View Full Version : N900 worst phone i ever had !

2010-03-02, 21:24
I have alot of issues with my nokia N900. It keeps saying device full while there is on all mounted partitions lots and lots of space aviable. even it comes with this message with a newly installed device. so i reflash the nand and the 32 gb disk

The phone is very instable. i need to reboot it at least 3 times per day sometimes more. otherwise it dont hold the phone log or sms recieve. I cant install applications until a reboot. it keeps reindexing my media files after charging. and i lost all my icons photos songs every week . and i have to research it from the console. very very annying i got this the N900 what i first thought this phone is the best in the world. for now i know its NOT! ...... but first i thought it was a hardware problem cause it started once i had to shutdown the phone once when i was using the camera it hang, but i sent it to nokia and they claim the device is working perfectly.

I browsed the forums and i thought i would find any solution. but for now i think the only solution is to dispose the phone and buy an !ph0n€ :(

2010-03-02, 21:27
Sounds like an isolated "faulty" phone though as i havent heard of many people with major problems like your experiencing, perhaps a reflash or the firmware might help?

2010-03-02, 21:27
"worst" represents the most extreme case of something.

Therefore "most" is not required to be placed before it.

I weep for the public education system.

2010-03-02, 21:28
changed title :)

2010-03-02, 21:30
I don't think Nokia would blindly claimed that the N900 is working PERFECTLY!!

They would not say it that way. They know that there are many things needing fixes.

2010-03-02, 21:30
Sounds like an isolated "faulty" phone though as i havent heard of many people with major problems like your experiencing, perhaps a reflash or the firmware might help?

i reflashed it. and even after a NEW reflash. so i mean a total new reflash of all partitions. it pops up with the message. device full right after a virgin device flash. and will not reindexing icons of my media files and photos when i write them back to the 32 gb card.

nokia tested the memory and they claim the device is 100 percent ok without errors. wich i doubt strongly.

2010-03-02, 21:30
have had none of the problems you mentioned.

2010-03-02, 21:31
I don't think Nokia would blindly claimed that the N900 is working PERFECTLY!!

They would not say it that way. They know that there are many things needing fixes.

They said to me. its a firmware issue. wich i dont believe. because i read noone complaining about this faults. only me.

2010-03-02, 21:31
hoppa123.. Please, sell the N900 and get the iPhone.. (No sarcasm intended)..

2010-03-02, 21:32
hoppa123.. Please, sell the N900 and get the iPhone.. (No sarcasm intended)..

hmmm i cant even type that word you mentioned :p no never one for me that I thing:) it was just a suggestion with one eye to nokia :confused:

but what is the issue here is that i hope to find someones help inside nokia to get my device fixed as i am really out of options.

2010-03-02, 21:33
Why on earth you even went that far with phone? I would have taken it back to shop after first error. It´s your right as consumer.

Actually better would be: its your obligation.

2010-03-02, 21:33
Hoppa123, how long have you had the phone, what country are you in, what country is the phone from (i.e. did you import it) and what version of the OS does it display in Settings... About Product ?

2010-03-02, 21:33
but for now i think the only solution is to dispose the phone and buy an !ph0n€ :(

Direct quote from the OP...

2010-03-02, 21:33
dont have the problem. either you download a lot of testing application or faulty phone.

2010-03-02, 21:34
I think this is the best phone I ever had. So much fun...

2010-03-02, 21:35

2010-03-02, 21:35
Hoppa123, how long have you had the phone, what country are you in, what country is the phone from (i.e. did you import it) and what version of the OS does it display in Settings... About Product ?

phone bought at PDASHOP.NL its a well known shop here in holland its for me as end user not in import phone.

firmware version is : 3.2010.02-8

used 1 and half month.

as i wrote it here the phone reboots by itself just when i quit the about screen.

2010-03-02, 21:35
Well I think the best case here would be to take your device to Nokia care and really show what is the problem. Just by giving the phone, they might not see the problem. So you need to showcase the problem exactly.

2010-03-02, 21:36
If that's your opinion, sell it and buy a Iphone ;)
Have fun with Itunes and all the ****.

2010-03-02, 21:37
Well I think the best case here would be to take your device to Nokia care and really show what is the problem. Just by giving the phone, they might not see the problem. So you need to showcase the problem exactly.

that is what i did. there was double text in the screen. they saw the problem. they took the phone i lost it 1 week. they called me that the phone is back. they reflashed it. it showed in the shop that the sms would not recieve because the device is full. they claim it to be a firmware issue. this nokia care center people arent very experienced with the n900 and they claim all problems to be a firmware issue. what is sadly for me not the case i think.

2010-03-02, 21:37
Sorry mate but you have got a faulty device. I've my device for 3 months and I've never had a single reboot since then. I send/receive 50/60 SMS's per day and I install and uninstall applications without needing to reboot.

2010-03-02, 21:39
Sorry mate but you have a got a faulty device. I've my device for 3 months and I've never had a single reboot since then. I send/receive 50/60 SMS's per day and I install and uninstall applications without needing to reboot.

thats my opinion too i wish there was a way i could tell that to nokia. :mad::confused:
i wish i could experience the full power of the n900 as the other users does it here. because i love the device it self. any other phone cant beat this phone !

2010-03-02, 21:41
i reflashed it. and even after a NEW reflash. so i mean a total new reflash of all partitions. it pops up with the message. device full right after a virgin device flash. and will not reindexing icons of my media files and photos when i write them back to the 32 gb card.

nokia tested the memory and they claim the device is 100 percent ok without errors. wich i doubt strongly.

I seriously think it is broken - return it and get one that works. Seriously.

2010-03-02, 21:43
I seriously think it is broken - return it and get one that works. Seriously.

If anyone got some advice that i can write to nokia i am going to claim again the support from them. hopefully it will be settled because what i said about that Iphone thing some people think i am serious mean that wich i am not i hate closed things. it was a bit joke. but ok... I hope it can be settled because this really make me crazy this afternoon i had the mood to throw it through the wall, wich doesnt resolve the problem i totally agree. thats why its still on my desk here and i writing on the forum :):p

2010-03-02, 21:48
If you haven't already, start with a full format and a clean flash with the recent firmware. Do not install anything from development or testing repositories. See how the phones behaves. If you still see the problem, then it is hardware and you should get a replacement.

2010-03-02, 21:52
If you haven't already, start with a full format and a clean flash with the recent firmware. Do not install anything from development or testing repositories. See how the phones behaves. If you still see the problem, then it is hardware and you should get a replacement.

I did this. and right after a full reflash. so both partitions. the NAND and the flash partition i got the message device full. please clear up and try again. on a virgin clean device :(..... so no software even added on this point

i cant install applications then. the phone log isnt updated anymore and i cant sent sms. a reboot and everything works fine again. till the problems come back in few hours then i can start rebooting again. it is really really annoying.

2010-03-02, 21:55
Sorry mate but you have got a faulty device. I've my device for 3 months and I've never had a single reboot since then. I send/receive 50/60 SMS's per day and I install and uninstall applications without needing to reboot.

wow! 3 months of use with no issues (i believe in software), lucky one,

@hoppa123 - i agree, you really have a faulty one, show nokia whats the problem or give 'em a demo of what you are experiencing, even though it'll make you use or operate your n900 in front of them, until your issues occur

2010-03-02, 21:56
wow! 3 months of use with no issues, lucky one,

@hoppa123 - i agree, you really have a faulty one, show nokia whats the problem or give 'em a demo of what you are experiencing, even though it'll make you use or operate your n900 in front of them, until your issues occur

The most funny thing was. that i went to nokia care center near to my city. i showed it them that even the phone got refresh problems in the screen and it hangs. i had to close the phone and start it again. they see that the phone got problems!!! and what they said..... This N900 is an experimental phone its a firmware issue wich they cant resolve. i just have to wait for new version. can you imagine how angry i was at that point....

2010-03-02, 21:57
Sounds like a few problems;

Forum search will help with the "no memory" problem ... ie nothing left on the root. Which in turn helps with installing apps, updating etc.

Unstable may be due to limit file space on the root for various temporary settings to be stored. Seen a few mentions of flashing not "cleaning" out old file structures. You may need to ssh into the phone and remove /var/apt contents and some other files. /usr/share/themes for example hogs a lot of root space. Just leave the default on there. Mplayer eats up space on the root too.

In sum ... forum search is your friend and patients can make a good product great. Btw its not a phone, internet tablet that can make phone calls, treat it more like a computer and it will seem more usable.

Used my phone for months now without a single issue not caused by my own fiddling. I love the phone, but then I have had practice on a Zaurus SL-C1000 and i-Mate JasJar.

2010-03-02, 22:02
Sounds like a few problems;

Forum search will help with the "no memory" problem ... ie nothing left on the root. Which in turn helps with installing apps, updating etc.

Unstable may be due to limit file space on the root for various temporary settings to be stored.

In sum ... forum search is your friend and patients can make a good product great. Btw its not a phone, internet tablet that can make phone calls, treat it more like a computer and it will seem more usable.
i appreciate the respond you give me. but i recommend you to read my problems a bit more carefully. since i have an empty device wich has been reflashed so there is 100 percent sure free space to recieve at least one sms or one call log. it doesnt even does that.

i have a df -h for you here so you can see my phone isnt out of memory.

Nokia-N900-51-1:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 227.6M 148.0M 75.5M 66% /
ubi0:rootfs 227.6M 148.0M 75.5M 66% /
tmpfs 1.0M 80.0k 944.0k 8% /tmp
tmpfs 256.0k 84.0k 172.0k 33% /var/run
none 10.0M 80.0k 9.9M 1% /dev
tmpfs 64.0M 4.0k 64.0M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/mmcblk0p2 2.0G 23.8M 1.8G 1% /home
/dev/mmcblk0p1 27.0G 227.4M 26.8G 1% /home/user/MyDocs
/dev/mmcblk1p1 7.6G 6.1G 1.4G 81% /media/mmc1

at the same moment i took the df -h command the phone claims its out of memory. at least the hildon application claims that.

2010-03-02, 22:04
The most funny thing was. that i went to nokia care center near to my city. i showed it them that even the phone got refresh problems in the screen and it hangs. i had to close the phone and start it again. they see that the phone got problems!!! and what they said..... This N900 is an experimental phone its a firmware issue wich they cant resolve. i just have to wait for new version. can you imagine how angry i was at that point....

what? cannot resolve?? they even NOT tell you that they can send it to another nokia centers for repairs???

usually when a nokia center has no option on fixing a device, they send it to another nokia center with much ability to fix or repairs

2010-03-02, 22:06
This N900 is an experimental phone its a firmware issue wich they cant resolve. i just have to wait for new version.

What a load of crap! Like they would EXPECT it to work like that.
They must know that this is an isolated case, and that there ARE phones that DO work. It's no excuse to deny a replacement.

2010-03-02, 22:07
Yeah I eluded to the fresh flash not taking. I will look for the posts but I am sure I have read a few where a reflash was done, BUT the old files either remained on the device or free space was miss reported after flash. Will look around :)

Its a great device and not nearly as beta as people think, more than willing to help .

2010-03-02, 22:08
I think the replacement problem is that they view it as somehow the end users mistake due to the very open nature of the device.

Perhaps have them reflash the device and see for themselves? No idea if they would even do that though.

2010-03-02, 22:09
Yeah I eluded to the fresh flash not taking. I will look for the posts but I am sure I have read a few where a reflash was done, BUT the old files either remained on the device or free space was miss reported after flash. Will look around :)

Its a great device and not nearly as beta as people think, more than willing to help .

I love the device!!! i wish only that i had better support from nokia on the hardware side of the phone.... the software support is 100 percent o.k as always with opensource systems. try to get Microsoft on the phone or forum when you got a problem. no way. opensource. yes always have someone to help you out!

2010-03-02, 22:15
I think the replacement problem is that they view it as somehow the end users mistake due to the very open nature of the device.
So why are they hiding behind the "firmware issue" explanation?
I think the persons he's dealing with are either plain incompetent, or playing their own agenda, whatever it might be.

2010-03-02, 22:35
lol go for Android if you think N900 is the worst phone you've ever had. Android is also OpenSource too.
By far you're the only person who had this problem. So I don't know how to help. But reflashing firmware might solve some problems.

2010-03-02, 22:36
I had almost same problem reflash your device and your eMMC http://wiki.maemo.org/Flasher
It worked for me.

2010-03-02, 22:42
i appreciate the respond you give me. but i recommend you to read my problems a bit more carefully. since i have an empty device wich has been reflashed so there is 100 percent sure free space to recieve at least one sms or one call log. it doesnt even does that.

i have a df -h for you here so you can see my phone isnt out of memory.

Nokia-N900-51-1:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 227.6M 148.0M 75.5M 66% /
ubi0:rootfs 227.6M 148.0M 75.5M 66% /
tmpfs 1.0M 80.0k 944.0k 8% /tmp
tmpfs 256.0k 84.0k 172.0k 33% /var/run
none 10.0M 80.0k 9.9M 1% /dev
tmpfs 64.0M 4.0k 64.0M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/mmcblk0p2 2.0G 23.8M 1.8G 1% /home
/dev/mmcblk0p1 27.0G 227.4M 26.8G 1% /home/user/MyDocs
/dev/mmcblk1p1 7.6G 6.1G 1.4G 81% /media/mmc1

at the same moment i took the df -h command the phone claims its out of memory. at least the hildon application claims that.

I dont; get any such errors and my rootfs is running at 94%. Maybe you have a permissions problem? Have you anything that's trying to unsucessfully write to the SD card (try booting and running without it).

On another tack, df only shows disk (storage) not program execution memory. Maybe you have a bad RAM chip, or perhaps swap isn't enabled properly? Have you checked freemem resources with top or Conky?

2010-03-02, 22:47
just reflash with the vanilla firmware, then flash with the updated. also dont install things using terminal. after you flash, uninstall all of the extra stuff they put in you dont need so the only thing that should be left is the maemo listing. if problem persists do not use extras-devel.

i did that and no longer have memory problems.

edit: i read this whole thread and noticed you kept saying full reflash but never mentioned flashing with the vanilla firmware and then the current updated firmware. from the info you provided it still looks like you still have a lot of stuff on your n900 after reflash which tells me you didnt use the vanilla firmware.

2010-03-02, 22:53
hoppa123: You'll probably get more useful help if you change the title again from "N900 worst phone I ever had!" to something that doesn't scream "TROLL THREAD".

How about, "Serious problems with freshly flashed N900"?

2010-03-02, 22:57
I agree with qole on that point, I thought at first it was a troll post too. Legit help comes easier when people know what your intent is :)

2010-03-03, 07:28
hoppa123.. Please, sell the N900 and get the iPhone.. (No sarcasm intended)..

i also agree with this. dont need ppl with that kind of attitude putting down the n900

2010-03-03, 07:34
My original N900 was also the worst phone I had ever owned (DOA Microphone)

Now it's the best phone I have ever owned :) OP send it back!

2010-03-03, 07:56
yesterday before i went to sleep i thought let me try ckfs.vfat -wa and what did i see. My flash 32 gb doesnt pass the block test. it stops at 16386 and wont continue. This looks to me a very good proof to nokia that the phone does have troubles...

it came too with the bootsector differs from the one in the backup.

and after all i got an input output error when i have troubles. after reboot the flash 32 gb is online again. but still didnt pass byond block 16386.

2010-03-03, 08:31
yesterday before i went to sleep i thought let me try ckfs.vfat -wa and what did i see. My flash 32 gb doesnt pass the block test. it stops at 16386 and wont continue. This looks to me a very good proof to nokia that the phone does have troubles...

it came too with the bootsector differs from the one in the backup.

and after all i got an input output error when i have troubles. after reboot the flash 32 gb is online again. but still didnt pass byond block 16386.

I was just going to suggest memory chip failure but you beat me to it.

2010-03-03, 09:03
lol go for Android if you think N900 is the worst phone you've ever had. Android is also OpenSource too.
By far you're the only person who had this problem. So I don't know how to help. But reflashing firmware might solve some problems.

You could try reading the thread. Sure he's picked a pretty poor title for it but a quick browse of the current posts will show that he really does like the phone, that he's already tried reflashing the firmware (as he says on page 1) and it looks like a faulty handset.

If you think he's a troll don't feed him. If you want to help read the thread.

2010-03-03, 09:15
i also agree with this. dont need ppl with that kind of attitude putting down the n900

We also don't need blind apologists jumping into threads which they plainly haven't read or understood. Quite clearly there is a fault with the OP's N900, and because of that, HIS N900 is the worst phone he has ever had. Worse still Nokia have provided the worst after sales support he could ever have had too. Thankfully he has persevered and hopefully he's now got the evidence to kick Nokia up the a** and get that fixed. Many lesser souls would have abandoned it and understandably been left with the incorrect impression that the N900 was a pile of sh*t.

2010-03-03, 09:20
yesterday before i went to sleep i thought let me try ckfs.vfat -wa and what did i see. My flash 32 gb doesnt pass the block test. it stops at 16386 and wont continue. This looks to me a very good proof to nokia that the phone does have troubles...

it came too with the bootsector differs from the one in the backup.

and after all i got an input output error when i have troubles. after reboot the flash 32 gb is online again. but still didnt pass byond block 16386.

I had a similar experience when i had my n95 when i dropped it off 5 times to a Nokia center till i spoke to the manager and proved to him in simple terms how there is in fact a problem. we had a lot of arguments and boy they had red faces. I understand how you can have bad feelings towards nokia/n900 as i did with my n95, but when i had to get rid of my n95 i will never forget the experience i had with it. loved the good and bad :D

just tell them this. keep it simple as the guys at Nokia Centers dont think outside the box usually. cooks not chefs

1: Ask to speak to the manager
2:show him what you just said with the ckfs.vfat -wa scan
3:show him Conky as evidence there is infact space on the internal drive and rootfs, and show him the memory through settings panel.
4: show him you have re-flashed the device, to prove it show that your n900 was impossible shipped with V3 firmware since it wasn't out yet and its a month old lol.
5:Then try to install an applications and when it fails how can he deny there is a problem???
6: call Nokia support, nokia the center and tell them what happened with the screwing around at the Nokia centre and im 100% they will give you 3 months extra warranty (Trick for everyone, they give it out with any complain :) keep that on the down low)

good luck. I did a simliar then and it worked flawlessly. :D

2010-03-03, 09:54
I did this. and right after a full reflash. so both partitions. the NAND and the flash partition i got the message device full. please clear up and try again. on a virgin clean device :(..... so no software even added on this point

If you have done these things are are still getting device full errors you have a faulty phone. It should have been exchanged for you the first time with no argument.

As a backup, take a printout of this thread with you. Explain that the community here knows a huge amount about the N900, and that Nokia developers of the *firmware* and *applications* are frequent contributors. And that if this community says the phone is broken, it is -- and the reason this thread was this long is that the community hates to give up until such is proven.

2010-03-03, 10:03
If you have done these things are are still getting device full errors you have a faulty phone. It should have been exchanged for you the first time with no argument.

As a backup, take a printout of this thread with you. Explain that the community here knows a huge amount about the N900, and that Nokia developers of the *firmware* and *applications* are frequent contributors. And that if this community says the phone is broken, it is -- and the reason this thread was this long is that the community hates to give up until such is proven.

This is a good advice. I will do this. i have called nokia support. and the technical department will call me back about this issue.

I also will try now to run mkfs.vfat to see if this gives me any fault. any fault i will print out and bring it to them.

and the reason this thread was this long is that the community hates to give up until such is proven.

ofcourse i will keep you people posted about the progress in this case.

2010-03-03, 10:15
Wow. I am impressed about the amount of work and support people gave on this issue.

Now as an outsider trying to get into the world of N900 and to find information and learn more I am just wondering is there a place in the community wiki where these kind of instructions for debugging and information gathering could be placed for future reference a'la knowledge base?

Trying to just browse through talk is hard job for anyone :-D

2010-03-03, 10:16
do what i told you first. then show the thread last to back everything up.

2010-03-03, 11:30
i dismounted the vfat partition. runned mkfs.vfat on the partition.

i also put the flag to check for bad blocks before creating the filesystem. no errors were found and the filesystem was created. when i run ckfs.vfat i found out that half the clusters are shown in the test. then i rebooted the phone i run df -h and sees that still the 32 gb s are aviable. strange....

2010-03-03, 14:51
My flash 32 gb doesnt pass the block test. it stops at 16386 and wont continue.

i know you already tried mkfs.vfat, but i just wanted to know - how long did you wait?

fsck can take quite some time to complete...
happened to me once, i forgot to unmount the N900 before disconnecting after copying ~15GB, and most of that space was lost. fsck took ages (an hour or more) to complete, but it did, and it recovered every "lost" sector.

2010-03-03, 15:14
"worst" represents the most extreme case of something.

Therefore "most" is not required to be placed before it.

I weep for the public education system.

You know some poeple have reading and writing difficulties which have nothing to do with there education. I would realy appriciate it i you would keep your "un-educated" thoughts to your self.

I mean you wouldnt call a guy in a wheel chair a cripple would you?

2010-03-03, 15:18
You know some poeple have reading and writing difficulties which have nothing to do with there education. I would realy appriciate it i you would keep your "un-educated" thoughts to your self.

I mean you wouldnt call a guy in a wheel chair a cripple would you?

well after reading his current posts. hoppa123 sounds really smart. probably just frustrated. wouldn't you be?? i know i would. im learning a few things from this thread.

2010-03-03, 16:01
well after reading his current posts. hoppa123 sounds really smart. probably just frustrated. wouldn't you be?? i know i would. im learning a few things from this thread.

I won't ever consider someone who starts a thread like this anything else than a tr0ll.

There are less disruptive ways of asking and getting help than starting a thread with a title like this.

2010-03-03, 16:08
"worst" represents the most extreme case of something.

Therefore "most" is not required to be placed before it.

I weep for the public education system.

LOL! LaughingStok has made you the laughing stock of the forum! Seriously speaking, I think most of the forum members will agree that the N900 isn't really too end user friendly. Perhaps you should consider selling that N900 to someone else, and buy an iPhone. Sooner or later Nokia will release a noob friendly device based on the efforts of the N900 community and developers that you can operate.

2010-03-03, 16:48
if another one claims this issue positive, or is experiencing this same issue, the n900 will like be one of most devices that has several faults.

2010-03-03, 18:22
Hoppa, I really, really hope that nokia replace your n900. It certainly sounds like you got a 'Friday afternoon model'.

This thread illustrates the bext and worst aspects of this community - from people reading the title and jumping straight to "buy an iphone" (when frankly, your ability to diagnose and problem solve waay outstrips mine!) to people criticising your grammar (I can only excuse them saying they failed to take on board the possibility that English is not your first language) and finally to the helpful people refusing to let go of a problem until it is sorted.

Now if we could just cut to the useful ones without all the rest...

Good luck with Nokia Care. :)

2010-03-03, 19:04
Dear Hoppa123,

I read the thread and I know that it has been recommended more than once, but you didn't give an exact answer.

Did you try to reflash the eMMC as well?
It is well described here. (http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware#Flashing_the_eMMC_in_ the_N900)
After flashing the eMMC, flash your N900 with the latest firmware. Perhaps this will solve your problem. If not, you should really call Nokia and have the device replaced.

2010-03-03, 19:50
Hoppa, I really, really hope that nokia replace your n900. It certainly sounds like you got a 'Friday afternoon model'.

This thread illustrates the bext and worst aspects of this community - from people reading the title and jumping straight to "buy an iphone" (when frankly, your ability to diagnose and problem solve waay outstrips mine!) to people criticising your grammar (I can only excuse them saying they failed to take on board the possibility that English is not your first language) and finally to the helpful people refusing to let go of a problem until it is sorted.

Now if we could just cut to the useful ones without all the rest...

Good luck with Nokia Care. :)

Well, it's not our fault when we see the title and the OP written like that, it's the OP's fault when they say something like "I hate this phone, and I am going to go buy an iPhone".. But if he/she says that "they're having a problem, please help", then the responses would be totally different.

2010-03-04, 12:56
Finally. Justice at nokia care centre they tried to reflash the phone once again. and now it died in their hands. Memory controller error they said. They sent it back to nokia and i hope they have a solution for me

2010-03-04, 13:01
BEST!!!!! LITERALLY THE BEST!!! device i have ever had!!!

2010-03-04, 13:04
Finally. Justice at nokia care centre they tried to reflash the phone once again. and now it died in their hands. Memory controller error they said. They sent it back to nokia and i hope they have a solution for me

thanks for updating, i can use your posts against them if i encounter this issue, but i hope and pray not.

2010-03-17, 12:42
And after 1 week waiting. again i got the phone back. it seems work fine. but after one day full use. i got all my errors again, no access to flash. popup messages that the device is full. nokia claims the device is ok. and they just reflash it.

it become really really annoying. they just dont want to take the time to look at the problem.

Here in holland we got one company we call consumenten bond i will put this issue with them. because i got out of options....

2010-03-17, 13:33
n900 sucks so much, maemo has no support from nokia. only third party developers with crappy codeline draining battery like crzy. what do you expect when they rely on end users testing the apps, open source never work

2010-03-17, 13:51
n900 sucks so much
Not true.

maemo has no support from nokia
Not true.

only third party developers with crappy codeline draining battery like crzy.
Not true. The N900's problem is the lack of professional third party developers.

what do you expect when they rely on end users testing the apps, open source never work
It can work, but I think in the instance of the N900 it is not working very well, and should certainly not be the only method of application development.

Regardless, the benefits/drawbacks of OSS is not best discussed on this forum.

2010-03-17, 13:55
Quote "N900 worst phone i ever had !"

Just blame yourself. Sucks to be you. lol.

I love mine N900...Super!!!

Paul Lahner
2010-03-17, 14:08
NThe N900's problem is the lack of professional third party developers.

That applies to everything that is Linux. It applies to HW manufacturers, to suppliers of the various Linux distributions and to suppliers of applications.

If you have a problem it's only the community of Linux users and all the online forums.


2010-03-17, 14:14
That applies to everything that is Linux. It applies to HW manufacturers, to suppliers of the various Linux distributions and to suppliers of applications.

to all the clueless people here:
shut up.

you have no idea, really. linux is everywhere. 60% of all the commercial websites you visit run linux. it is widespread in enterprises on servers for various applications (and then some...)
all of them (including the kernel itself) are developed and supported by commercial developers.

Paul Lahner
2010-03-17, 14:26
Hi Clueless,

>>>linux is everywhere. 60% of all the commercial websites you >>>visit run linux.

You are referring to Linux on servers, such as RHEL or SLES, which do receive professional support from IBM, Novell, Red Hat and so on. No problem there.

I am referring to Linux on the desktop. I have been using SuSE Linux for over 10 years (since 9.3) and, whenever I upgrade to a new release I spend weeks of fixing, tweaking and so on.

All the Best and servus.


2010-03-17, 14:31
I am referring to Linux on the desktop.

better make that clearer next time. i hate generalizations such as your previous statement.

and for the record, i use debain for a few years now, and i don't have to fix everything after an upgrade.

2010-03-17, 14:33
Quote "N900 worst phone i ever had !"

Just blame yourself. Sucks to be you. lol.

I love mine N900...Super!!!

i second that

2010-03-17, 14:47
Yep.. Debian Rocks! Have been using Ubuntu a couple of years. Very little problems. Probably cause of the hugh user base that finds bugs and solves them.

2010-03-17, 15:24
Don't stray off topic... If there is one here anyhow...

Seriously now man... I don't know how you can't get them to make a replacement... DEMAND so!!! You have every right... And it isn't NOKIA's fault that there are in existance crappy local care centers... Push them for a replacement... And just say the magic phrase "or else..."!

2010-03-17, 15:47
nokia claims the device is ok. and they just reflash it.

If that's the case, then they should have no issue retaining it for use in their internal training programs and sending you a brand new device.

Here in holland we got one company we call consumenten bond i will put this issue with them. because i got out of options....

Do so. This is clearly a defective device, and Nokia should replace it. You've done far more tests than Nokia is evidently doing, and the tests show it is defective.

2010-03-17, 15:51
This thread title alone is already cause for provocation. Let's not let the subject matter erupt into another flame war. Thanks.

2010-03-17, 15:54
Hi Clueless,

>>>linux is everywhere. 60% of all the commercial websites you >>>visit run linux.

You are referring to Linux on servers, such as RHEL or SLES, which do receive professional support from IBM, Novell, Red Hat and so on. No problem there.

I am referring to Linux on the desktop. I have been using SuSE Linux for over 10 years (since 9.3) and, whenever I upgrade to a new release I spend weeks of fixing, tweaking and so on.

All the Best and servus.


A lot of websites are also based upon Debian. They don't get support from these organizations, but the beauty of Open Source and its community is that you get support easily and if you feel inclined, provide support and improve the software yourself!

The point is, Open Source works. Why else would Sun open source Solaris? Why would IBM, Novell, Oracle, Nokia, Apple and Google sponsor so many projects?

2010-03-17, 15:57
Not true. The N900's problem is the lack of professional third party developers.

Boulderdash. The only reason that there is a lack of professional developers is because of Nokia's mis-management of the platform (no paid apps, no formal roadmap).

As a consumer I would be perfectly happy with my N900 if it had proper navigation (Ovi 3 or Sygic), an Exchange mail client that didn't take nearly a minute to open the Inbox, and a battery that lasted more than half a day. That would at least bring the day-to-day functions up to that of a mid-range smartphone.

The reasons why it hasn't (and is increasingly unlikely to have) is purely down to Nokia.

3rd party developers aren't the issue - the fiasco with Sygic is a perfect example of that.

2010-03-17, 16:03
Boulderdash. The only reason that there is a lack of professional developers is because of Nokia's mis-management of the platform (no paid apps, no formal roadmap).

Well I'd say that we're in total agreement on this fact and I'll add that I agree with your reasoning behind it [mismanagement of platform]... so - no boulderdash to be had here.

2010-03-17, 16:45
Well I'd say that we're in total agreement on this fact and I'll add that I agree with your reasoning behind it [mismanagement of platform]... so - no boulderdash to be had here.

In that case, have a beer (B)

I would note though, that hoppa123 has every right to be angry at Nokia's lack of support, and justifiably more so with each failed repair, no matter what the ever-faithful Nokia lapdogs in this forum might say.

2010-03-17, 16:49
Correct title.....N900, best phone I ever had!........don`t know what other people are smoking!

2010-03-17, 18:35
This thread title alone is already cause for provocation. Let's not let the subject matter erupt into another flame war. Thanks.

As far as I can see it's a genuine complaint about a faulty phone that Nokia will not fix or replace - a situation I believe you know all too well at first hand.

Perhaps, with all your dealings with Nokia over the USB port issue and other 'duties', you could advise the OP on the best strategy to get this resolved?

2010-03-17, 19:23
NThe N900's problem is the lack of professional third party developers.

That applies to everything that is Linux. It applies to HW manufacturers, to suppliers of the various Linux distributions and to suppliers of applications.

If you have a problem it's only the community of Linux users and all the online forums.


I work 5 years in two companies which manufacture HW devices and software on Linux platform. It is not free, BTW.

2010-03-17, 19:28
Hi Clueless,

>>>linux is everywhere. 60% of all the commercial websites you >>>visit run linux.

You are referring to Linux on servers, such as RHEL or SLES, which do receive professional support from IBM, Novell, Red Hat and so on.

... routers, NAS devices etc...

No problem there.


I am referring to Linux on the desktop. I have been using SuSE Linux for over 10 years (since 9.3) and, whenever I upgrade to a new release I spend weeks of fixing, tweaking and so on.

I have much more better experience with SuSE and it's upgrades and actually, I prefer it is a desktop. At least I spent a significantly much less time in compare with Windows upgrades.

2010-03-17, 19:31
As far as I can see it's a genuine complaint about a faulty phone that Nokia will not fix or replace - a situation I believe you know all too well at first hand.

Perhaps, with all your dealings with Nokia over the USB port issue and other 'duties', you could advise the OP on the best strategy to get this resolved?

I was referring to namecalling... like "Nokia lapdogs". That's flamebaiting and not productive dialog. It isn't just you, either, which is why my post was generic.

I'll look into the other poster's issue and see if I have any recommendations. But note that what helped most in the USB issue was calm but firm persistence.

2010-03-17, 19:33
As far as I can see it's a genuine complaint about a faulty phone that Nokia will not fix or replace - a situation I believe you know all too well at first hand.

Perhaps, with all your dealings with Nokia over the USB port issue and other 'duties', you could advise the OP on the best strategy to get this resolved?

Advice: Be careful with electronics sockets, especially with micro-sockets.

Just generic advice based on my own expertise. I suffered a couple of times the socket connection problem starting from my first notebook and even some phones too. I don't expect Nokia to be exceptional here.

2010-03-17, 21:16
This thread seems to have lost the original plot entirely.

Hoppa123 started the thread reporting an n900 that is not behaving correctly. There is no real suggestion that the problems with the n900 in question are common to all n900s.

It is hard to fathom how a phone can behave this way. The hardware seems OK and the software has all been replaced. The symptoms sound like software- yet if it was software we would all see similar results.

Many people are taking this thread as criticism of the n900 when it is functioning as almost all other n900s function. I think hoppa123 should again edit his original focus to avoid distracting comments on the merits of the n900 in general as opposed to the specific issues he is experiencing. It is clear many readers are very quick to defend the n900 in general and don't read sufficiently to get past that point. There IS software available for the n900 that has bugs- the freedom get hold of untested software if choose is part of the freedom of the n900, and it does come with consequences.
I think it needs to be clear to all that this is not a complaint about what happens when you choose untested software or about the n900 in general- it is about a unit that appears faulty. I suspect even Nokia service are not getting that point clearly enough.
wish that is unte

With the log of errors this particular n900 has had, it seems crazy that Nokia do not replace it. I would be trying to elevate the issue with nokia support.

2010-03-17, 21:39
ya ya ya we thought maemo thing is the new os that nokia comes up with to compete with iphone and android thats why it draw buyers, now they are abandoning 4 months old os that third party developers spend so much time on it? add insult to injury announced that new meego will not support n900, ive been nokia user for my whole life, well this gonna be my last phone, apple treats their customers better when they constantly load up new updates to their old phones.

2010-03-18, 00:07
ya ya ya we thought maemo thing is the new os that nokia comes up with to compete with iphone and android thats why it draw buyers, now they are abandoning 4 months old os

Not true.

that third party developers spend so much time on it? add insult to injury announced that new meego will not support n900,

Again - not true.

ive been nokia user for my whole life, well this gonna be my last phone, apple treats their customers better when they constantly load up new updates to their old phones.

Good luck, sir.

2010-03-18, 06:52
Dear Hoppa123,

I read the thread and I know that it has been recommended more than once, but you didn't give an exact answer.

Did you try to reflash the eMMC as well?
It is well described here. (http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware#Flashing_the_eMMC_in_ the_N900)
After flashing the eMMC, flash your N900 with the latest firmware. Perhaps this will solve your problem. If not, you should really call Nokia and have the device replaced.

Yes i did tons of times. and once in flash routine i got an error the flash wasnt readable. i rebooted the device. did it again. and then it worked. THIS show clearly that there is a problem with the flash. but it isnt occur always. That why nokia refuses to replace the unit. as they dont want to test it for a full day i think.

2010-03-18, 07:11
Hey hoppa. Just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one who got a faulty device. Here is, in short my ordeal:
- Got the N900 mid of December lst year. I was really happy about it altogether, most because of the opensource community supporting it. Thats the way to go.
- When PR 1.1 came out, i installed it over the air --> phone dead (Did not restart)
- Reflashed to the old firmware -> worked again.
- Thought i'm to stupid (even though i have a Ph.D. in computer science ;-), took it to a nokia care point. Took them 2 weeks to have a look at it.
- 2 weeks later: They didnt manage to get the PR 1.1 installed, they reflashed the old one.
- 5 weeks ago: Decided that i can't go without PR 1.1 (new proggies are written for it). Took it to another care point. They said: No problem, we'll flash it, (you're too stupid).
- 4.5 weeks ago: They bricked the device, sent it to nokia. So i have a 600€ device which is not even in my possession since last month, where i have to tremble if it reboots when i install an update, where i have to turn OFF bluetooth, WLAN, desktop widgets, GPS, messengers and everything else thats useful if i don't want to charge the device after 6 hours (about the same battery life as my eeepc).

now you may ask why i don't go for the iPhone? Because if the same amount of ppl had bought the N900 it would be far better now than the iphone.

Still, definitively a bump for thsi thread from me ;-)

2010-03-18, 07:25
I hope you will be helped same as me with my n900. My dad uses the N900 and he is very glad with it. I wish i could say the same. but that is not yet for me.

2010-03-18, 20:50
PR1.2 user manual is leaked - http://nds1.nokia.com/phones/files/guides/Nokia_N900_UG_en.pdf

Page 59 - Internet Video calls.

Any competitors?

2010-03-19, 11:29
I hope you will be helped same as me with my n900. My dad uses the N900 and he is very glad with it. I wish i could say the same. but that is not yet for me.

Why don't you just buy an "!ph0n€" and make haste from this forum?
Obviously you're only around to troll and have brought no other contribution to this community whatsoever.

So take my advice and buzz of http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/30.gif

2010-03-19, 12:24
well if you took at least a few minutes reading my posts carefully than you would have read that it was a *joke* thing of the Iphone. But since you didnt took that time. i recommend you to read it again. I will never use such a closed device as the apple iphone !

2010-03-19, 12:33
PR1.2 user manual is leaked - http://nds1.nokia.com/phones/files/guides/Nokia_N900_UG_en.pdf

Page 59 - Internet Video calls.

Any competitors?

That will be for SIP Calls not for Skype !

2010-03-19, 13:56
Why don't you just buy an "!ph0n€" and make haste from this forum?
Obviously you're only around to troll and have brought no other contribution to this community whatsoever.

So take my advice and buzz of http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/30.gif


You're obviously incapable of reading otherwise you'd accept the OP has a genuine issue that Nokie refuses to fix. Even Texrat recognises that. As for trolling, exactly what does your contribution give other than to put this forum (and by association all Maemo enthusiasts) into a bad light?

Perhaps we should have a new thread "worst Nokia apologist and fanboy".

2010-03-19, 14:06
"even Texrat..." :rolleyes:

Guber99, is that you?

Anyway, again: enough of the flaming. But this thread has about reached its end of life, anyway...

2010-03-19, 18:15
That will be for SIP Calls not for Skype !

Let's see - Skype guys would be not happy, they did video anywhere besides M900.

And I suspect it is just because of commercial politics (providers are not happy with Internet video calls and Nokia tried to minimize relationship trouble). Nothing technical does exist to limit it in Skype, moreover, if I call N900 from ground line with Video it does exist right now.

2010-03-26, 04:07
I have alot of issues with my nokia N900. It keeps saying device full while there is on all mounted partitions lots and lots of space aviable. even it comes with this message with a newly installed device. so i reflash the nand and the 32 gb disk

The phone is very instable. i need to reboot it at least 3 times per day sometimes more. otherwise it dont hold the phone log or sms recieve. I cant install applications until a reboot. it keeps reindexing my media files after charging. and i lost all my icons photos songs every week . and i have to research it from the console. very very annying i got this the N900 what i first thought this phone is the best in the world. for now i know its NOT! ...... but first i thought it was a hardware problem cause it started once i had to shutdown the phone once when i was using the camera it hang, but i sent it to nokia and they claim the device is working perfectly.

I browsed the forums and i thought i would find any solution. but for now i think the only solution is to dispose the phone and buy an !ph0n€ :(

I agree with you. It has a long way to go. Unfinished product. Web freezes on and off. At times does not multitask as advertised. lacks features. doesnt support provisioning, email sucks. Apologists will say how its the first computer phone, bla, bla, bla......well those are lame excuses

2010-03-26, 04:12
If you don't like it, just sell it and get away of this forum. Period.
I can't stand that kind of people anymore.
Just sell it, or put it in the garbage (because it's the worst phone ever, and nobody will buy it). But stop whining here. There are many other places to whine. Get out.

2010-03-26, 09:09
Doesnt feedback (in any sense) make a product better??

I think flaming someone approach to criticism simply shows there are far too many fanboys on here that would kiss Nokias backside whatever they launched! The phone isnt complete. In fact its a long way from complete.

Most of the latest kit comes with super smart features, like SAT NAV. Wheres the N900's? It isn't nice in some respects and the UI is crap compared to some. And the phone FFS.... And dont get me started on the email, and several failings with media player and other stuff.

Dont get me wrong folks, the phone is good, but its a long way from amazing. I think posts like this might a take a moment or 2 to extract the issues, but clearly there are a few. Flaming the people who have spent a lot of money on this device and are subsequently disappointed quick frankly shows how small minded some of you are and maybe should consider your responses and be a little more mature in them.

2010-03-26, 23:04
Most of the latest kit comes with super smart features, like SAT NAV. Wheres the N900's?
Flaming the people who have spent a lot of money on this device and are subsequently disappointed

Excuse me, but "a lot of people" read specs before buying, right? And where is SAT NAV in it? Specs clearly say - OVI maps.

Seeing this I consider your post as an attempt ignite flame...
You had some time to return N900 back to seller, right? In USA it is 1 month. Why you didn't do it?

2010-03-26, 23:39

i think i found the solution to your problem..

2010-03-27, 10:34
Excuse me, but "a lot of people" read specs before buying, right? And where is SAT NAV in it? Specs clearly say - OVI maps.

Seeing this I consider your post as an attempt ignite flame...
You had some time to return N900 back to seller, right? In USA it is 1 month. Why you didn't do it?

I didnt buy it personally expecting sat nav but is it unreasonable to expect such a powerful device to have such a features especially when it comes with GPS! I am saying that I understand their frustrations instead of brown nosing Nokia, Mr fanboy.

This isn't an attempt to flame. Its simply an attempt to support people who have spent a lot of money on a device that fairly expect powerful features that have not come to fruition yet and seem not to be coming.

I mean, look at the media player. Its crap! Look at the phone. Its crap. I wanted this device because it promised so much more than its yet delivered. interested to see what the next update brings.

I wonder whether Nokia can really make a super smart phone. Or just something that almost hits the mark.

Chill out dude.

2010-03-27, 10:50
well the OP reckons the N900 is the worst phone he's ever had, and subsequently a lot of people have voiced frustration with the phone, i'm either very lucky or my limited knowledge of smartphones means that i don't see the problems everyone else has. I've found the phone to be stable, useable, internet is fantastic, and people are developing new things all the time, so all in all, i'm a happy bunny, just remember, for every bad N900 out there, there are probably a 100 good ones, having said that i do know that first impressions last, hence i refused a blackberry storm 2, if you really want the worst phone ever, get the original blackberry storm, then you'll really know what frustration is.