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View Full Version : How do you get canola to work

2008-02-15, 22:37
this is annoying, I downloaded canola, but I have no Idea what so ever to get my movies and music in, I am new and it keeps saying no media, when I know there is

Laughing Man
2008-02-15, 22:54
Well assuming Canola itself is working correctly. And that you have media on your SD cards. You need to go into options and then I think there's scanning or something like that. Then you make sure for the internal/external cards that the eye is showing (not an eye with a slash through it).

It should scan for media on those cards and add it to its database.

2008-02-15, 22:58
thanks, I had been doing that the whole time but it wasn't working, seems I needed to post something though because I went and tried again and now it can find them

2008-02-15, 23:28
never mind it freezes and doesn't load still

2008-02-15, 23:39
Hi Jbb :

If is freezing, you may have a corrupted installation. But please make sure you have the eye with a "V" marked in the media library - audio folders , video folders , etc .

If they are marked media will be listed. If this is not happening, then you have some bad installation.

You have an option of unninstalling, (clean up) using the canola2-fix available in the application installer (maemo extras repository ) and then install again.

If it still not working, please contact me via private message that we will help you fixing it, and you will be helping a free application to improve and avoid mistakes in the future.

Thanks for trying the software...


2008-02-15, 23:43
I am also having the same issue. I uninstalled using the clean-up and installed again. Same issue, song is there and tries to load but never starts playing.

2008-02-16, 05:14
I seem to be having the same problem...I click a song (or podcast) and it just sort of stares at me. Can't tap on anything but I can hit the menu button to go back.

2008-02-17, 08:51
Tmilr87 and Griff :

Hi guys, can you try rebooting ? if it's not playing maybe is our media engine, that still old and needs the new one.

if still not working, can you please run it on xterm using : canola -vv and then go to some media try to play it and send the messages to us?

We really need this to nail this problem : /


2008-02-17, 13:18
Since the Canola update I've had problems, too. It seem to go off into the wild blue yonder and never come back.

Did an uninstall, clean-up and reinstall and it still does this.

It's a shame since it was working so well under the previous version!

2008-02-17, 18:31
same problem here, i even tried to reboot my n800 in every stepdaughteri made. cleanup/reboot/install/reboot/scan media/reboot

2008-02-17, 22:56
OK, hope this helps somehow. I snipped from right when I clicked on the song.

1203288200.0741 DEBUG controller:107:get_controller_class_for_model() looking fo r controller class with filter 'Controller/Media/Audio/Local' ...
1203288200.0843 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'Controller/Media/Audio/Local'
1203288200.0934 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'Controller/Media/Audio/Local'
1203288200.1032 DBG_W plugin_manager:167:load() no plugin implements filter 'Con troller/Media/Audio/Local'
1203288200.1128 DEBUG controller:107:get_controller_class_for_model() looking fo r controller class with filter 'Controller/Media/Audio' ...
1203288200.1217 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'Controller/Media/Audio'
1203288200.1703 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'Controller/Media/Audio'
1203288200.2829 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'Controller/Media'
1203288200.2879 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'Controller/Media'
1203288200.4292 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'Player'
1203288200.4491 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'Player'
1203288200.4558 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'Model/Notify/Error'
1203288200.4610 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'Model/Notify/Error'
1203288200.4680 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'OptionsController'
1203288200.4739 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'OptionsController'
1203288200.4870 INFO plugin_manager:156:_load_plugins() loaded plugin 'Media Ba se UI' with filters ['Controller/Media']
1203288200.4927 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'Model/Options/Folder/Player/Audio'
1203288200.4984 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'Model/Options/Folder/Player/Audio'
1203288200.5099 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'Model/Options/Folder'
1203288200.5152 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'Model/Options/Folder'
1203288200.5222 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'Model/Options/Action'
1203288200.5288 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'Model/Options/Action'
1203288200.5503 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'Controller/Options/CheckedFolder'
1203288200.5560 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'Controller/Options/CheckedFolder'
1203288200.5680 INFO plugin_manager:156:_load_plugins() loaded plugin 'Audio Pl ayer Options' with filters ['Controller/Options/Folder/Player/Audio', 'Model/Opt ions/Action/Player/Audio/Shuffle', 'Model/Options/Action/Player/Audio/Repeat', ' Model/Options/Folder/Player/Audio']
1203288200.6116 INFO plugin_manager:156:_load_plugins() loaded plugin 'Audio Pl ayer UI' with filters ['Controller/Media/Audio']
1203288200.6180 DEBUG controller:111:get_controller_class_for_model() found cont roller class with filter 'Controller/Media/Audio'!
1203288200.6894 DEBUG controller:107:get_controller_class_for_model() looking fo r controller class with filter 'Controller/Media/Audio/Local' ...
1203288200.6949 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'Controller/Media/Audio/Local'
1203288200.7010 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'Controller/Media/Audio/Local'
1203288200.7074 DBG_W plugin_manager:167:load() no plugin implements filter 'Con troller/Media/Audio/Local'
1203288200.7143 DEBUG controller:107:get_controller_class_for_model() looking fo r controller class with filter 'Controller/Media/Audio' ...
1203288200.7193 DEBUG manager:156:get_class() looking for first class with filte r 'Controller/Media/Audio'
1203288200.7265 DEBUG manager:114:get_classes() looking for classes with filter 'Controller/Media/Audio'
1203288200.7323 DEBUG controller:111:get_controller_class_for_model() found cont roller class with filter 'Controller/Media/Audio'!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "evas.c_evas_object_callbacks.pxi", line 10, in evas.c_evas.cb_dispatcher
File "plugins/canola-core/list/ui.py", line 156, in _cb_on_mouse_up
File "/list.py", line 479, in _cb_on_mouse_up
File "/list.py", line 184, in emit_clicked
File "plugins/canola-core/list/ui.py", line 277, in _cb_clicked
File "plugins/canola-core/list/ui.py", line 452, in cb_on_clicked
File "plugins/canola-core/multitask/task/controller.py", line 185, in use
File "plugins/canola-core/audio/ui.py", line 167, in __init__
File "plugins/canola-core/media_base/ui/controller.py", line 81, in __init__
File "/plugin_prefs.py", line 33, in __init__
File "/plugin_prefs.py", line 42, in _load

After all that if I try clicking the back arrow I get:

1203288480.3027 INFO ui:418:back() click ignored: was animating
1203288482.6076 INFO ui:418:back() click ignored: was animating
1203288483.5132 INFO ui:418:back() click ignored: was animating
1203288483.9165 INFO ui:418:back() click ignored: was animating

Now here is the weird thing, at least to me. In /usr/share/canola/plugins I only have a canola-core.zip and plugins.pickle. I came to that directory from the canola.conf in /etc. Given there's an EOF error I wonder if they could be related.

2008-02-21, 00:20
ok, I got mine to work by upgrading to the -3(latest) that just came out for os, and didn't restore and only reinstalled canola from maemo and it now works perfect :)
I guess I'll slowly add apps and see if it doesn't work again or if that upgrade fixed it.