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Blaizzen's Avatar
Posts: 397 | Thanked: 802 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Sydney
I've been trying to port the QT Assistant program (comes installed with QT creator). The reason is a certain medical program here in Australia uses a modified version of it for its electronic version. I have contacted the company and they have allowed me to port the program to maemo 5 and even given me the source code they have. However I'm experiencing heaps of problems. At the moment I'm just trying to make it compile under ubuntu (run virtually in Windows 7), but I keep getting this error
:: error: cannot open output file ../../../../bin/assistant: Permission denied
:: error: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
with this in the compile output
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open output file ../../../../bin/assistant: Permission denied
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: Leaving directory `/home/blaizzen/Desktop/***/assistant-build'
make: *** [../../../../bin/assistant] Error 1
Exited with code 2.
Error while building project assistant (target: Desktop)
When executing build step 'Make'
I've tried everything, even starting a new project and copying all the code over (but that has causes even more errors :S)

I'm running this all in Ubuntu using Qt Creator 1.3.83 and attempting to run it for Ubuntu not Maemo yet.

Source code i'm using is here

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Posts: 397 | Thanked: 802 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Sydney
No one can help?
Posts: 726 | Thanked: 345 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Sweden
Have you had a go at reading what the error message states?

Permission denied. This should make you wonder where the binary is going to be written. Follow the path that's shown and see where you end up. Most likely you'll be surprised.

The Following User Says Thank You to Joorin For This Useful Post:
Posts: 200 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Jan 2010
isnt this just a root problem so gaining root should help (sudo)? or permission of the executable chmode +x Filename to make it executable. im new to linux so i maybe wrong those are the first things i try when i am given permission denied.

The Following User Says Thank You to jamie721 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 726 | Thanked: 345 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Sweden
Originally Posted by jamie721 View Post
isnt this just a root problem so gaining root should help (sudo)? or permission of the executable chmode +x Filename to make it executable. im new to linux so i maybe wrong those are the first things i try when i am given permission denied.
Doing things as root is not a "solution". To actually check the path and see where it points and change it if it is needed is a solution.

If you get into the habit of doing things as root to "solve" permission problems, you will only end up in trouble.

The file and directory permissions are there for a reason. Trying to write a file to a place where you need to be root is not a trigger to "sudo the problem away", but to actually think about why you want to write the file there.

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ok cheers. makes sense really.
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Thanks guys, I've tried looking into the folder where its meant to write to, but I can't seem to figure out what folder its pointing to (all it has is .../.../.../.../bin/). After a few more hours of fiddling with it, I managed to get errors in the QT SDK files themselves, awesome isn't it.....

/home/blaizzen/NokiaQtSDK/QtCreator/lib/qtcreator/ undefined reference to 'QListData::detach(int)'
Maybe I should just give up
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I did try being root while executing the command (thought worst case scenario I'll get it working but I'll have to reinstall Ubuntu) and it still failed to do anything.
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I've successfully changed the source code so that its more smoother, removed all the unnecessary code, and enabled a nice open file dialog to pick the QT help files.


I have another problem now... I've successfully installed MADDE and set it up correctly. I've tried to run the program but I'm getting the error
"QtHelp/QHelpSearchEngine: No such file or director" plus other similar errors, which leads me to believe that QtHelp may not be available on Maemo. Is this correct?


I've successfully (kinda.. if you don't count a different error as a stumbling block) passed the QThelpengine stuff by including the linked headerfiles into my application. But now I've got an even more annoying error.
:: error: cannot find -lQtHelp
No line number, no link nothing... any clues anyone?

Last edited by Blaizzen; 2010-06-11 at 06:43.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Oct 2010 @ Australia
Did you ever compile eAMH's special version of assistant?

Slightly off-=topic, but I did manage to get eAMH (Australian Medicines Handbook) working with the standard QT assistant program. I copied amhdata.qhc and amhdata.qch into a folder accessible by Easy Debian.

For what is worth, I used Easy Debian instead. QT assistant is available in Debian squeeze (qt4-dev-tools 4.6.3). I created the following script in /usr/share/applications/hildon/eAMH.desktop (as per Easy Debian instructions) :
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=debbie assistant -collectionFile /opt/eAMH/amhdata.qhc
Unfortunately, eAMH does not automatically have keyboard focus in this configuration. Buried in Easy Debian's help file is the suggesiton to run xbindkeys and Fn+Return, that works.

Now we can have eAMH on our mobile phones, using the same license as our desktop version and without using a wireless connection. Something our N900 can do that an iPhone cannot...!

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