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using on my n800 (4.2008.36-5) kmplayer v 0.8.6-2.

1. files with long file names (30+ character) get passed over in the playlist when using mplayer engine. if i use the osso engine, it plays fine, but i hate it. Usng the keypad to ffwd a bit doesn't work (using osso engine) and sound is very low (pressing the + key raises the volume a bit but not as loud as mplayer). in addition i hate using the osso engine because it doesn't play rm files, most video isn't supported, and general suckiness.

2. using mplayer engine doesn't always go to the next file in the playlist.

3. pressing the menu key when watching video full screen (mplayer)
to adjust the audio sync gives me a green arrow thing at the bottom of the screen... sometimes. I find it useless and inhibits use of the mplayer settings. is there a way to disable that green thing?

4. the playlist won't change even if i edit the playlist.xml file. I have uninstalled kmplayer, and made sure that the playlist file was gone. then i reinstalled kmplayer, and it still shows an old playlist (in the program) NOT the default one! the actual playlist.xml file IS the default one. does it cache the playlist somewhere?

5. is there a way to actually make a playlist in kmplayer? the directions on the website isn't easy to follow and frankly the most awkward way to do things. i currently use osso media player to make playlists but it doesn't recognize certain filetypes (like .rm etc). there is a playlist creator (plcreator) app but after it is launched, it does nothing, as in nothing shows up.

I love kmplayer. it's perfect for me. The playlist "favorites" is great (when it works) because I don't have to use any open dialogs and drill down directories etc or has the flashy/crashy overhead of canola (which i dumped). also kmplayer actually remembers the last directory you were in! and you can slide the open dialog pane border to see files with long file names! why can't the rest of the apps and os do that?

thank you Koos for a fine app.
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Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
using on my n800 (4.2008.36-5) kmplayer v 0.8.6-2.

1...pressing the + key raises the volume a bit but not as loud as mplayer...
Sometimes, sometimes, you held the key down for 5 s or so, vol suddenly increase.

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Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
....2. using mplayer engine doesn't always go to the next file in the playlist.
If the next file in playlist is invalid for whatever reason, dead links, file moved, not the right format, etc, it seeks the next available. If the playlists itema are totally valid, it should go to the next file.


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-10-07 at 14:06.
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nope, all valid and present files. mplayer plays the playlist fine. it's clearly an kmplayer issue.
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Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
in addition i hate using the osso engine because it doesn't play rm files, most video isn't supported,
Odd, from what I remember the real streams were played with a real gstreamer extension. Maybe it got removed in the latest OS versions ..
Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
2. using mplayer engine doesn't always go to the next file in the playlist.
From what I have seen, sometimes mplayer doesn't exits after it has played a link. Maybe I should check the mplayer's output also whether a playback has finished. If you have a link where this always occurs, please post it.
Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
3. pressing the menu key when watching video full screen (mplayer)
to adjust the audio sync gives me a green arrow thing at the bottom of the screen... sometimes. I find it useless and inhibits use of the mplayer settings. is there a way to disable that green thing?
Yes, mplayer doesn't currently work well with the hardware keys when embedded in kmplayer. It's caused by the feature where you can eg. with the up/down keys change the current selected item and then the enter key plays it.
Don't know if we still want to have that, since we have the panel with the arrows.
bunanson what do you think?
Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
4. the playlist won't change even if i edit the playlist.xml file. I have uninstalled kmplayer, and made sure that the playlist file was gone. then i reinstalled kmplayer, and it still shows an old playlist (in the program) NOT the default one! the actual playlist.xml file IS the default one. does it cache the playlist somewhere?
The default playlist is in /usr/share/application/kmplayer and will get de-installed when removing the kmplayer package. Upon first change, the file is copied to /home/user
Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
5. is there a way to actually make a playlist in kmplayer? the directions on the website isn't easy to follow and frankly the most awkward way to do things.
Editing the favorites can be done by either editing the .xml or using the Playlist menu. For the later the files must be copied from eg. the active list or from the Recents list (which means you have to play them at least once.
I agree here is plenty of room for improvements ..

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I updated to v8.7-6 yesterday.

- I noticed while using mplayer engine, 44.1k 64kb/s mono cbr mp3s (audio podcast) won't play, yet they play fine using osso engine. 32kb/s and 96kb/s files work fine using mplayer, but not 64kb/s. very odd.

- using osso engine still has very low volume. I have kmplayer volume up all the way (volume indicator would be a nice addition) and the main volume is up to 90%. hearing alerts and other OS sounds are quite jarring at that volume when I have my headphones on.

- while using mplayer to watch a video, pressing the menu key does nothing. It used to bring up the mplayer controls. Is my kmplayer broken or is that very useful menu been disabled? I use the audio sync quite often, now i can't use it at all. Please bring it back.

- pressing the middle of the dpad pauses video but pressing it again does nothing. pressing either volume keys unpauses. This is a very odd and unintuitive key binding. Pressing left or right forwards or rewinds the play position, but the up and down key does nothing. Wouldn't you think these unused keys could be put to better use by binding them to volume or playlist position while in full screen?

- it would be nice to have some sort of time indicator (elapse/total), as well as a momentary one for volume.

- I still find adding a lot of files to the playlist unintuitive and cumbersome. The osso player app makles it easy but selecting a number of files and saving a list (unless they are .rm files which osso won't recognize). Kmplayer won't allow me to select a number of files in the open dialog. Opening one file at a time or making a playlist in another app is a pain. It would be nice if you can open numerous files at once, or be able to select a folder and have kmplayer play all the files within.

- using mplayer, kmplayer still won't play files with long file names yet, osso will. For example "The Adam Carolla Show - 2006-01-10 (Jim Belushi & Carlos Mencia).mp3" won't play in mplayer but plays fine in osso. But cutting it down to 12 characters works, but I shouldn't have to. "Well, just play it using osso then..." Sure, that would be ok by me BUT, osso plays with such a low volume.
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Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
I updated to v8.7-6 yesterday.
(volume indicator would be a nice addition)
I assume that you have modified your mplayer.conf. That goes a bit too far to parse that file I guess.
IIRC, there is a way to get the system volume as a control. The problem is where to put it. The interface, due to the playlist is already quite full.
Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- while using mplayer to watch a video, pressing the menu key does nothing. It used to bring up the mplayer controls. Is my kmplayer broken or is that very useful menu been disabled?
If you use mplayer with omapfb then the buttons don't work because mplayer isn't attached to a X11 window.
Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- pressing the middle of the dpad pauses video but pressing it again does nothing. pressing either volume keys unpauses. This is a very odd and unintuitive key binding. Pressing left or right forwards or rewinds the play position, but the up and down key does nothing. Wouldn't you think these unused keys could be put to better use by binding them to volume or playlist position while in full screen?
Hmm, the enter key should indeed pause and unpause, I check that out.
The up/down keys does position the playlist in fullscreen. Only for mplayer w/o omapfb this is disabled because of mplayer's own hardware keys.
Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- it would be nice to have some sort of time indicator (elapse/total), as well as a momentary one for volume.
There is a position slider. It works as long as the stream has a length set and updates its position.
Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- I still find adding a lot of files to the playlist unintuitive and cumbersome. The osso player app makles it easy but selecting a number of files and saving a list (unless they are .rm files which osso won't recognize). Kmplayer won't allow me to select a number of files in the open dialog. Opening one file at a time or making a playlist in another app is a pain. It would be nice if you can open numerous files at once, or be able to select a folder and have kmplayer play all the files within.
Good point!
Originally Posted by gigabites View Post
- using mplayer, kmplayer still won't play files with long file names yet, osso will. For example "The Adam Carolla Show - 2006-01-10 (Jim Belushi & Carlos Mencia).mp3" won't play in mplayer but plays fine in osso. But cutting it down to 12 characters works, but I shouldn't have to. "Well, just play it using osso then..." Sure, that would be ok by me BUT, osso plays with such a low volume.
Maybe it's a bug, I look at it.
I'm a bit afraid to be smart about using a different player in case the first don't work. With osso-media-server something could be done, but mplayer is about reading its command line output and guessing what happens

Anyhow, thanks for your review and useful comments
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Originally Posted by koos View Post
I assume that you have modified your mplayer.conf. That goes a bit too far to parse that file I guess.
um, I'm not sure what a mplayer.conf is nor have I ever edited it. All I want to do is use that mplayer menu again. Some videos need to have the audio sync adjusted and not having that ability makes kmplayer useless for video.

Originally Posted by koos View Post
IIRC, there is a way to get the system volume as a control. The problem is where to put it. The interface, due to the playlist is already quite full.
I don't really want system control as much as I want kmplayer to handle it's own volume. Like I said, osso player has a LOW volume when playing any type of file (btw, why is that?!?), I want to be able to turn up the volume and not effect the system volume. Listening to an mp3 at the loudest system volume (because osso plays so low) then having the mail app alert come in super loud is jarring.

A simple place to put the control is right under the video in the pane that the video plays. There is a LOT of wasted/under utilized space.

Originally Posted by koos View Post
If you use mplayer with omapfb then the buttons don't work because mplayer isn't attached to a X11 window.
nope. with omapfb disabled, the button still does nothing. Infact watching an .avi all the buttons do nothing.

Originally Posted by koos View Post
Hmm, the enter key should indeed pause and unpause, I check that out.
The up/down keys does position the playlist in fullscreen. Only for mplayer w/o omapfb this is disabled because of mplayer's own hardware keys.
nope, again with omapfb enabled or disabled, the buttons pretty much do nothing.

Originally Posted by koos View Post
There is a position slider. It works as long as the stream has a length set and updates its position.
yes. but the slider only tells you at what point you are in the file, NOT how long the file is, how much you have listened to, or how much time you have left. If I was watching a video and didn't know how long it was, it would be nice to see that info onscreen somehow. Also, elapse time or better yet, "time left" would be good so I know if i can watch the entire vid before my train reaches the station.

Thank you for all your effort. KMplayer is still my fave media player because it's not bogged down like others (ie canola) trying to be overly fancy.
Posts: 143 | Thanked: 205 times | Joined on Apr 2008
Thanks again for you input. I just noticed that with mplayer w/o omapfb you may have to click once on the video to get mplayer to listen to the hardware keys.

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