View Full Version : Nokia Screen Forwarding

2006-02-15, 17:53
for some presentation I would need to forward the screen of my Nokia 770 to a PC, which displays the received content live via a beamer.
Is there any way to do this?
I've already tried to combine the maemo LiveCD and VMWare Player on my PC - which crashes when I try to access the "home" menu in the emulator window.
My idea was to use the emulator windows as a remote display. But there is no xhost or anything to enable remote connections to the player.
Another attempt was the VMWare Player with Fedora Core 4. But I don't know how to run the needed X-server there to forward the display to.
The problem is that the PC MUST run Windows (since some ppl just cannot boot a Linux PC) and the screen must be displayable via the beamer.
Any suggestions?
Thanx in advance.

2006-02-15, 18:24
what's a "beamer"?

I would like to be able to be able to do ssh x11 forwarding to run things like gpe-todo on the 770 but display on my desktop, but as said there's no xhost on teh 770 so I've no idea how to enable this.

2006-02-15, 18:51
Sorry, for the confustion.
I guess it's a bad habit of Germans to use English words for things and think that it's correct English ;)
A "beamer" is a video projector.
Since the display of the Nokia isn't suitable for large audiences, transferring the (real, not emulated) display to a PC and then use that for projecting is the solution we are supposed to realize. Unfortunately running the whole application on the PC inside the emulator is not possible.

2006-02-16, 01:43
Unfortunately running the whole application on the PC inside the emulator is not possible.

Correct. Certain portions of the N770's behavior cannot be replicated using the Scratchbox environment.


What you'd need is something akin to the Xvnc /server/ portion, which would allow your X11 environment (running on the N770) to be viewed remotely.

2006-02-17, 08:46
Do you have any idea how to do that? Could ANY X-server/XVnc on any linux machine serve as a target or does it have to fulfill special requirements? I tried to export DISPLAY=mylinuxbox:x, but the connection never worked. Well, I wasn't even sure which programs I could try to run like that - the video player for instance started local, despite the setting....

2006-02-17, 09:34
There is a VNC server that works on the 770 http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ but you'll have to build it yourself in scratchbox as I've not created a package - I've only just tried the binary I've built.

If you do use this I suggest you use the option "-cursor arrow" and you may well have to run ping or similar in the background to keep the conection alive. Oh, and another ip - use the enter key rather than return, or disable the on screen keyboard if you don't want to use it - I can't remember the command for that though.

That said. The performance is good, so this seems like an app that's well worth having on the 770.

2006-02-17, 14:18
would you be willing to upload your binary somewhere?

2006-02-17, 15:10
Ok, try this http://saunby.net/download/nokia770/

2006-02-17, 15:54
works pretty well, thanks!

2006-02-17, 16:51
Hello msaunby, I'm not sure what to do with the binaries. How do I get that working on the 770?

2006-02-17, 16:58
Not wishing to be rude, but if you have to ask then it's probably not ready for you.
But if you're feeling brave download the file to memory card then from xterm:

cd /home/user
tar xzf /media/mmc/x11vnc_test.tgz
cd x11vnc_test

Connect as {NOKIA_IP}:0

2006-02-17, 17:58
run it from a terminal, or make an icon....

copy the downloaded file to the 770
open X terminal or ssh in
install the files:
tar -zxf x11vnc_test.tgz
cp x11vnc_test/lib/* /var/lib/install/usr/lib/
cp x11vnc_test/bin/* /var/lib/install/usr/bin/
cp x11vnc_test/x11vnc /var/lib/install/usr/bin/x11vnc.sh

note the renaming of x11vnc to x11vnc.sh to prevent a conflict
you could also put the x11vnc_test/x11vnc somewhere else since the .desktop file has to have the full path to it anyway

edit /var/lib/install/usr/bin/x11vnc.sh with vi or jpico to be:

x11vnc -cursor arrow -display :0

add whatever options you like
(note the export paths aren't needed because the GUI does this for you)

to make a menu item, create a file: /var/lib/install/etc/others-menu/extra_applications/X11VNC.desktop

make the contents:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=X11 VNC Server
GenericName=VNC Server
Comment=Start VNC server

you should now have an icon to start the server with. thre is no feedback, the only to know if it is running is to try to connect to it, or check "ps" from a terminal. Becarefull to not start it 2 times, the second won't go away and will use about 2k of memory until you kill it or reboot.

2006-02-17, 18:11
Thanks for all that. I suppose if nobody finds a good reason for not using this particular vnc-server by Sunday I'll package it up for the installer. Perhaps I should add some logic to the script to either - not start a second server, or kill any old server when a new one is started.

Unless someone else wants to save me the trouble.


2006-02-17, 18:16
well, there's a viewer, why not a server? :)

now we just need a server helper to sit in the toolbar/try to set a password, killclient, etc

2006-02-18, 14:45
Excellent work, I'd package that. (... and subsequently duck all the questions) ;)

I'm only having one issue though; no cursor appears. The mouse cursor on my XP box disappears if it's over that window and the window has focus. There was a time for a split second that I got the regular tiny square VNC cursor, but that's about all the success I've had.

2006-02-18, 14:52
The "-cursor arrow" option works for me. With RealVNC as a client.

2006-02-19, 01:41
Oddly enough, connecting this time I now have a black arrow. That didn't appear before. Maybe you're good luck Michael. ;)

2006-02-20, 16:16
Guys, try the installer .deb at http://saunby.net/download/nokia770/x11vnc/ and let me know if it's good enough to release.


2006-02-20, 16:47
I'm really impressed. :D
I still have to figure out why I can connect to the Nokia but not my co-worker and why it sometimes works and sometimes not - but the overall situation has improved greatly for me.
Thanx msaunby!

2006-02-20, 17:16
I've found that just having an active internet connection isn't quite enough for the Nokia to work as a server. If you can't ping it, then the VNC server won't work, but if you open a browser then both ping and VNC come to life.

I'm not going to spend any more time on this now unless I have to as I've other stuff I must do.

2006-02-20, 18:52
I have to say a very neat trick to show people who are difficult to impress. Excellent job masunby! Thanks for this.

2006-02-20, 20:49
deb appears to work, nice

2006-02-21, 17:19
Thanx for everything! I really appreciate the time you put into the VNC stuff. I hope one day I can give back some.

2006-02-21, 18:16
If this hasn't been added to the apps section of iTT, would you mind if it was? (I ask because it's being hosted on your site) - - and of course with the caveat that there's a slim chance for further development.

2006-03-02, 17:15
Yes, great work on the server. It is very impressive!