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Moderator | Posts: 5,320 | Thanked: 4,464 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
Sure he is a troll but there was nothing insulting in that post...
Please speak for yourself, this was clearly a jab in response to my post:*

Not everyone lives in cloud-cuckoo land.
But for some reason, Jolla and some of its blind followers still keep closing their eyes from the reality.
Maybe it is good that someone points out the obvious from time to time.
Well, many folks like to think they're the most impartial/wise beings that exist, in reality that's not the case, much of the time.

Originally Posted by Jedibeeftrix View Post
only if they are daft.
Russia is a very diff. beast to western countries, they don't operate under international norms & their ground rules are very diff.
In the env. that exists in Russia (& by extension CIS) today, the fact that it's UK-based will be a significant factor in their analysis.
As I said, it's still not possible to call it, though, as there's other significant advantages in Canonical's favour.

*which also could be seen as -somewhat- insulting

Last edited by jalyst; 2015-03-02 at 14:16.
Posts: 338 | Thanked: 496 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Please speak for yourself, this was clearly a jab in response to my post:*

Well, many folks like to think they're the most impartial/wise beings that exist, in reality that's not the case, much of the time.

Russia is a very diff. beast to western countries, they don't operate under international norms & their ground rules are very diff.
In the env. that exists in Russia (& by extension CIS) today, the fact that it's UK-based will be a significant factor in their analysis.
As I said, it's still not possible to call it, though, as there's other significant advantages in Canonical's favour.

*which also could be seen as -somewhat- insulting
It wasn't aimed at you specifically, but people here generally. They like to ignore the blatantly obvious reality that Jolla / Sailfish is not the first port of call or even a remotely likely one for most OEMs or phone designers, even niche or 'indie' ones. That Jolla have been forced to Intel's begging bowl is testament to it .. if 'their' reference platform for phones is indeed just the upcoming Rockchip designed Intel one (like the Rockchip designed platform Nokia & Jolla tablets use already), they can kiss China goodbye and indeed any hope of large sales volume. Hopefully they're just making an effort to make Sailfish compatible with said platform from day one (as per likely contractual agreements with Intel), and that if they are pursuing a reference platform it's ARM ... otherwise they'll find themselves further pigeon-holed into an almost microscopic niche.

You greatly exaggerate the level of acerbity in business dealings / corporate matters between the UK and Russia. The two are inextricably linked, particularly when it comes to the vital (to Russia's solvency) oil and gas industry, and to the vast wealth sequestered in the UK by the many Oligarchs (who the Kremlin cannot possibly afford to alienate many more of). Both countries know where their interests lie here. Relations are much less strained than those between Finland and Russia, on a political level. Certainly, Finnish governmental agencies would be observing a deal or promotion for Jolla/Sailfish much more closely than UK agencies would UP being promoted there. If there truly is to be a concerted (and official) push away from Android / iOS (and what little market BB has) in Russia, their advisors will immediately tell them that Canonical's software is open-source (no nasty surprises) and they actively avoid involvement with Five Eyes. Besides, from an official / governmental perspective, their desktop convergence would have to be hugely attractive.
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This is getting way too off-topic, can I suggest; if you want to continue this, by all means start a new thread, or PM me.

Originally Posted by bluefoot View Post
It wasn't aimed at you specifically, but people here generally. They like to ignore the blatantly obvious reality that Jolla / Sailfish is not the first port of call or even a remotely likely one for most OEMs or phone designers, even niche or 'indie' ones.
Nah, most here are smart chappies, they're able to deduce that from what has transpired...

That Jolla have been forced to Intel's begging bowl is testament to it .. if 'their' reference platform for phones is indeed just the upcoming Rockchip designed Intel one (like the Rockchip designed platform Nokia & Jolla tablets use already), they can kiss China goodbye and indeed any hope of large sales volume. Hopefully they're just making an effort to make Sailfish compatible with said platform from day one (as per likely contractual agreements with Intel), and that if they are pursuing a reference platform it's ARM ... otherwise they'll find themselves further pigeon-holed into an almost microscopic niche.
We just don't have the info, there's really no point getting "hot under the collar" at this stage of the game. I really would like to see your argument for why it's "game over" if it's a decent Intel SoC (for the price) though, remember, no gross assumptions about what it "is". I'm thinking they may be planning a low-end Intel based model, & something slightly higher spec'd in the ARM space, but it's pure speculation. I'd rather they focus on top-end Intel or ARM (preferably the latter, but it depends on the Intel config), but it's looking more like we're getting low-end for the next ph. I just hope there's plans for a higher spec'd one around the same time or very soon afterwards, but I doubt they'll pull-that-off, so I'll probably end-up walking.

You greatly exaggerate the level of acerbity in business dealings / corporate matters between the UK and Russia. The two are inextricably linked, particularly when it comes to the vital (to Russia's solvency) oil and gas industry, and to the vast wealth sequestered in the UK by the many Oligarchs (who the Kremlin cannot possibly afford to alienate many more of). Both countries know where their interests lie here.
They don't put all their eggs in the UK, they're not that stupid, they have spread it all over the shop, the UK would be far from the single-most important place for them, there's too much financial oversight & predominance of rule-of-law.

Relations are much less strained than those between Finland and Russia, on a political level. Certainly, Finnish governmental agencies would be observing a deal or promotion for Jolla/Sailfish much more closely than UK agencies would UP being promoted there.
Not true, anyone need only watch the regular coverage of relations between countries in the greater region (pick any vast array of multi-lingual channels), it's patently clear that there's way more tension between the UK & Russia. Finland's a border nation, it's also not a middle-to-upper power like the UK, it's had a far more neutral approach for many years. There are examples where things tip away from that on occasion, but on-balance, there's vastly more mutual understanding & cultural/historical linkages between Finland<->Russia than Russia<->UK, they share a fair bit of infra too, Sweden & Norway it's quite a bit different.

If there truly is to be a concerted (and official) push away from Android / iOS (and what little market BB has) in Russia, their advisors will immediately tell them that Canonical's software is open-source (no nasty surprises) and they actively avoid involvement with Five Eyes.
You assume that Jolla wouldn't allow a full (& regular) audit of their closed bits by the Russian gov't, wouldn't surprise me if they did. Who actively avoids involvement with five-eyes, Canonical?

Besides, from an official / governmental perspective, their desktop convergence would have to be hugely attractive.
There's no no real Desktop/Mobile convergence between UP & Ubuntu, that's a long ways off, for now at least, & Ubuntu's still irrelevant in Desktop (even in Russia) anyway, relatively speaking.

Last edited by jalyst; 2015-03-03 at 22:01.
Posts: 338 | Thanked: 496 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Nah, most here are smart chappies, they're able to see that from what has transpired...

We just don't have the info, there's really no point getting "hot under the collar" at this stage of the game. I really would like to see you argument for why it's "game over" if it's a decent Intel SoC though (remember, no gross assumptions about what it may be). I'm thinking they may be planning a low-end Intel based model, & something slightly higher spec'd in the ARM space, but it's pure speculation.

They don't put all their eggs in the UK, they're not that stupid, they have spread it all over the shop, the UK would be far from the single-most important place for them, there's too much financial oversight & predominance of rule-of-law.

Not true, anyone need only watch the regular coverage of relations between countries in the greater region (pick any vast array of channels), it's patently clear that there's way more tension between the UK & Russia. Finland's a border nation, it's also not a middle-to-upper power like the UK, it's had a far more neutral approach for many years. There are examples where things tip away from that on occasion, but on-balance, there's vastly more mutual understanding & cultural/historical linkages between Finland<->Russia than Russia<->UK, they share a fair bit of infra, too.

You assume that Jolla wouldn't allow a full (& regular) audit of their closed bits by the Russian gov't, wouldn't surprise me if they did. Who actively avoids involvement with five-eyes, Canonical?

There is no convergence, yet, & that's a long ways off, for now...
1) If they do realise this they like to claim otherwise very loudly here.

2) All Intel's 'big' partners for the 14nm Atom mobile / tablet chips are either Taiwanese and/or firms with existing (and gigantic) chip purchase agreements with Intel, whereby they will be getting these for free essentially (much better than free actually). The only Chinese one of note is Lenovo, and they fall very firmly into this category. The mass of Chinese OEMs that Jolla has supposedly been trying to woo just aren't interested; volumes are tiny, the reference platform's very restrictive (and developing their own would cost far more than ARM), if Intel reduce the gigantic subsidies then they're left high and dry, and there's no performance or efficiency advantage. This whole project is mostly about keeping their foundries busy, especially whilst they're still struggling mightily to make bigger chips work on 14nm FINFET.

3) If you think that the UK isn't the most important external market for corporate Russia in political, social and economic terms you're completely delusional. Much of the élite spend huge chunks of time there or live outright, as do their families. As for the oil and gas industry .. it simply couldn't function as it has for the last decade and a half if UK energy interests were banished or appropriated. The state would fall.

4) You're completely wrong. You correctly state that Finland is a border nation. Have a think about that, and the belicose nature of various Russian politicians and armed forces figures' pronouncements. The only existential threat the UK faces from Russia would be in a doomsday scenario ... one which I suspect all sides are pretty keen to avoid. You also correctly mention shared history - the defining shared history was the repelled Russian invasion which more than anything else defined the modern Finnish state, and nationalist Russians don't like that at all (the same ones champing at the bit to reclaim "Crimean Russia" and the Baltics).

5) If they're prepared to do that and aren't opening said sections because of perceived or actual commercial value, then they can pretty much write them off and open them immediately. All of it would be turned over to Russian state agencies and interested commercial entities ... if you think otherwise, you're grossly naive.
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Heh, you're funny, I'll address this stuff later, too much important stuff IRL for now.
Many of the points you make are clearly complete BS, but there's some fair points amongst them.
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Please dont pollute off topic With this...
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
endsormeans's Avatar
Posts: 3,139 | Thanked: 8,156 times | Joined on Feb 2013 @ From my Gabriola Island hermitage, near the Edge of the World
I would completely and unequivocally agree with good Dave999.
Except for 2 things..

1st. -
Truly National / Cultural "Political" dialogue should not be here at all...slipped into conversation even.
Whether it is past or present issues or wrongs done.
It is disruptive.
And does not reflect the individuals...the members here who are at the mercy of either political "side" ....
Though it not be their faults... Still... it draws people in and polarizes.
And we most certainly do not need that here.
Regardless of truth, omission or falsehood of said polarizing statements.

2nd -
And here is the rub...
Just about everyone here has been politic when it comes to their vocal opinions on any given corporations methods and implementation...our forum is rife with it.
Nothing inherently wrong with that.
Until that is...corporations and Nations collide.
When such momentous events as what are happening in the world at large currently...
I think a very specific exemption from that 1st rule should be seriously looked at by our community as a whole...and with all gravity I do believe we should have this dialogue and present a united front as a steadfast and unanimous community on this topic...

Where the "Powers that Be" whether corporate or politic collide WITH technology and influence the direction of said technology ...especially to limit , stifle, or kill basic freedoms of conversation, collaboration, the ability to even use free or open source anything being under attack...or to tear down our ability to even have harmless personal conversations because they are monitored by Nation states or corps ...or BOTH even ...then I do believe that the conversation needs to happen....Badly needs to happen.
And not just to post the latest horribly transgressing innovative development from the "verve" or "endgadget" on how spying is being done or encrypted what-have-you is at risk.

To take it a step further...we could use the power of our combined voices as a community to be a real positive force.
It is a very aggressive and proactive approach...but I think as various organizations state they are against something ..
we as a community could too..
we think our community is a miniscule bunch in the greater scheme of things...but there are alot of people who are members.
And I think regardless of device or platform here we ALL agree to basic tech freedoms for manufacturers, developers, and end users.
And I think that should we take a stand in the greater world if not to make it better than at least to hold our own...those freedoms should be what we voice....
that should be our "this-is-our-line-in-the-sand" .

So yea...not tryin to get all maemo-patriotic and all....
I don't think we shouldn't talk about such important matters...I just think we need not focus on the "real" political mire (because we will drown in that) ...but rather the "particulars"... and as a group ...
I dunno..Issue media statement condemning said nefarious doings and at least alert the general public to the fact their freedoms are being stripped from them. People may take us seriously.
My posture for such an idea to activism is that this community is an intelligent brain-trust of truly non-political geniuses. I don't think I exaggerate this. And I don't think I'm inflating ego's nor down-playing the fact.
I think we can be trusted by the public... Hell I think the public would see that we don't have a hidden nefarious agenda and that alone is powerful

Anywho...perhaps the last bit there is my idealistic stretching for better....
but I do think we need to have a serious conversation about what a tangle politics and technology have become and determine at least some kinda rules of engagement here at "talk" on the topic...
just my 5 cents (gotta use a nickle ...can't use 2 cents anymore...since Canada discontinued the penny )
Lurker since 2007, Member since 2013, Certifiable since 1972

Owner of :
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3-nexus 5's : 1 w/ Floko Pie 9.1 (running beautifully) waiting for Stable Droid 10 rom, 1 w/ ̶Ubuntu Touch, 1 with Maru OS (intend maemo leste when ready)

1/2 - neo900 pre- "purchased" in 2013. N̶o̶w̶ ̶A̶w̶a̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶r̶e̶f̶u̶n̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶c̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶f̶e̶w̶ ̶y̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ - neo900 start up declared officially dead -
Lost invested funds.

PIMP MY N8X0 (Idiot's Guide and a video walkthrough)
242gb ON N800

Meateo balloons now available @ Dave999's Meateo Emporium

Last edited by endsormeans; 2015-03-04 at 04:52.
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Originally Posted by endsormeans View Post
Truly National / Cultural "Political" dialogue should not be here at all...
That's very convenient. So, basically, the easiest way to avoid losing a battle when you run out of arguments is turning it into a political debate and shut it down.

Not that you do it, endo Neither do any other old-timers who stick to Maemo. But hey, it has happened so many times in so many discussions involving Jolla that the only conclusiuon I can make is that Jolla has the curse the bring the worst out of people.
Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй!
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Well what can we do?
As much as you'd want to keep discussion on technical level sooner or later it escalates into political; we are highly political animals by nature.
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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
Well what can we do?
No idea

There is an excellent article in the March 2015 issue of National Geographic. It basically says that facts do not persuade people. Throwing more facts at them just bounces off. The affinity to the tribe is stronger. This is equally true about the global warming skeptics, creationists and immunisation aversionists as it is about some Jolla fans.
Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй!

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