Poll: Should Nokia drop the r&d mode and let anyone gainroot always?
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Should Nokia drop the r&d mode and let anyone gainroot always?

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Posts: 18 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2006
With the new (a tad old?) image release from Nokia I decided someone had to do this, so why not me. I had searched all over and not found a patched image, just loads of docs on how to do it. So, now others don't have to follow that tedious list, just flash this image.

This image is a full image, like the original "Nokia_770_SE2005_3_2005_51-13.bin" from Nokia.
What I have done is change the gainroot script so it ignores the R&D flag completely and just does as it's told.

In addition I added the /var/lib/install/usr/bin folder to the path in both /etc/profile and /root/.profile to make it more convenient.

I have tested this image on my own device only, and it does flash with both the Linux flasher and the Nokia 770 Software Update Wizard.

Image can be downloaded at:
Removed! See later post for downloading a patch instead.
Filesize is 62,016,973 bytes.

Enjoy, and I hope you find this usefull.

Last edited by KreAture; 2006-01-09 at 04:07.
Posts: 81 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2005
This would have been done in the past except for the bit concerning Nokia's license agreement, which expressly doesn't allow redistribution of their firmware. So, you are taking a risk by posting this firmware.

Posts: 18 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2006
Hmm. Thanks for noting that.
How do you think they would look on a set of scripts and two small utilitys rewritten a bit, but essentially the same as posted in howtos on maemo.org ?

I refined them a bit and think the average user with a computer running Linux and having the necessary kernel modules would be able to create a patched image in about 5-10 minutes.

Alternatively, a diff could be made? Patch to the image instead of a full image?

That would ofcource lock all those using only Windows out of the fun. This would be really sad as the ability to gain root is essential for some software to be installed.

On a sidenote, I am not trying to hide who I am at all.
If Nokia or anyone else has a strong objection I can easily remove the image from the server.
Posts: 81 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by KreAture
How do you think they would look on a set of scripts and two small utilities rewritten a bit, but essentially the same as posted in howtos on maemo.org?
I don't see any problem with doing that.

Originally Posted by KreAture
Alternatively, a diff could be made? Patch to the image instead of a full image? That would of course lock all those using only Windows out of the fun. This would be really sad as the ability to gain root is essential for some software to be installed.
The patch option is definitely viable. Take a look at the "Quick alternative" section at http://maemo.org/maemowiki/HowDoiBecomeRoot. The only issue with the patch is it will be specific to a particular version of the firmware. I think the patch mentioned on this Web page is for an older firmware, and if someone applies it to the latest firmware, I don't think this "patched" firmware will work. Using a patch doesn't lock Windows users "out of the fun". For instance, Windows users can install cygwin and get the patch utility that way.

Posts: 81 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2005
I should add that there is good reason to require that users do something out of the ordinary to get root as opposed to simply downloading and flashing a new firmware. If users don't know what they are doing, they could screw things up on their device if they have root access. It seems that there is a wide range of 770 users based on the forum posts that I've read. This includes Windows and Mac users, some of which have no Unix/Linux experience. Making it easy for this class of users to get root access could be problematic. And, the class of users that "need" root access should already know what to do. There are a limited number of situations that absolutely require root access, and those situations typically come with the prerequisite that the user already have some Unix/Linux experience.

Posts: 50 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Originally Posted by AaronL
If users don't know what they are doing, they could screw things up on their device if they have root access. It seems that there is a wide range of 770 users based on the forum posts that I've read. This includes Windows and Mac users, some of which have no Unix/Linux experience. Making it easy for this class of users to get root access could be problematic. And, the class of users that "need" root access should already know what to do. There are a limited number of situations that absolutely require root access, and those situations typically come with the prerequisite that the user already have some Unix/Linux experience.
No offence, but that attitude is the typical response from Linux savy folk and seems a bit elitist to me. How are us stupid "Windows and Mac users" supposed to learn about Linux without getting in a mucking about a little? And, I don't agree about not needing root: there are many tweaks, applications, and operations a person might encounter that require root. That is - any person who wants more from their 770 than a web-browser and PDA replacement. I leave my 770 in R&D mode because I keep making little changes to suit my needs.

And, yeah, I've done some dumb stuff and bricked the device several times. But, you know what? All you have to do is reflash it to make it just like new again! Frankly, I think the 770 is a great device to learn about linux for exactly that reason. I treat my desktop Ubuntu with kidd gloves, but happily thrash away at my 770.
Posts: 35 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2005
I personally would love to see something like this for Windows users. I want to gain root to do things like switching images and setting up swap space on my 1gb card but I am faced with getting a second used PC to run Linux or duel booting my current machine which I do not want to do.

I was crushed when I saw that KreAture's link was no longer working because I thought this would be my one chance to get the 770 setup the way I'd like without setting up Linux. I think this should be an option during the install process.
Posts: 18 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2006
The link stopped working due to my firewall deciding to go nuts.
It is fixed now.

I'll leave it as-is while I work on a patch method not involving brains, brawns and forced Linux use. There must be a nice and easy patch tool available that is also ported to Windows ?
Posts: 333 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Can a user mess up his/her machine to the point they can't reflash the image? If not, then I say go ahead and post it. If someone don't want to take the risk of messing up their machine, they won't do it. But if they do...they have a choice. The only way to learn is take that first step into the unknown.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
installed it and works perfectly.

now i can easily install the other softwares that need root access.

thanks a million!!!

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