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Forum: General 2011-06-27, 20:22
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

I don't know the future, you could be right, I just don't see the need for appstores on desktops.
Most software is like photoshop - used by professionals and have total control of the market....
Forum: General 2011-06-27, 10:29
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

I don't get your comment about advretising not for me, if you mean that I'm not influenced by it, then that is true. It is however very effective on the average consumer, you can't sell without it....
Forum: General 2011-06-27, 10:04
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

My point is that once phones become as good as desktops they will be used like desktops are - no app stores, no special content for mobiles etc.
About a decade ago I had some phone, moto c350. It...
Forum: General 2011-06-27, 09:47
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Forum: General 2011-06-27, 00:11
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

Thanks, I speak hebrew. Two people are smart enough and know enough hebrew to put it on the N900: matan and MAG. Now where would I be without those two ? what if they hadn't got this phone ? how...
Forum: General 2011-06-26, 23:00
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

I guess my lack of native english is showing, when I say marketing I meant advertising.

As for you question, like I said, if it's good enough, nothing need to be sold around it.
"just a...
Forum: General 2011-06-26, 22:16
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

Not exactly,
There was nothing to market, the N900 is more of a devkit and not suited for the masses.
Texrat said "high return rate", no wonder.
So it was lack of marketing and a complicated...
Forum: General 2011-06-26, 21:23
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Forum: General 2011-06-26, 21:00
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

Was it even marketed at all, in mass media ?
But why would you market it, it is so consumer unfriendly with its geeky way of going about things that you will drive your customers crazy.

The UI...
Forum: General 2011-06-26, 20:21
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

There are many reasons why the N900 didn't sell as well as phone_name[1], ovi support isn't a major one.
Marketing is far more important than specs/support/ecosystem. You're not selling sewage pumps...
Forum: General 2011-06-26, 18:48
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

That is noble thinking but most users do not want to be educated, the only way to make them use FOSS is to push it down their throat. Like building a Shiny one of kind phone that has it all, just...
Forum: General 2011-06-26, 18:21
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

You are very talented I am sure, but you can't strip the ads from google, the search result ARE the ads. Those were sold a cubicle away from me, but I think it's common knowledge by now as google...
Forum: General 2011-06-26, 00:19
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

Well I would rather have a good phone that doesn't need all those apps or can use the so many existing applications out there.
But app stores make money. They also give you something to do when you...
Forum: General 2011-06-25, 23:08
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

So ecosystem for a desktop would be repositories, netflix, media...fine, you need all this, many others do, I'll accept your view on that.

I never used ovi or iphone or anroid or netflix...
Forum: General 2011-06-25, 18:53
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

Well I don't know what a csv file is (comma seperated ? electronic sheet ?) but when you double click it on your desktop your distro should know. And if your phone is as complete as a 100Mb livecd...
Forum: General 2011-06-25, 00:58
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

I know the steps. I have taken some of them :)
- N800,N900

What we are not going to agree on, is what consumer friendly means. You say an ecosystem is required to make that happen. I respectfully...
Forum: General 2011-06-24, 20:34
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

Linux, to me, means the same as a linux desktop only in your phone. That would be the ideal and as close as I can get to that the better. Like I said in a previous post, on my desktop I have puppy...
Forum: General 2011-06-24, 16:26
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

A cooking app would complement a fart app quite nicely. Such beautiful synergy within the ecosystem.
Forum: General 2011-06-24, 15:57
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

Ecosystem is a way to market a lame product as I explained on a previous post.
What ecosystem do you use for your desktop ?
Forum: General 2011-06-24, 15:39
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Forum: General 2011-06-24, 12:44
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

I have two computers with puppy linux 431 on them. Installed about two years ago, from a 100Mb live cd. That 100Mb contains all the apps I'll ever want. I never installed a single package except...
Forum: General 2011-06-24, 12:17
Replies: 107
Views: 19,401
Posted By uppercase
Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

Wow 20000 apps ! can't wait to install all of them !
and congrats to elope for cutting thousands of jobs and giving the money to m$ instead !
Nice save man !
Yeh Nokia sure can pull. Pull trash...
Forum: Off Topic 2011-06-23, 22:03
Replies: 29
Views: 8,928
Posted By uppercase
Re: I hate Elop

The only thing we can do is send swartzeneger back in time to kill him.
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2011-06-23, 20:40
Replies: 138
Views: 48,437
Posted By uppercase
Re: Nokia N9 with WindowsPhone Mango leaked- Full Video

This reminds me of the linux on eeepc in 2007.
When the first eeepc came out it was a one of a kind laptop - small and cheap, and you could only get it with linux on it. I had high hopes for that...
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan 2011-06-23, 00:38
Replies: 25
Views: 9,309
Posted By uppercase
Re: "We want Nokia to keep MeeGo" petition

No one knows why MeeGo was ditched, it makes no sense. This community has nothing to do with it.
The MeeGo team has done better, MeeGo is fine and can sell well with proper marketing. Saying over...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 76

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