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The event is more of an informal type of gathering. People from Nokia
include representatives from convergence products and multimedia. Websites
attending the event are Mike Cane and I from itT, Michael Oryl of
MobileBurn, and Peter Rojas of Engadget.

Several Nokia 770s are out as demo units and most people from Nokia have
one showing the different applications like the online radio, Newsreader,
and of course the browser.

Internet Tablet Talk seems to be one of the favorite sites of the Nokia
guys. Most of them are grateful for the the site and they always read the
forums, blog, ans the news.

The presentation is about to begin.

More to come......
Read the full article.
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Posts: 772 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Jul 2005 @ Montclair, NJ (NYC suburbs)
Hey, Reggie --

Not sure if I represented the event tonight accurately in pre-event coverage. The invite says it will give you a chance to see the device and meet the people behind it, which sounds like what you described, and also a chance to get a "sneak peek at new features planned for 2006."

That may be what was hinted at in conversation last night. So what is new? Anything totally wonderful, big or unexpected?

-- Roger
N900 Guide Brief intro to the Nokia N900 (
Maemoan since July 2005 )
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Originally Posted by RogerS
Anything totally wonderful, big or unexpected?-- Roger
Yeah, like if they've shipped MY pre-order yet
Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
What Reggie said is so. Nokia gave me a 770 for free. I was not expecting this. I was -- and still am -- shocked. So shocked that I have sent an email around asking for advice about the ethics of this. The most I had been expecting was a few free nibbles, soda, and the chance to grill some Nokia reps about the 770. I had absolutely *NO* idea the Very Big Guns behind the 770 would be there. That shocked me too! As for the free nibbles and soda, I hardly had any because for the 2 hours and 20 minutes of the event, I was asking Q after Q! (The VBGs of Nokia didn't get to eat much, either, because their mouths were too busy answering my questions. All that money on food and drink, and hardly any of it eaten or drunk! I feel guilty!)

The 770 remains in its swag bag, as it was given to me. I haven't even removed it. Don't know what I will do yet. It'll probably stay as it is at least until tomorrow. Today is filled with other things right now.

I will be writing up the event from my point of view later this week. Just let me say right now that although some of the things that are intended for the OS upgrade/update were available to see, I didn't personally get to see them. The Nokia rep with these things on his 770 didn't have much contact with me. Reggie probably saw more of the upcoming stuff than I did.

Last edited by Mike Cane; 2005-12-14 at 14:07. Reason: Highlighted free 770.
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Originally Posted by Mike Cane
What Reggie said is so. Nokia gave me a 770 for free. I was not expecting this. I was -- and still am -- shocked.
I admit I felt a little ticked off at that but not against you! Nokia make it hard for me to get one. I live in New Zealand. No hope of them coming out here. So I have to get a friend in the states to order mine which we did early on (pre Slashdotting). Then nothing from them since. We confirmed our order when the email came out. Still nothing. I could get my friend to go hunt one down at CompUSA I guess but that's a hassle for him and then I have to pay more when I already have to pay extra due to the exchange rates, then pay US tax on it when we buy it, then pay shipping then finally probably pay NZ tax (12.5%) on it AGAIN when it comes into the country. And that tax is paid on the price of the device AND the shipping! Sheesh! Anyway, none of that is your fault Mike. So you shouldn't feel bad about your freebie. I say sell it on eBay and spend the money on the site or something No guilt involved!
Posts: 77 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2005
Wow, I so wished I was there. That is great that Mike got a free device. I am so jealous.
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Perhaps the device they gave you is running the same os release as the
demo units at the event? If so, you might get a chance to spend some
quality time with the next os version before the rest of us. Seems like reason enough to open the box.

Regarding the article, it sounds like a sane roadmap. I hope they fix the email application sooner rather than latter. The bugginess I can live with so long as I exercise a bit of restraint and keep an eye on the load/mem 3rd party application. But, I really can't recommend the 770 to any of my non-hacker, pda using associates until a better email client becomes available.
Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
My email elicited these responses along these lines:

1) If you don't want it, send it to me!

2) I'll buy it from you!

3) And more thoughtful ones:

>>>Mike, I don't see a problem with this. Don't post a review of it and you have no ethical quandary. Just enjoy it and accept it. It's no different than getting a T-shirt as swag. I don't accept hardware as a rule in exchange for a review but if you are not being asked to review it then what's the problem?

And --

>>>Just be public about it, as you have done.

And --

>>>Keep it and write an honest, in-depth review.

And --

>>>don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Merry XMas.

My favorite was from a friend who worked at the same consulting firm as I did 25(!) years ago:

I know where you're coming from, but I don't think it's a big ethical issue. My personal policy was to turn down all gifts from clients, especially those that would presumably impact my objectivity as an analyst. Therefore, I would not accept tickets to expensive sporting events or the giveaways from analysts' conferences (which, could be PDAs or expensive phones, but more likely were just flash rom or something). Then I figured out that it is impossible to draw a line between big and small and that the companies, themselves treat all comers objectively. In other words they lavish these gifts on everybody indiscriminantly. Here's an example, at the IBM developer conference three years ago, instead of handing out pieces of paper with each attendees schedule of meetings and one-on-ones, they gave out Palms that were preloaded with each analysts schedule. And they told each of us to keep them (a $350 value at the time). There was no recourse and nobody to give it back to.

I'd argue that you're in the same boat with Nokia. They want you to have it. They gave lots of them away. They don't want it back.

Every Christmas we get cards, boxes of cookies, fresh fruit all those sorts of things from clients and vendors (well the landlord)... Tis the season.

Don't think twice about it. They want you to have it. They won't take it back. Consider it a demo.

I've given this a lot of thought. Couldn't digest my food or even think properly yesterday because of this.

About two weeks ago, I went to the Wired Store in NYC to fondle the OQO. Turns out the evening I went, there was a party for a Nokia phone debut. When I left, I was given a bit of swag: a white leather-like pouch (no bigger than a pocket) with the Nokia logo on it. Eh. It was a surprise and unexpected. I took it and still have it.

When I went to this 770 event, I had no expectations of swag; didn't even think about it beyond a bit of snacks and something to drink. My main goal was to see the 770 again (my local CUSA lacked a demo unit!), meet He Who Must Be Obeyed (Reggie), meet the Nokia contact I'd been emailing, and ask some questions about the device. My jaw dropped when they announced we would be getting 770s. No obligation was placed on them. We were told these were Thank Yous for attending. Although much more expensive, in the league of that little pouch I got at the Wired Store (at least in the eyes of a global giant like Nokia!).

I've already mentioned that I'm getting out of the handheld area. I'd already told Reggie and two other sites that intended to run it, that I would not be reviewing the 770. My interests are elsewhere and I just don't have the time to devote to handhelds any longer. However, I also know that there are many Palm users out there who are curious about the 770. And many of them will be checking in here. So, although I will not be formally reviewing the 770, from time to time I will post a bit about my experience with it as a soon-to-be-former (and currently thoroughly-disgusted) Palm user. But none of this writing will be influenced by the fact I got this for free; I had intended to buy one for myself. I hope I will remember to mention that I got the 770 for free. Should I slip up, I expect the rest of you to yell about it being given to me for free.

And lastly: Thank you, Nokia.
Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
I've opened the box. Wow. No CD?!

Just looked at what's in there. Hmmmm.... finger smudges on screen! Someone's been at this. Extra stylus, battery, RS-MMC, AC, USB cable, pouch. Looks to be complete.

Also in the swag bag was a WiFi Finder (which I should have mentioned I'd already gotten as swag from my initial 770 fondle at Linux Expo months back! -- I'd forgotten about it; in a drawer somewhere...!), two teeny boxes of minty gum, and a teeny can of mints.

I've closed the box. Will read the manual, charge battery (if needed). Will be off to some NYC hotspots later today.

Screen protector! Need a screen protector!

Last edited by Mike Cane; 2005-12-15 at 17:14. Reason: dumb typo
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2005
Originally Posted by Mike Cane
Screen protector! Need a screen protector!
YES! I've made a short-term screen protector from a clear sheet protector for a three ring binder, but I need a better long-term solution. I just don't trust myself.

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