View Full Version : Find out which libraries + versions are installed (app development)

2015-02-17, 08:55

I am thinking about developing an app for Sailfish (for the Jolla phone). I am completely new to this system and could not find appropriate information about this:

1.) Which Qt 5 version runs on the device by default? 5.1?
2.) Is there a list which libraries (for instance ffmpeg) and library versions (for instance 2.4) are shipped with the device by default (Harbour compatible)?
2.1) Is there a mechanism to pull missing libraries automatically during installation of the app rpm (Harbour compatible)?


2015-02-17, 10:43
The first question I can answer, it depends on the SFOS version you are running on your device. If you are on the latest release ( Vaarainjärvi) then it is QT5.2

2015-02-17, 11:37
The mechanism to 'pull' missing libraries during installation is called dependencies.
It is specified in the .spec file when building the rpm, using the %Requires tag.
Note, this will only work when reposiory is enabled by user. It wont work if users simply dowload and install the .rpm file manually.

Packages you will find (not all. only opensourced ones) in the sources: http://images.formeego.org/jolla/sources/