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Hey all,

my first post and I wanted it useful. One of the biggest problems I had with debian was the hardware keyboard for the N810.. none of the numbers or special characters would work for me..considering i spend a lot of time in the terminal this was unsat. I couldn't find anyone that had a complete xmodmap for all the keys on the keyboard.. if there is and I just failed to see it let me know.

I saved this file as .Xmodmap in my users home directory:

Updated with Multiple Keyboards.. Big Thanks to Debernardis and Murphy

For US/English Keyboard:
keycode 216 = Mode_switch
keysym q = q Q 1
keysym w = w W 2
keysym e = e E 3
keysym r = r R 4
keysym t = t T 5
keysym y = y Y 6
keysym u = u U 7
keysym i = i I 8
keysym o = o O 9
keysym p = p P 0
keysym a = a A exclam
keysym s = s S quotedbl
keysym d = d D at
keysym f = f F numbersign
keysym g = g G backslash
keysym h = h H slash
keysym j = j J parenleft
keysym k = k K parenright
keysym l = l L asterisk
keysym apostrophe = apostrophe apostrophe question
keysym z = z Z U00A5
keysym x = x X asciicircum
keysym c = c C asciitilde
keysym v = v V percent
keysym b = b B ampersand
keysym n = n N dollar
keysym m = m M EuroSign
keysym semicolon = semicolon colon U00A3
keysym minus = minus underscore underscore
keysym plus = plus plus equal
keysym comma = comma less Escape
keysym period = period greater bar
keysym KP_Enter = Return Return
keysym BackSpace = BackSpace BackSpace Tab
add control = Control_L Control_R 
add shift = Shift_L Shift_R
add lock = Caps_Lock
PIPE = FN + .
Escape = FN + ,
TAB = FN + Backspace

Italian Keyboards:
Originally Posted by debernardis View Post
keycode 216 = Mode_switch
keysym q = q Q 1
keysym w = w W 2
keysym e = e E 3
keysym r = r R 4
keysym t = t T 5
keysym y = y Y 6
keysym u = u U 7
keysym i = i I 8
keysym o = o O 9
keysym p = p P 0
keysym a = a A exclam
keysym s = s S quotedbl
keysym d = d D at
keysym f = f F numbersign
keysym g = g G asterisk
keysym h = h H backslash
keysym j = j J slash
keysym k = k K parenleft
keysym l = l L parenright
keysym apostrophe = apostrophe question igrave Igrave
keysym z = z Z EuroSign
keysym x = x X asciitilde
keysym c = c C ampersand
keysym v = v V equal
keysym b = b B less
keysym n = n N greater
keysym m = m M plus
keysym semicolon = eacute Eacute ograve Ograve
keysym minus = egrave Egrave agrave Agrave
keysym equal = minus underscore ugrave
keysym comma = comma semicolon Tab
keysym period = period colon bar
Tab = FN + ,
Pipe = FN + .

For French/Azerty Keyboards:
Originally Posted by murphy View Post
!keymaps for french N810 by Murphy
keycode 216 = Mode_switch
keysym q = a A 1
keysym w = z Z 2
keysym e = e E 3
keysym r = r R 4
keysym t = t T 5
keysym y = y Y 6
keysym u = u U 7
keysym i = i I 8
keysym o = o O 9
keysym p = p P 0
keysym a = q Q at
keysym s = s S percent
keysym d = d D ecircumflex
keysym f = f F eacute
keysym g = g G egrave
keysym h = h H oe
keysym j = j J parenleft
keysym k = k K parenright
keysym l = l L agrave
keysym apostrophe = m M ugrave
keysym z = w W EuroSign
keysym x = x X numbersign
keysym c = c C ccedilla
keysym v = v V plus
keysym b = b B equal
keysym n = n N quotedbl
keysym m = comma question backslash
keysym semicolon = semicolon period minus
keysym minus = colon slash underscore
keysym plus = apostrophe bar mu
keysym comma = less greater Tab
keysym period = exclam section asterisk
keysym KP_Enter = Return Return
keysym BackSpace = BackSpace BackSpace
Pipe = FN + '
Tab = FN + <

Then create/add the following to /home/user/.icewm/startup:
/usr/bin/xmodmap /home/user/.Xmodmap
This will load the Xmodmap file when launching IceWM.

EDIT: To keep the original topic up to date.. if you experience weird behavior with your keyboard; reversed Function-Key operation or just not getting anything at all when using the function key (even after running the xmodmap command).. this code may help (run from OS2008, and if your debian is mount on /debian)..

sudo gainroot
mv /debian/usr/share/X11/xkb /debian/usr/share/X11/xkb.bak
cp -R /usr/share/X11/xkb /debian/usr/share/X11/

Last edited by fatalsaint; 2008-09-14 at 18:47.

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debernardis's Avatar
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I knew that sooner or later some nice fellow would have done the xmodmap file... thanks :-) Now I have only to change something for my localised keyboard.
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Np... I really prefer the icewm interface but without the keyboard support it was useless.

Anyone that wants to modify their icewm setup.. like putting the bar at the top and many other options.. the file is in /usr/share/icewm/preferences and there is also /usr/share/icewm/menu for modifying your menu system. You can either edit these directly as root for global changes or copy them to /home/user/.icewm for user specific changes.

If anyone has anything they want to know how to do in their icewm debian post here and i'll try and figure it out. So far I got xchat and is working fine.. nice thing is since both home directories are same the OS2008 xchat and debians will use the same config.

mplayer is giving me problems.. watching movies is proving to be problematic...

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Modified original post to use /home/user/.icewm/startup instead of /home/user/.profile because the profile was being used by OS2008 terminal as well giving errors. Startup seems more consistent with icewm as well.
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Modified the xmodmap file.. the Enter/Return key was not giving a normal Enter to VI.. causing it to freak out and not create newlines right.. fixed that.

Added the ability to use FN+BackSpace to get a tab effect... who doesn't use Tab when navigating in a terminal?
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!

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Thanks so much! I have an N800, but it was stressing me out that people couldn't use their N810 keyboards properly under IceWM.

I'll put this into the next release of Easy Debian.

Originally Posted by fatalsaint View Post
mplayer is giving me problems.. watching movies is proving to be problematic...
What does that mean? You mean Maemo mplayer or are you trying to get Debian mplayer to work? If the latter, why?

PS: As far as I know, they only got the USB2VGA thing to produce 2 fps from the tablet...
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Last edited by qole; 2008-07-14 at 22:18.
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
PS: As far as I know, they only got the USB2VGA thing to produce 2 fps from the tablet...
I don't plan on duplicating my current screen.. i want chroot debian (like yours) and get completely rebuild an xorg.conf from scratch using something like:

and hoping to produce a completely seperate full screen debian working station... we'll see how it goes when I have the money for all the parts.

But eventually my goal is to have a docking station be just 1 USB cord away . It won't duplicate the current screen.. although I guess if you do the vnc hack thing it might... but It'll be interesting how/if it works at all.
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!

Last edited by fatalsaint; 2008-07-14 at 22:32.
qole's Avatar
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Originally Posted by fatalsaint View Post
I don't plan on duplicating my current screen.. i want chroot debian (like yours) and get completely rebuild an xorg.conf from scratch using something like:

and hoping to produce a completely separate full screen debian working station... we'll see how it goes when I have the money for all the parts.

But essentially my goal is to have a docking station be just 1 USB cord away . It won't duplicate the current screen.. although I guess if you do the vnc hack thing it might... but It'll be interesting how/if it works at all.
I don't think that will work, but good luck to you... Here's what they've got so far.

I have managed to get X-Forwarding working well from Debian SSH, so I can run apps on my tablet but display them on another computer, including a Windows computer running Cygwin and an X server. That's pretty cool.
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Last edited by qole; 2008-07-14 at 22:26.
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
What does that mean? You mean Maemo mplayer or are you trying to get Debian mplayer to work? If the latter, why?
Because I want everything to run in debian.. I hate switching when I am in IceWM. My ultimate goal is probably to boot to Debian instead of using Debian in a chroot.. although I haven't quite decided 100%.

Right now the chroot is wonderful because it makes Wireless/BT pairing easy; as well as BT transfer of files, etc.. Eventually I am going to offload these tasks onto Debian as well using the debian bluetooth stuff and find a decent WPA-GUI for wireless connections.

At the moment I can't see a single reason why I would want to keep Maemo.. it provides me easy access to the internet until I get the debian configured the way I want.. but other than that.. I just stay in my IceWM window.. I moved Xchat and Pidgin into Debian instead of running the Maemo copies.. so that they are right in front of me while I work instead of sitting back on the maemo desktop and interrupt me with the little blink.

I got mplayer to show the video - and using the -ao esd even got sound! - but it complains about slow running and is extremely chopping. Passing -vo sdl worked wonders for the interface as well.. but again; slow and choppy - I am not sure if this is due to debian's access to the devices.. or due to the fact that the memory is already being used by 2 os's running window managers and Xchat/Pidgin to boot.

I am not sure if this does anything.. but I have noticed you can pass the options -extension Composite to the Xephyr line - do you know if this will provide any usefulness to IceWM?
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!

Last edited by fatalsaint; 2008-07-14 at 22:31. Reason: My Spelling is horrific today..

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Not sure what happened.. but something I installed last night (most likely a dependency of one of these window managers: openbox, XFCE4, Window Maker) screwed with the files in the /usr/share/X11/xkb directory.

No idea what changed.. but it was quite entertaining.. when executing my xmodmap .Xmodmap like normal .. it caused the keyboard to be completely backwards.. when pressing the buttons WITHOUT the function key, you got the function key's item, (IE: hit q, get a 1).. but when pressing the function key and the letter - you got the letter.. (FN+q = q)..

Totally reversed on me. I messed with my xmodmap and nothing worked.. so - IF this happens to you.. running the following from OS2008

sudo gainroot
mv /debian/usr/share/X11/xkb /debian/usr/share/X11/xkb.bak
cp -R /usr/share/X11/xkb /debian/usr/share/X11/
will get your keyboard working again with my file. I do not know exactly what it changed.. and if I get bored I'll try and find out the exact file - but for now; I have noticed no other problems in using OS2008's xkb directory in debian.. and the keyboard works again.
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!

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