # Lower your head
key_look_left = left            # Turn left your head
key_look_right = right          # Turn right your head
key_look_ahead = d              # Look ahead
key_look_back = x               # Look backward
key_look_at_left = [1]          # Look at left
key_look_at_right = [2]         # Look at right
key_look_up = [3]               # Look up
key_look_panel = [4]            # Look at the instrument panel
key_gears = g                   # Gear
key_flaps = f                   # Flaps
key_brakes = b                  # Brakes
key_autopilot = h               # Autopilot
key_buy = c                     # Buy a plane
key_pause = q                   # Pause
key_scores = alt gr             # See Highscores
key_acceleration = [5]          # Accelerated mode
key_navpoint_to_base = j        # Set navpoint to home base
key_suicide = [6]               # Suicide
key_flag_map = l                # Flag the map at plane's position
key_nose_down = v               # Nose down
key_nose_up = n                 # Nose up
key_roll_left = left shift      # Roll left
key_roll_right = m              # Roll right
key_center_stick = [7]          # Center stick
key_shoot = space               # Fire
key_alt_weapon = left ctrl      # Change weapon
(keys [1]...[7] are numpad keys, they are not accessible on N900)

Use program: /opt/fachoda-complex/games/getkeyname to get names of keys usable in game. E.g. non-UK hardware keyboard can't access 'up' and 'down' at all.

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